Ink Stains games
Based in Europe
Release date:
February 6, 2020
PC / Mac / Linux
Regular Price:
USD | $14.99 |
Stoneshard is challenging turn-based RPG where your tactical skills will be tested in battles with enemies, diseases and injuries alike. In the world of Aldor you’ll go on the adventure across medieval lands where you’ll decide how to approach each battle and situation. With unrestricted character development you’ll be able to wear any equipment, combine skills and invest in chosen stats to create a truly unique experience.
Ink Stains Games was founded in 2015. We successfully Kickstarted and launched our first project, 12 Is Better Than 6, in 2015. We are currently working on Stoneshard.
- Open World: War always takes its toll. Villages ruined, dungeons infested with monsters and old roads deserted. Explore Aldor to know more about the events of the past.
- Economics: Wartime economy is ruthless but full of opportunities - complete contracts, hunt for treasures, trade different goods and travel between the cities to make a coin.
- Character Development: Experiment with your build by combining 200+ skills and more than 400 pieces of equipment without any class restriction and level prerequisites. Stealth, magic or melee - everyone will find something to their liking.
- Enemy Variety: Combat with various factions: unpredictable orcs, disgusting cults, raised dead - every each of them will require a unique approach, while the combinations of enemies will make battles more tense and exciting.
- Tactical Battles: There is no hand holding here. Carefully plan ahead and adapt to your surroundings with your numerous skills.
- Health System: Dieing by enemy’s blade is the least of your worries. Master simple but deep health system: cauterize your bleedings wounds, ease pain with alcohol and drugs, cleanse your blood and heal ailments with all kind of brews.
- Psyche: Different situations will affect your character’s mental state. High morale could turn the tide in your favor even in the most hopeless fights, and downed state of mind will only lead to panic attacks and paranoia.
- Permadeath: If you’re risky start the game in Ironman mode where all your decisions are irreversible and your character can die once and for all.
- New Content: New places in Aldor, including three majestic cities. New enemy factions: mysterious Deep Dwellers and ruthless Hive. Even more activities, equipment, enemies and skills.
- Caravan: Find and employ followers for your caravan - their skills and masteries will definitely help you along the way. Tired? Go back to the camp to listen to the new stories or just rest near the campfire.
- Devotion: Devote yourself to one of the mysterious deities but know that each one of them will demand its own price. Are you ready to strike the deal?
- Campaign: Participate in dramatic events that will decide the fate of the Aldor kingdom. To solve the mystery of the Shards you’ll need to explore dozens of unique and exciting locations, make choices with long reaching consequences and defeat fierce bosses.
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About Ink Stains games
Ink Stains Games is an international indie game developer.
We're a group of like-minded friends who always had a passion for complex and challenging video games, and decite it's up to us to create games of our dreams: 12 is Better Than 6 and Stoneshard.
More information
More information on Ink Stains games, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Stoneshard Credits
Andrey Tsypaev
Game Designer, Narrative Designer
Stanislav Leonov
Creative Director, Lead Artist
Anton Grischenko
Programmer, Software Engineer
Dmitry Stupnikov
Programmer, Software Engineer
Dmitry Tkach
Additional Programmer
Nikita Beliaev
Additional Programmer
Andrey Britikov
Environment Artist
Alexander Stupak
Concept Artist
Michail Barkov
Tech Designer
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks