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|hand_light =
====== <br>
FMB: {{Positive| 10}}<br>Skills Energy Cost: {{Positive| 20}}<br>Spells Energy Cost: {{Positive| 20}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 10}}<br>Pain Change: {{Positive| 0.1}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.01}}<br>Sanity Change: {{Positive| -0.01}}<br>Thirst Change: {{Positive| 0.04}}<br><br>
====== <br>
|hand =
Cooldown Reduction: {{Positive| 7.5}}<br><br>
====== <br>
FMB: {{Positive| 25}}<br>MP Restoration: {{Positive| -30}}<br>Cooldown Reduction: {{Positive| 50}}<br><br>
|hand_deep =
====== <br>
max hp: {{Positive| -0.05 * max hp}}<br><br>
====== <br>
|feet_light =
Stun Resistance: {{Positive| 66}}<br>Damage Received: {{Positive| -99}}<br>Healing Received: {{Positive| 66}}<br><br>
====== <br>
FMB: {{Positive| 15}}<br>MP Restoration: {{Positive| -15}}<br>Cooldown Reduction: {{Positive| 25}}<br><br>
|feet =
====== <br>
Damage Received: {{Positive| 33}}<br>Knockback Chance: {{Positive| 66}}<br><br>
====== <br>
|feet_deep =
====== <br>
FMB: {{Positive| 5}}<br>MP Restoration: {{Positive| -5}}<br>Cooldown Reduction: {{Positive| 10}}<br><br>
|head_light =
====== <br>
====== <br>
|head =
Toxicity Change: {{Positive| 4}}<br><br>
====== <br>
FMB: {{Positive| 35}}<br>Cooldown Reduction: {{Positive| 100}}<br>Skills Energy Cost: {{Positive| 100}}<br>Spells Energy Cost: {{Positive| 100}}<br><br>
|head_deep =
====== <br>
====== <br>
|torso_light =
Thirst Change: {{Positive| 8}}<br>Hunger Change: {{Positive| 8}}<br><br>
====== <br>
Hit Chance: {{Positive| -66}}<br>FMB: {{Positive| 66}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 66}}<br><br>
|torso =
====== <br>
EVS: {{Positive| -50}}<br>PRR: {{Positive| -50}}<br>Block Recovery: {{Positive| -0.5 * Block Recovery}}<br>CRT: {{Positive| -50}}<br>FMB: {{Positive| 50}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 25}}<br><br>
====== <br>
|torso_deep =
CTA: {{Positive| -CTA}}<br>PRR: {{Positive| -PRR}}<br>Psionic Resistance: {{Positive| -50}}<br>Stun Resistance: {{Positive| 200}}<br>Swimming Cost: {{Positive| 50}}<br><br>
====== <br>
Stun Resistance: {{Positive| -25}}<br>FMB: {{Positive| 10}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 10}}<br>Hit Chance: {{Positive| -10}}<br>Swimming Cost: {{Positive| 1}}<br><br>
|Hangover =
====== <br>
Cooldown Reduction; 20;FMB; 10;Skills Energy Cost; 20;Spells Energy Cost; 20;Miscast Chance; 10;Pain Change; 0.1;Morale Change; -0.01;Sanity Change; -0.01;Thirst Change; 0.04;The duration of Hangover depends on ~r~Intoxication~/~
CTA: {{Positive| -100}}<br>EVS: {{Positive| -100}}<br>Pain Resistance: {{Positive| 100}}<br>Psionic Resistance: {{Positive| 100}}<br>Healing Received: {{Positive| -75}}<br><br>
====== <br>
|Seal of Geomancy =
Swimming Cost: {{Positive| 50}}<br><br>
Geomantic Power; 15;Damage Received; -15;PRR; 15;Backfire Damage Change; -5;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.
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|Murk =
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EVS; 66;Armor Piercing; 6 * stage;Bodypart Damage; 9 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 6 * stage;Lifesteal; 9 * stage;Grants a stack of the effect (up to ~w~9~/~) each turn.##Receiving damage, using abilities, or attacking ~r~removes~/~ the effect.
MP Restoration: {{Positive| 50}}<br>EVS: {{Positive| -125}}<br>CTA: {{Positive| -CTA}}<br>PRR: {{Positive| -PRR}}<br>Block Recovery: {{Positive| -100}}<br>Fatigue Gain: {{Positive| 100}}<br>Fatigue Change: {{Positive| -0.025}}<br><br>
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|Exhaustion =
Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 30}}<br>EVS: min-EVS: -25<br>PRR: {{Positive| -50}}<br>Block Recovery: {{Positive| -0.5 * Block Recovery}}<br>CTA: {{Positive| -50}}<br><br>
Miscast Chance; 25;FMB; 25;MP Restoration; -30;Cooldown Reduction; 50;~r~Barely staying awake~/~: each turn has a chance to fall asleep for a short amount of time.#~r~Near Death~/~: if Energy is lower than 10%, the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.
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MP: {{Positive| -0.13 * max mp}}<br>FMB: {{Positive| 13}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 13}}<br>Damage Received: {{Positive| 13}}<br>Magic Power: {{Positive| -13}}<br><br>
|Seal of Electromancy =
====== <br>
Shock Damage: 0.15 * scr get damage of weaponis playertarget: targetElectromantic Power; 15;FMB; -5;Miscast Chance; -5;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.
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|Seal of Sanguimancy =
FMB: {{Positive| 15}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 15}}<br>CTA: {{Positive| -15}}<br>Frost Resistance: {{Positive| -25}}<br>Swimming Cost: {{Positive| 20}}<br><br>
Unholy Damage: 0.15 * scr get damage of weapon0: targetMagic Power; 25;Lifesteal; -10;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.
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|Mountain of Flesh =
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Knockback Resistance; 200;Stun Resistance; 66;Damage Received; -99;Healing Received; 66;~r~Can't use basic attacks or move to other tiles~/~
EVS: {{Positive| -13}}<br><br>
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|Seal of Shackles =
CRT: {{Positive| -10}}<br>CRTD: {{Positive| -25}}<br>FMB: {{Positive| 10}}<br>PRR: {{Positive| -15}}<br><br>
MP Restoration; -50;Skills Energy Cost; 100;Spells Energy Cost; 100;Cooldown Reduction; 100;FMB; 25;Miscast Chance; 25;DMG;  10 + 1.5 * WIL;While under the effect of the Seal, each ability that comes off Cooldown will burn Energy for ~bl~50%~/~ of its Energy Cost and deal the same amount of ~p~Arcane Damage~/~.
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Fortitude: {{Positive| -10}}<br>Damage Received: {{Positive| 10}}<br><br>
|Tiredness =
====== <br>
Miscast Chance; 15;FMB; 15;MP Restoration; -15;Cooldown Reduction; 25;None
Spells Energy Cost: {{Positive| 33}}<br>Cooldown Reduction: {{Positive| 33}}<br>Damage Received: {{Positive| 10}}<br><br>
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|Bestial Rage =
Swimming Cost: {{Positive| 15}}<br><br>
Weapon Damage; 33;Damage Received; 33;Knockback Chance; 66;Has ~r~66%~/~ chance to attack a random adjacent target instead of the intended one.
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|Seal of Reflection =
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Magic Resistance; 35;Nature Resistance; 25;Physical Resistance; 10;Damage Returned; 50;While the target is under the effect of the Seal, all spells aimed at it will be ~w~Redirected~/~ to a random target within ~w~8~/~ tiles (if there is one).
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|Resonance =
Hit Chance: {{Positive| -33}}<br>Magic Power: {{Positive| -66}}<br>FMB: {{Positive| 33}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 33}}<br>Pain Resistance: {{Positive| 75}}<br><br>
Shock Resistance; -20;Knockback Resistance; -7.5;Stun Resistance; -5;Cooldown Reduction; 10;None
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Spells Energy Cost: {{Positive| 20}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.05}}<br><br>
|Weariness =
====== <br>
Miscast Chance; 5;FMB; 5;MP Restoration; -5;Cooldown Reduction; 10;None
FMB: {{Positive| 15}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.15}}<br><br>
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|//Broken Armor// =
DEF; -0.3 * DEF;// Equipped gear wears down faster. //
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Skills Energy Cost: {{Positive| 10}}<br>Spells Energy Cost: {{Positive| 10}}<br>Fatigue Gain: {{Positive| -10}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.01}}<br><br>
|Hunter's Mark =
====== <br>
Bleeding Resistance; -10 * stage;Knockback Resistance; -10 * stage;Stun Resistance; -10 * stage;Consecutive shots against the marked target receive a stacking bonus to Damage and Bleed Chance.
Skills Energy Cost: {{Positive| 20}}<br>Spells Energy Cost: {{Positive| 20}}<br>Fatigue Gain: {{Positive| -20}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.05}}<br><br>
====== <br>
|Poisoning =
Skills Energy Cost: {{Positive| 35}}<br>Spells Energy Cost: {{Positive| 35}}<br>Fatigue Gain: {{Positive| -35}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.2}}<br><br>
Poison Damage Self; dmg;Toxicity Change; 2;None
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Health Restoration: {{Positive| 3}}<br>Healing Received: {{Positive| 10}}<br>EVS: {{Positive| -5}}<br>Fatigue Gain: {{Positive| 10}}<br><br>
|Burning =
====== <br>
Fire Damage Self; dmg;FMB; 35;Cooldown Reduction; 100;Skills Energy Cost; 100;Spells Energy Cost; 100;Skipping a turn ~lg~reduces~/~ the duration of the effect by a few turns (depending on the amount of ~lg~Vitality~/~ and ~lg~Agility~/~).
MP Restoration: {{Positive| -5}}<br>Fatigue Gain: {{Positive| -5}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.01}}<br><br>
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|Acid Bath =
MP Restoration: {{Positive| -10}}<br>Fatigue Gain: {{Positive| -15}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.05}}<br><br>
Caustic Damage Self; dmg;None
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MP Restoration: {{Positive| -20}}<br>Fatigue Gain: {{Positive| -35}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.2}}<br><br>
|Vomiting =
====== <br>
Toxicity Change; -4;Thirst Change; 8;Hunger Change; 8;Vomiting while asleep damages ~r~Health~/~.
Healing Received: {{Positive| -15}}<br>Poison Resistance: {{Positive| -7.5}}<br>Sanity Change: {{Positive| -0.05}}<br><br>
====== <br>
|Blindness =
Healing Received: {{Positive| -30}}<br>Poison Resistance: {{Positive| -15}}<br>Sanity Change: {{Positive| -0.1}}<br><br>
VSN; -VSN;Hit Chance; -66;FMB; 66;Miscast Chance; 66;None
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Healing Received: {{Positive| -50}}<br>Poison Resistance: {{Positive| -30}}<br>Sanity Change: {{Positive| -0.25}}<br><br>
|Stagger =
====== <br>
CTA; -50;EVS; -50;PRR; -50;Block Recovery; -0.5 * Block Recovery;CRT; -50;FMB; 50;Miscast Chance; 50;None
FMB: {{Positive| 5}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 5}}<br>Damage Received: {{Positive| 5}}<br>Sanity Change: {{Positive| -0.025}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.05}}<br><br>
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|Stun =
FMB: {{Positive| 15}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 15}}<br>Damage Received: {{Positive| 15}}<br>Sanity Change: {{Positive| -0.05}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.1}}<br><br>
EVS; -200;CTA; -100;PRR; -100;Psionic Resistance; -50;Stun Resistance; 200;Swimming Cost; 50;Block Recovery; -100;~r~Can't perform any actions~/~
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FMB: {{Positive| 33}}<br>Miscast Chance: {{Positive| 33}}<br>Damage Received: {{Positive| 25}}<br>Sanity Change: {{Positive| -0.1}}<br>Morale Change: {{Positive| -0.2}}<br><br>
|Daze =
====== <br>
Knockback Resistance; -25;Stun Resistance; -25;FMB; 10;Miscast Chance; 10;Hit Chance; -10;Swimming Cost; 1;~r~Can't use abilities~/~
MP Restoration: {{Positive| -2.5}}<br>Cooldown Reduction: {{Positive| 10}}<br>Pure Damage Self: {{Positive| dmg}}<br><br>
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|Coma =
Fortitude: {{Positive| 30}}<br><br>
PRR; -100;CTA; -100;EVS; -100;Pain Resistance; 100;Psionic Resistance; 100;Healing Received; -75;Mental effects immunity.#~r~Can't move~/~.#~r~Near death~/~: the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.
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Unholy Resistance: {{Positive| 10}}<br>Received XP: {{Positive| 10}}<br><br>
|Immobilization =
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EVS: min-EVS: -25Swimming Cost; 50;~r~Can't move~/~
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|Sleep =
Received XP: {{Positive| 10}}<br>Psionic Resistance: {{Positive| -25}}<br><br>
VSN; -VSN;MP Restoration; 50;EVS; -125;CTA; -CTA;PRR; -PRR;Block Recovery; -100;Fatigue Gain; 100;Fatigue Change; -0.025;~r~Can't perform any actions~/~
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Nature Resistance: {{Positive| 40}}<br>Magic Resistance: {{Positive| 15}}<br>Bleeding Resistance: {{Positive| 75}}<br>Knockback Resistance: {{Positive| 35}}<br>Stun Resistance: {{Positive| 15}}<br>Swimming Cost: {{Positive| 50}}<br><br>
|Ensnarement =
====== <br>
FMB; 30;Miscast Chance; 30;EVS; -75;PRR; -50;Block Recovery; -0.5 * Block Recovery;CTA; -50;~r~Can't move to other tiles~/~##Skipping a turn ~lg~reduces~/~ the duration of the effect by a few turns (depending on the amount of ~lg~Strength~/~ and ~lg~Agility~/~).
Block Power: {{Positive| Block PowerMax *  0.5 * STR + 0.5 * Vitality / 100}}<br>Knockback Resistance: {{Positive| 25}}<br>CTA: {{Positive| 35}}<br>EVS: {{Positive| min-EVS}}<br><br>
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|Petrification =
CRT: {{Positive| 5}}<br>CRTD: {{Positive| 20}}<br><br>
Slashing Resistance; 75;Piercing Resistance; 75;Rending Resistance; 75;Blunt Resistance; 50;Nature Resistance; 100;Magic Resistance; 50;Bleeding Resistance; 100;Knockback Resistance; 100;EVS; -125;CTA; -100;PRR; -100;Block Recovery; -100;Block Recovery; -100;Swimming Cost; 50;Cannot receive physical effects.#~r~Can't perform any actions~/~.
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Fortitude: {{Positive| 25}}<br>Health Restoration: {{Positive| 1.5}}<br><br>
|Curse =
====== <br>
max hp; -0.13 * max hp;MP; -0.13 * max mp;FMB; 13;Miscast Chance; 13;Damage Received; 13;Magic Power; -13;None
Hit Chance: {{Positive| 10}}<br>CRT: {{Positive| 5}}<br>Bonus Range: {{Positive| 1}}<br><br>
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|Confusion =
CRT: {{Positive| 10}}<br><br>
EVS; -20;PRR; -20;CTA; -20;FMB; 20;~r~Stumbling~/~: has a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.
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Damage Received: {{Positive| -10}}<br><br>
|Freezing Stiff =
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Hit Chance; -15;FMB; 15;Miscast Chance; 15;CTA; -15;Frost Resistance; -25;Swimming Cost; 20;None
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|Wetness =
Shock Resistance; -10 * stage;Frost Resistance; -7.5 * stage;Fire Resistance; 7.5 * stage;FMB; -2.5 + 2.5 * stage;Miscast Chance; -2.5 + 2.5 * stage;While affected by ~w~3~/~ and ~w~4~/~ stacks of the effect, your metal equipment slowly ~r~degrades~/~.##Each stack of the effect, starting with ~w~2~/~, grants ~r~+10%~/~ Backfire Chance to Electromancy spells.
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Manasteal: {{Positive| 13}}<br>Damage Returned: {{Positive| 13}}<br><br>
|Possession =
====== <br>
Pain Change; 1;// The evil spirit gained control over your body. //
Healing Received: {{Positive| 33}}<br>max hp: {{Positive| 0.33 * max hp}}<br>Damage Received: {{Positive| -33}}<br>Weapon Damage: {{Positive| 33}}<br>Magic Power: {{Positive| 33}}<br><br>
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|Mark of the Feast =
Pain Resistance: {{Positive| 25}}<br><br>
Damage Received; 13;EVS; -13;Attacks against targets under this effect receive ~lg~+50%~/~ Life Drain.
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Healing Received: {{Positive| 33}}<br>Skills Energy Cost: {{Positive| -33}}<br>Spells Energy Cost: {{Positive| -33}}<br><br>
|Drunkenness =
====== <br>
Weapon Damage; 5;CRT; 5;Miracle Chance; 5;Morale Change; 0.01;EVS; -5;Hit Chance; -5;Pain Resistance; 10;Weapon Damage; 10;CRT; 7.5;Miracle Chance; 7.5;EVS; -10;Hit Chance; -10;FMB; 10;Miscast Chance; 10;Pain Resistance; 15;Weapon Damage; 5;EVS; -20;Hit Chance; -20;FMB; 20;Miscast Chance; 20;Pain Resistance; 20;EVS; -33;Hit Chance; -33;FMB; 33;Miscast Chance; 33;Pain Resistance; 33;~w~2~/~, ~w~3~/~, and ~w~4~/~ stacks of the effect: may cause ~r~Confusion~/~, resulting in a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.#~w~3~/~ and ~w~4~/~ stacks: may cause ~r~Vomiting~/~#~w~4~/~ stacks: may cause you to fall ~r~asleep~/~.
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|Weakness =
Weapon Damage; -10;CRT; -10;CRTD; -25;FMB; 10;PRR; -15;None
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|Body Aches =
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max hp; -0.1 * max hp;Fortitude; -10;Damage Received; 10;None
MP Restoration: {{Positive| 25}}<br>Skills Energy Cost: {{Positive| -15}}<br>Spells Energy Cost: {{Positive| -15}}<br><br>
====== <br>
|Gaping Wound =
CRTD: {{Positive| 30}}<br>Armor Piercing: {{Positive| 20}}<br>Pain Resistance: {{Positive| 50}}<br><br>
Skills Energy Cost; 33;Spells Energy Cost; 33;Cooldown Reduction; 33;Damage Received; 10;Using abilities may cause ~r~Bleeding~/~.
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CTA: {{Positive| 15}}<br>EVS: {{Positive| 15}}<br>CRT: {{Positive| 10}}<br><br>
|Suffocating Cloud =
====== <br>
VSN; -0.25 * VSN;VSN; -0.75 * VSN;Hit Chance; -25;Has a chance to cause ~r~Coughing~/~.
Received XP: {{Positive| 25}}<br>FMB: {{Positive| -10}}<br>Fatigue Gain: {{Positive| 50}}<br>Sanity Change: {{Positive| 0.1}}<br>Hunger Resistance: {{Positive| 75}}<br><br>
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|Coughing =
Pain Change: {{Positive| -0.5}}<br>Pain Resistance: {{Positive| 50}}<br>Healing Received: {{Positive| 25}}<br>Pain Limit: {{Positive| -25}}<br><br>
FMB; 25;Miscast Chance; 100;Hit Chance; -25;Swimming Cost; 15;Generates noise.
|Covered in Alcohol =
Fire Resistance; -20;Shock Resistance; -15;FMB; 5;Miscast Chance; 5;None
|Covered in Oil =
Fire Resistance; -35;FMB; 10;FMB; 10;None
|Bad Trip =
Weapon Damage; -33;Hit Chance; -33;Magic Power; -66;FMB; 33;Miscast Chance; 33;Pain Resistance; 75;Can't receive positive mental effects.##Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.
|Al'qud Aftermath =
max mp; -0.25 * max mp;MP Restoration; -25;Skills Energy Cost; 20;Spells Energy Cost; 20;Morale Change; -0.05;Has a chance to cause ~r~Daze~/~ or ~r~Confusion~/~.
|Nikkaf Aftermath =
VSN: min-1: -0.1 * VSNReceived XP; -20;FMB; 15;Morale Change; -0.15;None
|Hornet Honey Aftermath =
FMB; 20;Hit Chance; -20;CTA; -20;EVS; -20;CRT; -15;Morale Change; -0.2;Has a chance to cause ~r~Vomiting~/~.
|Paregoric Aftermath =
Cooldown Reduction; 25;MP Restoration; -10;Skills Energy Cost; 25;Spells Energy Cost; 25;Sanity Change; -0.1;Has a chance to put to ~r~Sleep~/~.
|Bad Trip Aftermath =
Sanity Change; -0.5;Morale Change; -0.5;VSN: min-1: -0.1 * VSNToxicity Resistance; -30;None
|None =
Pain Change; 0.25;Morale Change; -0.05;None
|None =
Pain Change; 0.5;Morale Change; -0.1;None
|None =
Pain Change; 0.75;Morale Change; -0.15;None
|None =
Pain Change; 0.5;Morale Change; -0.05;None
|None =
Pain Change; 0.75;Morale Change; -0.1;None
|Movement may cause ~r~Immobilization~/~. =
Pain Change; 1;Morale Change; -0.15;Movement may cause ~r~Immobilization~/~.
|Minor Head Injury =
Pain Change; 0.5;Sanity Change; -0.05;Morale Change; -0.1;None
|Medium Head Injury =
Pain Change; 1;Sanity Change; -0.1;Morale Change; -0.2;None
|Severe Head Injury =
Pain Change; 1.5;Sanity Change; -0.2;Morale Change; -0.3;~r~Can't cast spells~/~
|Minor Torso Injury =
Pain Change; 0.5;Morale Change; -0.1;None
|Medium Torso Injury =
Pain Change; 1;Morale Change; -0.2;None
|Severe Torso Injury =
Pain Change; 1.5;Morale Change; -0.3;Possible ~r~Bleeding~/~.
|Light Thirst =
Magic Power; -10;Skills Energy Cost; 10;Spells Energy Cost; 10;Fatigue Gain; -10;Morale Change; -0.01;None
|Thirst =
Magic Power; -20;Skills Energy Cost; 20;Spells Energy Cost; 20;Fatigue Gain; -20;Morale Change; -0.05;None
|Terrible Thirst =
Magic Power; -35;Skills Energy Cost; 35;Spells Energy Cost; 35;Fatigue Gain; -35;Morale Change; -0.2;~r~Near death~/~: the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.
|Satiety =
Hunger Resistance; 100;Health Restoration; 3;Healing Received; 10;EVS; -5;Fatigue Gain; 10;While this effect is active, using hunger-reducing consumables will result in ~r~Vomiting~/~.
|Hunger =
Health Restoration; -5;MP Restoration; -5;Fatigue Gain; -5;Morale Change; -0.01;None
|Terrible Hunger =
Health Restoration; -10;MP Restoration; -10;Fatigue Gain; -15;Morale Change; -0.05;None
|Starvation =
Health Restoration; -20;MP Restoration; -20;Fatigue Gain; -35;Morale Change; -0.2;~r~Near death~/~: the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.
|Intoxication =
max hp; -0.05 * max hp;Healing Received; -15;Poison Resistance; -7.5;Sanity Change; -0.05;The rate of passive recovery from Intoxication depends on ~lg~Immunity~/~.
|Severe Intoxication =
max hp; -0.1 * max hp;Healing Received; -30;Poison Resistance; -15;Sanity Change; -0.1;~r~Stumbling~/~: has a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.##The rate of passive recovery from Intoxication depends on ~lg~Immunity~/~.
|Deadly Intoxication =
max hp; -0.25 * max hp;Healing Received; -50;Poison Resistance; -30;Sanity Change; -0.25;~r~Stumbling~/~: has a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.#Possible ~r~Vomiting~/~ or ~r~Coma~/~.##The rate of passive recovery from Intoxication depends on ~lg~Immunity~/~.
|Pain =
Healing Received; -10;FMB; 5;Miscast Chance; 5;Damage Received; 5;Sanity Change; -0.025;Morale Change; -0.05;None
|Strong Pain =
Healing Received; -20;FMB; 15;Miscast Chance; 15;Damage Received; 15;Sanity Change; -0.05;Morale Change; -0.1;None
|Pain Shock =
Healing Received; -35;FMB; 33;Miscast Chance; 33;Damage Received; 25;Sanity Change; -0.1;Morale Change; -0.2;~r~Stumbling~/~: has a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.#~r~Near death~/~: the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.
|Vigor =
Received XP; 5;MP; 0.1 * max mp;MP Restoration; 5;Fatigue Gain; 50;Fatigue Change; -0.01;Health Restoration; 10;Morale Change; 0.01;Sanity Change; 0.01;Pain Change; -0.01;Toxicity Change; -0.01;None
|Troll Regeneration =
Damage Received; -75;Fortitude; 30;None
|Blessing =
Healing Received; 10;Unholy Resistance; 10;Received XP; 10;None
|Lightning Enchantment =
Shock Damage; 0.15 * scr inv paramDMG;None
|Fencer's Stance =
PRR; 5 * stage;CTA; 5 * stage;EVS; 5 * stage;Weapon Damage; 2.5 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic sword attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Defensive Stance =
Damage Received; -7.5 * stage;Block Recovery; 5 +  block recovery * stage;CTA; 10 * stage;Knockback Resistance; 20 * stage;Stun Resistance; 20 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Received attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Massacre =
CRT; 5 * stage;Armor Piercing; 5 * stage;Bodypart Damage; 15 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 7.5 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic axe attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Hammer & Anvil =
FMB; -5 * stage;Daze Chance; 10 * stage;Stagger Chance; 10 * stage;Armor Damage; 25 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic mace attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Painful Stabs =
CRT; 5 * stage;CRTD; 10 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 15 * stage;Bodypart Damage; 10 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic dagger attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Unwavering Stance =
Damage Received; -5 * stage;CTA; 10 * stage;PRR; 7.5 * stage;Block Recovery; 15 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic staff attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Suppression =
Immob Chance; 5 * stage;Cooldown Reduction; -10 * stage;Knockback Chance; 10 * stage;Skills Energy Cost; -10 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 10 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic ranged Attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Parry =
PRR; 25;Block Power; 0.25 * Block PowerMax;CTA; 50;None
|Pikeman Stance =
Weapon Damage; stage * 5;Bleeding Chance; stage * 10;Knockback Chance; stage * 10;Immob Chance; stage * 7.5;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic spear attacks decrease the number of stacks, and remaining on the same tile prolongs the effect's duration by ~w~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Concentration =
Mainhand Efficiency; stage * 5;Offhand Efficiency; stage * 5;Hit Chance; stage * 5;FMB; -stage * 5;Using Weaponry skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).#Using this ability tree's skills reduces the number of stacks by ~r~1~/~.##Killing enemies prolongs the effect's duration by ~w~2~/~ turns.
|Maneuver =
Damage Received; -stage * 5;PRR; stage * 5;CTA; stage * 5;Block Recovery; stage * 15;None
|Feast of Steel =
Hit Chance; 5 * stage;CRT; 3 * stage;CTA; 5 * stage;FMB; -5 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic two-handed sword attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Mighty Swing =
Weapon Damage; 50;Stun Chance; 25;Bodypart Damage; 50;Armor Damage; 50;Stagger Chance; 75;CTA; -200;Empowers other skills of the ability tree, granting them unique properties.
|Striker Stance =
CRT; 5 * stage;Knockback Chance; 15 * stage;Armor Piercing; 10 * stage;Stagger Chance; 15 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic two-handed mace attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Rampage =
Skills Energy Cost; -10 * stage;CRT; 5 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 15 * stage;FMB; -5 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic two-handed axe attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.
|Taking Aim =
Hit Chance;  hc;Weapon Damage;  wd;Knockback Chance;  knockback chance *  enemy count;Immob Chance;  immob chance *  enemy count;Stagger Chance;  stagger chance *  enemy count;Armor Piercing; 10;None
|Seized Initiative =
Hit Chance;  5;FMB;  -5;Cooldown Reduction;  -10;Skills Energy Cost;  -10;None
|Initiative Loss =
Hit Chance; -5;FMB; 5;Cooldown Reduction; 10;Skills Energy Cost; 10;None
|Defensive Tactic =
Damage Received; -4 * stage;PRR; 5 * stage;EVS; 5 * stage;CTA; 5 * stage;Bleeding Resistance; 7 * stage;None
|Offensive Tactic =
CRT; 2 * stage;Hit Chance; 3 * stage;FMB; -3 * stage;Skills Energy Cost; -4 * stage;Cooldown Reduction; -4 * stage;None
|Runic Empowerment =
Skills Energy Cost; -7.5 * stage;Spells Energy Cost; -7.5 * stage;Magic Power; 5 * stage;Geomantic Power; 10 * stage;Damage Received; -7.5 * stage;MP turn;  mp;None
|Receptiveness =
Miscast Chance; -10;Received XP; 10;Psionic Resistance; -25;None
|Stone Armor =
Magic Resistance; 10;Physical Resistance; 15;Nature Resistance; 25;Bleeding Resistance; 20;Knockback Resistance; 20;Stun Resistance; 20;Swimming Cost; 50;None
|Elusiveness =
EVS;  evs * stage;Damage Received;  dmg recieved * stage;Each movement or received attack grants ~w~1~/~ stack of the effect, and each dodge or received fumbled attack decreases the number of stacks by ~w~1~/~.
|Thirst for Battle =
Weapon Damage; 0.5 *  hp;CRT; 0.25 *  hp;CRTD; 0.5 *  hp;Lifesteal; 0.33 *  hp;Manasteal; 0.5 *  hp;The effect's strength is calculated dynamically based on the amount of Health.
|Adrenaline Rush =
Skills Energy Cost; -50;MP Restoration; 50;CRT; 25;Pain Resistance; 50;Damage Received; -30;Reduces all active Cooldowns by ~w~1~/~ each turn.
|Shield Raised =
CTA;  1.5 * AGL;EVS; -200;PRR;  prr;Block Power; Block PowerMax *  10 + 0.5 * STR + 0.5 * Vitality / 100;None
|Battle Rage =
Weapon Damage; 10;CRT; 5;CRTD; 20;None
|Sturdiness =
max hp; 0.2 * max hp;Fortitude; 25;Health Restoration; 1.5;None
|Clear Vision =
VSN; 2;Hit Chance; 10;CRT; 5;Bonus Range; 1;None
|Exceptional Precision =
Hit Chance; 25;CRT; 10;None
|Stone Skin =
Physical Resistance; 20;Damage Received; -10;None
|Rapid Restoration =
Health Restoration; 100;None
|Life Drain =
Lifesteal; 20;None
|Unholy Blessing =
Lifesteal; 13;Manasteal; 13;Damage Returned; 13;None
|Crimson Gift =
Cooldown Reduction; -33;Healing Received; 33;max hp; 0.33 * max hp;Damage Received; -33;Weapon Damage; 33;Magic Power; 33;None
|Blood Oath =
Lifesteal; 33;Healing Received; 33;Skills Energy Cost; -33;Spells Energy Cost; -33;None
|Vampiric Blood =
Lifesteal; 9;Replenishes ~lg~6%~/~ Max Health and ~bl~6%~/~ Max Energy per turn.
|Blood Craze =
Weapon Damage; 10 * stage;CRT; 1 * stage;Each successful attack grants an additional stack of the effect (up to ~w~10~/~) and prolongs its duration by ~w~1~/~ turn.
|Binding Sigil =
Damage Received; -25;Establishes a magical link between the target and the caster.##The caster transfers ~lg~25%~/~ Damage Taken to the bound target.##The target is granted ~lg~-25%~/~ Damage Taken and ~lg~+20%~/~ Energy Drain in favor of the caster.
|Energy Drain =
Manasteal; 20;None
|Al'qud =
max mp; 0.25 * max mp;MP Restoration; 25;Skills Energy Cost; -15;Spells Energy Cost; -15;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.
|Abasa =
Weapon Damage; 20;CRTD; 30;Armor Piercing; 20;Pain Resistance; 50;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.
|Hornet Honey =
Hit Chance; 15;CTA; 15;EVS; 15;CRT; 10;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.
|Nikkaf =
VSN; 0.15 * VSN;Received XP; 25;FMB; -10;Fatigue Gain; 50;Sanity Change; 0.1;Hunger Resistance; 75;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.
|Paregoric =
Morale Change; 0.25;Pain Change; -0.5;Pain Resistance; 50;Healing Received; 25;Pain Limit; -25;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.
|Stardust =
Magic Power; 25;Miscast Chance; -25;Magic Resistance; 15;Bonus Range; 1;Sanity Change; -0.05;None
|Leech Therapy =
Toxicity Change; -0.5;Pain Change; 0.2;Healing Received; 25;Bleeding Resistance; -25;None
|//Tantrum// =
Weapon Damage; 30 * pain;FMB; -5 * pain;Hit Chance; 15 * pain;/// Relieves all pain when the buff expires.//
|Against The Odds =
Damage Received; -50;Bleeding Resistance; 50;Knockback Resistance; 50;Stun Resistance; 50;Prevents Health from dropping below ~lg~10%~/~.##Killing an Equal or more dangerous enemy replenishes ~lg~20%~/~ Max Health and Energy.
|Seal of Power =
Magic Power; 20;Weapon Damage; 10;Bonus Range; 1;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.
|Seal of Pyromancy =
Fire Damage: 0.15 * scr get damage of weaponis playertarget: targetPyromantic Power; 15;CRT; 5;Miracle Chance; 5;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.
|Seal of Unholiness =
Unholy Damage: 0.15 * scr get damage of weapon0: targetMagic Power; 25 * stage;Damage Received; -10 * stage;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.
|Seal of Finesse =
Miscast Chance; -4 * stage;FMB; -3 * stage;Cooldown Reduction; -5 * stage;Backfire Damage; -40;Backfire Damage Change; -5 * stage;Each turn grants ~lg~1~/~ stack of the effect (up to ~lg~4~/~ stacks).#Moving to other tiles decreases the number of stacks by ~r~1~/~.#Moving with ~w~1~/~ stack removes the effect.
|Place of Power =
Magic Power; 7.5 * stage;Spells Energy Cost; -5 * stage;Miracle Chance; 5 * stage;MP Restoration; 15 * stage;Each turn grants ~lg~1~/~ stack of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks) and decreases the number of stacks by ~r~1~/~ for each cast spell.
|Impulse =
Shock Resistance; -25;Knockback Resistance; -15;Stun Resistance; -10;Cooldown Reduction; 20;None
|Ensnarement =
FMB; 30;Miscast Chance; 30;EVS; -100;PRR; -50;Block Recovery; -0.5 * Block Recovery;CTA; -50;~r~Can't move to other tiles~/~##Skipping a turn ~lg~reduces~/~ the duration of the effect by a few turns (depending on the amount of ~lg~Strength~/~ and ~lg~Agility~/~).

Latest revision as of 19:56, 18 May 2023

|hand_light = hand_light

|hand = hand

|hand_deep = hand_deep

|feet_light = feet_light

|feet = feet

|feet_deep = feet_deep

|head_light = head_light

|head = head

|head_deep = head_deep

|torso_light = torso_light

|torso = torso

|torso_deep = torso_deep

|Hangover = Cooldown Reduction; 20;FMB; 10;Skills Energy Cost; 20;Spells Energy Cost; 20;Miscast Chance; 10;Pain Change; 0.1;Morale Change; -0.01;Sanity Change; -0.01;Thirst Change; 0.04;The duration of Hangover depends on ~r~Intoxication~/~

|Seal of Geomancy = Geomantic Power; 15;Damage Received; -15;PRR; 15;Backfire Damage Change; -5;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.

|Murk = EVS; 66;Armor Piercing; 6 * stage;Bodypart Damage; 9 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 6 * stage;Lifesteal; 9 * stage;Grants a stack of the effect (up to ~w~9~/~) each turn.##Receiving damage, using abilities, or attacking ~r~removes~/~ the effect.

|Exhaustion = Miscast Chance; 25;FMB; 25;MP Restoration; -30;Cooldown Reduction; 50;~r~Barely staying awake~/~: each turn has a chance to fall asleep for a short amount of time.#~r~Near Death~/~: if Energy is lower than 10%, the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.

|Seal of Electromancy = Shock Damage: 0.15 * scr get damage of weaponis playertarget: targetElectromantic Power; 15;FMB; -5;Miscast Chance; -5;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.

|Seal of Sanguimancy = Unholy Damage: 0.15 * scr get damage of weapon0: targetMagic Power; 25;Lifesteal; -10;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.

|Mountain of Flesh = Knockback Resistance; 200;Stun Resistance; 66;Damage Received; -99;Healing Received; 66;~r~Can't use basic attacks or move to other tiles~/~

|Seal of Shackles = MP Restoration; -50;Skills Energy Cost; 100;Spells Energy Cost; 100;Cooldown Reduction; 100;FMB; 25;Miscast Chance; 25;DMG; 10 + 1.5 * WIL;While under the effect of the Seal, each ability that comes off Cooldown will burn Energy for ~bl~50%~/~ of its Energy Cost and deal the same amount of ~p~Arcane Damage~/~.

|Tiredness = Miscast Chance; 15;FMB; 15;MP Restoration; -15;Cooldown Reduction; 25;None

|Bestial Rage = Weapon Damage; 33;Damage Received; 33;Knockback Chance; 66;Has ~r~66%~/~ chance to attack a random adjacent target instead of the intended one.

|Seal of Reflection = Magic Resistance; 35;Nature Resistance; 25;Physical Resistance; 10;Damage Returned; 50;While the target is under the effect of the Seal, all spells aimed at it will be ~w~Redirected~/~ to a random target within ~w~8~/~ tiles (if there is one).

|Resonance = Shock Resistance; -20;Knockback Resistance; -7.5;Stun Resistance; -5;Cooldown Reduction; 10;None

|Weariness = Miscast Chance; 5;FMB; 5;MP Restoration; -5;Cooldown Reduction; 10;None

|//Broken Armor// = DEF; -0.3 * DEF;// Equipped gear wears down faster. //

|Hunter's Mark = Bleeding Resistance; -10 * stage;Knockback Resistance; -10 * stage;Stun Resistance; -10 * stage;Consecutive shots against the marked target receive a stacking bonus to Damage and Bleed Chance.

|Poisoning = Poison Damage Self; dmg;Toxicity Change; 2;None

|Burning = Fire Damage Self; dmg;FMB; 35;Cooldown Reduction; 100;Skills Energy Cost; 100;Spells Energy Cost; 100;Skipping a turn ~lg~reduces~/~ the duration of the effect by a few turns (depending on the amount of ~lg~Vitality~/~ and ~lg~Agility~/~).

|Acid Bath = Caustic Damage Self; dmg;None

|Vomiting = Toxicity Change; -4;Thirst Change; 8;Hunger Change; 8;Vomiting while asleep damages ~r~Health~/~.

|Blindness = VSN; -VSN;Hit Chance; -66;FMB; 66;Miscast Chance; 66;None

|Stagger = CTA; -50;EVS; -50;PRR; -50;Block Recovery; -0.5 * Block Recovery;CRT; -50;FMB; 50;Miscast Chance; 50;None

|Stun = EVS; -200;CTA; -100;PRR; -100;Psionic Resistance; -50;Stun Resistance; 200;Swimming Cost; 50;Block Recovery; -100;~r~Can't perform any actions~/~

|Daze = Knockback Resistance; -25;Stun Resistance; -25;FMB; 10;Miscast Chance; 10;Hit Chance; -10;Swimming Cost; 1;~r~Can't use abilities~/~

|Coma = PRR; -100;CTA; -100;EVS; -100;Pain Resistance; 100;Psionic Resistance; 100;Healing Received; -75;Mental effects immunity.#~r~Can't move~/~.#~r~Near death~/~: the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.

|Immobilization = EVS: min-EVS: -25Swimming Cost; 50;~r~Can't move~/~

|Sleep = VSN; -VSN;MP Restoration; 50;EVS; -125;CTA; -CTA;PRR; -PRR;Block Recovery; -100;Fatigue Gain; 100;Fatigue Change; -0.025;~r~Can't perform any actions~/~

|Ensnarement = FMB; 30;Miscast Chance; 30;EVS; -75;PRR; -50;Block Recovery; -0.5 * Block Recovery;CTA; -50;~r~Can't move to other tiles~/~##Skipping a turn ~lg~reduces~/~ the duration of the effect by a few turns (depending on the amount of ~lg~Strength~/~ and ~lg~Agility~/~).

|Petrification = Slashing Resistance; 75;Piercing Resistance; 75;Rending Resistance; 75;Blunt Resistance; 50;Nature Resistance; 100;Magic Resistance; 50;Bleeding Resistance; 100;Knockback Resistance; 100;EVS; -125;CTA; -100;PRR; -100;Block Recovery; -100;Block Recovery; -100;Swimming Cost; 50;Cannot receive physical effects.#~r~Can't perform any actions~/~.

|Curse = max hp; -0.13 * max hp;MP; -0.13 * max mp;FMB; 13;Miscast Chance; 13;Damage Received; 13;Magic Power; -13;None

|Confusion = EVS; -20;PRR; -20;CTA; -20;FMB; 20;~r~Stumbling~/~: has a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.

|Freezing Stiff = Hit Chance; -15;FMB; 15;Miscast Chance; 15;CTA; -15;Frost Resistance; -25;Swimming Cost; 20;None

|Wetness = Shock Resistance; -10 * stage;Frost Resistance; -7.5 * stage;Fire Resistance; 7.5 * stage;FMB; -2.5 + 2.5 * stage;Miscast Chance; -2.5 + 2.5 * stage;While affected by ~w~3~/~ and ~w~4~/~ stacks of the effect, your metal equipment slowly ~r~degrades~/~.##Each stack of the effect, starting with ~w~2~/~, grants ~r~+10%~/~ Backfire Chance to Electromancy spells.

|Possession = Pain Change; 1;// The evil spirit gained control over your body. //

|Mark of the Feast = Damage Received; 13;EVS; -13;Attacks against targets under this effect receive ~lg~+50%~/~ Life Drain.

|Drunkenness = Weapon Damage; 5;CRT; 5;Miracle Chance; 5;Morale Change; 0.01;EVS; -5;Hit Chance; -5;Pain Resistance; 10;Weapon Damage; 10;CRT; 7.5;Miracle Chance; 7.5;EVS; -10;Hit Chance; -10;FMB; 10;Miscast Chance; 10;Pain Resistance; 15;Weapon Damage; 5;EVS; -20;Hit Chance; -20;FMB; 20;Miscast Chance; 20;Pain Resistance; 20;EVS; -33;Hit Chance; -33;FMB; 33;Miscast Chance; 33;Pain Resistance; 33;~w~2~/~, ~w~3~/~, and ~w~4~/~ stacks of the effect: may cause ~r~Confusion~/~, resulting in a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.#~w~3~/~ and ~w~4~/~ stacks: may cause ~r~Vomiting~/~#~w~4~/~ stacks: may cause you to fall ~r~asleep~/~.

|Weakness = Weapon Damage; -10;CRT; -10;CRTD; -25;FMB; 10;PRR; -15;None

|Body Aches = max hp; -0.1 * max hp;Fortitude; -10;Damage Received; 10;None

|Gaping Wound = Skills Energy Cost; 33;Spells Energy Cost; 33;Cooldown Reduction; 33;Damage Received; 10;Using abilities may cause ~r~Bleeding~/~.

|Suffocating Cloud = VSN; -0.25 * VSN;VSN; -0.75 * VSN;Hit Chance; -25;Has a chance to cause ~r~Coughing~/~.

|Coughing = FMB; 25;Miscast Chance; 100;Hit Chance; -25;Swimming Cost; 15;Generates noise.

|Covered in Alcohol = Fire Resistance; -20;Shock Resistance; -15;FMB; 5;Miscast Chance; 5;None

|Covered in Oil = Fire Resistance; -35;FMB; 10;FMB; 10;None

|Bad Trip = Weapon Damage; -33;Hit Chance; -33;Magic Power; -66;FMB; 33;Miscast Chance; 33;Pain Resistance; 75;Can't receive positive mental effects.##Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.

|Al'qud Aftermath = max mp; -0.25 * max mp;MP Restoration; -25;Skills Energy Cost; 20;Spells Energy Cost; 20;Morale Change; -0.05;Has a chance to cause ~r~Daze~/~ or ~r~Confusion~/~.

|Nikkaf Aftermath = VSN: min-1: -0.1 * VSNReceived XP; -20;FMB; 15;Morale Change; -0.15;None

|Hornet Honey Aftermath = FMB; 20;Hit Chance; -20;CTA; -20;EVS; -20;CRT; -15;Morale Change; -0.2;Has a chance to cause ~r~Vomiting~/~.

|Paregoric Aftermath = Cooldown Reduction; 25;MP Restoration; -10;Skills Energy Cost; 25;Spells Energy Cost; 25;Sanity Change; -0.1;Has a chance to put to ~r~Sleep~/~.

|Bad Trip Aftermath = Sanity Change; -0.5;Morale Change; -0.5;VSN: min-1: -0.1 * VSNToxicity Resistance; -30;None

|None = Pain Change; 0.25;Morale Change; -0.05;None

|None = Pain Change; 0.5;Morale Change; -0.1;None

|None = Pain Change; 0.75;Morale Change; -0.15;None

|None = Pain Change; 0.5;Morale Change; -0.05;None

|None = Pain Change; 0.75;Morale Change; -0.1;None

|Movement may cause ~r~Immobilization~/~. = Pain Change; 1;Morale Change; -0.15;Movement may cause ~r~Immobilization~/~.

|Minor Head Injury = Pain Change; 0.5;Sanity Change; -0.05;Morale Change; -0.1;None

|Medium Head Injury = Pain Change; 1;Sanity Change; -0.1;Morale Change; -0.2;None

|Severe Head Injury = Pain Change; 1.5;Sanity Change; -0.2;Morale Change; -0.3;~r~Can't cast spells~/~

|Minor Torso Injury = Pain Change; 0.5;Morale Change; -0.1;None

|Medium Torso Injury = Pain Change; 1;Morale Change; -0.2;None

|Severe Torso Injury = Pain Change; 1.5;Morale Change; -0.3;Possible ~r~Bleeding~/~.

|Light Thirst = Magic Power; -10;Skills Energy Cost; 10;Spells Energy Cost; 10;Fatigue Gain; -10;Morale Change; -0.01;None

|Thirst = Magic Power; -20;Skills Energy Cost; 20;Spells Energy Cost; 20;Fatigue Gain; -20;Morale Change; -0.05;None

|Terrible Thirst = Magic Power; -35;Skills Energy Cost; 35;Spells Energy Cost; 35;Fatigue Gain; -35;Morale Change; -0.2;~r~Near death~/~: the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.

|Satiety = Hunger Resistance; 100;Health Restoration; 3;Healing Received; 10;EVS; -5;Fatigue Gain; 10;While this effect is active, using hunger-reducing consumables will result in ~r~Vomiting~/~.

|Hunger = Health Restoration; -5;MP Restoration; -5;Fatigue Gain; -5;Morale Change; -0.01;None

|Terrible Hunger = Health Restoration; -10;MP Restoration; -10;Fatigue Gain; -15;Morale Change; -0.05;None

|Starvation = Health Restoration; -20;MP Restoration; -20;Fatigue Gain; -35;Morale Change; -0.2;~r~Near death~/~: the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.

|Intoxication = max hp; -0.05 * max hp;Healing Received; -15;Poison Resistance; -7.5;Sanity Change; -0.05;The rate of passive recovery from Intoxication depends on ~lg~Immunity~/~.

|Severe Intoxication = max hp; -0.1 * max hp;Healing Received; -30;Poison Resistance; -15;Sanity Change; -0.1;~r~Stumbling~/~: has a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.##The rate of passive recovery from Intoxication depends on ~lg~Immunity~/~.

|Deadly Intoxication = max hp; -0.25 * max hp;Healing Received; -50;Poison Resistance; -30;Sanity Change; -0.25;~r~Stumbling~/~: has a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.#Possible ~r~Vomiting~/~ or ~r~Coma~/~.##The rate of passive recovery from Intoxication depends on ~lg~Immunity~/~.

|Pain = Healing Received; -10;FMB; 5;Miscast Chance; 5;Damage Received; 5;Sanity Change; -0.025;Morale Change; -0.05;None

|Strong Pain = Healing Received; -20;FMB; 15;Miscast Chance; 15;Damage Received; 15;Sanity Change; -0.05;Morale Change; -0.1;None

|Pain Shock = Healing Received; -35;FMB; 33;Miscast Chance; 33;Damage Received; 25;Sanity Change; -0.1;Morale Change; -0.2;~r~Stumbling~/~: has a chance to walk to a random tile when moving.#~r~Near death~/~: the character's Max Health is reduced every few turns.

|Vigor = Received XP; 5;MP; 0.1 * max mp;MP Restoration; 5;Fatigue Gain; 50;Fatigue Change; -0.01;Health Restoration; 10;Morale Change; 0.01;Sanity Change; 0.01;Pain Change; -0.01;Toxicity Change; -0.01;None

|Troll Regeneration = Damage Received; -75;Fortitude; 30;None

|Blessing = Healing Received; 10;Unholy Resistance; 10;Received XP; 10;None

|Lightning Enchantment = Shock Damage; 0.15 * scr inv paramDMG;None

|Fencer's Stance = PRR; 5 * stage;CTA; 5 * stage;EVS; 5 * stage;Weapon Damage; 2.5 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic sword attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Defensive Stance = Damage Received; -7.5 * stage;Block Recovery; 5 + block recovery * stage;CTA; 10 * stage;Knockback Resistance; 20 * stage;Stun Resistance; 20 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Received attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Massacre = CRT; 5 * stage;Armor Piercing; 5 * stage;Bodypart Damage; 15 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 7.5 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic axe attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Hammer & Anvil = FMB; -5 * stage;Daze Chance; 10 * stage;Stagger Chance; 10 * stage;Armor Damage; 25 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic mace attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Painful Stabs = CRT; 5 * stage;CRTD; 10 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 15 * stage;Bodypart Damage; 10 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic dagger attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Unwavering Stance = Damage Received; -5 * stage;CTA; 10 * stage;PRR; 7.5 * stage;Block Recovery; 15 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic staff attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Suppression = Immob Chance; 5 * stage;Cooldown Reduction; -10 * stage;Knockback Chance; 10 * stage;Skills Energy Cost; -10 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 10 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic ranged Attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Parry = PRR; 25;Block Power; 0.25 * Block PowerMax;CTA; 50;None

|Pikeman Stance = Weapon Damage; stage * 5;Bleeding Chance; stage * 10;Knockback Chance; stage * 10;Immob Chance; stage * 7.5;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic spear attacks decrease the number of stacks, and remaining on the same tile prolongs the effect's duration by ~w~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Concentration = Mainhand Efficiency; stage * 5;Offhand Efficiency; stage * 5;Hit Chance; stage * 5;FMB; -stage * 5;Using Weaponry skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).#Using this ability tree's skills reduces the number of stacks by ~r~1~/~.##Killing enemies prolongs the effect's duration by ~w~2~/~ turns.

|Maneuver = Damage Received; -stage * 5;PRR; stage * 5;CTA; stage * 5;Block Recovery; stage * 15;None

|Feast of Steel = Hit Chance; 5 * stage;CRT; 3 * stage;CTA; 5 * stage;FMB; -5 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic two-handed sword attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Mighty Swing = Weapon Damage; 50;Stun Chance; 25;Bodypart Damage; 50;Armor Damage; 50;Stagger Chance; 75;CTA; -200;Empowers other skills of the ability tree, granting them unique properties.

|Striker Stance = CRT; 5 * stage;Knockback Chance; 15 * stage;Armor Piercing; 10 * stage;Stagger Chance; 15 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic two-handed mace attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Rampage = Skills Energy Cost; -10 * stage;CRT; 5 * stage;Bleeding Chance; 15 * stage;FMB; -5 * stage;Using the ability tree's skills grants additional stacks of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks).##Basic two-handed axe attacks decrease the number of stacks, but prolong the effect's duration by ~lg~1~/~ turn.##Only one ~w~Stance effect~/~ can be active at a time.

|Taking Aim = Hit Chance; hc;Weapon Damage; wd;Knockback Chance; knockback chance * enemy count;Immob Chance; immob chance * enemy count;Stagger Chance; stagger chance * enemy count;Armor Piercing; 10;None

|Seized Initiative = Hit Chance; 5;FMB; -5;Cooldown Reduction; -10;Skills Energy Cost; -10;None

|Initiative Loss = Hit Chance; -5;FMB; 5;Cooldown Reduction; 10;Skills Energy Cost; 10;None

|Defensive Tactic = Damage Received; -4 * stage;PRR; 5 * stage;EVS; 5 * stage;CTA; 5 * stage;Bleeding Resistance; 7 * stage;None

|Offensive Tactic = CRT; 2 * stage;Hit Chance; 3 * stage;FMB; -3 * stage;Skills Energy Cost; -4 * stage;Cooldown Reduction; -4 * stage;None

|Runic Empowerment = Skills Energy Cost; -7.5 * stage;Spells Energy Cost; -7.5 * stage;Magic Power; 5 * stage;Geomantic Power; 10 * stage;Damage Received; -7.5 * stage;MP turn; mp;None

|Receptiveness = Miscast Chance; -10;Received XP; 10;Psionic Resistance; -25;None

|Stone Armor = Magic Resistance; 10;Physical Resistance; 15;Nature Resistance; 25;Bleeding Resistance; 20;Knockback Resistance; 20;Stun Resistance; 20;Swimming Cost; 50;None

|Elusiveness = EVS; evs * stage;Damage Received; dmg recieved * stage;Each movement or received attack grants ~w~1~/~ stack of the effect, and each dodge or received fumbled attack decreases the number of stacks by ~w~1~/~.

|Thirst for Battle = Weapon Damage; 0.5 * hp;CRT; 0.25 * hp;CRTD; 0.5 * hp;Lifesteal; 0.33 * hp;Manasteal; 0.5 * hp;The effect's strength is calculated dynamically based on the amount of Health.

|Adrenaline Rush = Skills Energy Cost; -50;MP Restoration; 50;CRT; 25;Pain Resistance; 50;Damage Received; -30;Reduces all active Cooldowns by ~w~1~/~ each turn.

|Shield Raised = CTA; 1.5 * AGL;EVS; -200;PRR; prr;Block Power; Block PowerMax * 10 + 0.5 * STR + 0.5 * Vitality / 100;None

|Battle Rage = Weapon Damage; 10;CRT; 5;CRTD; 20;None

|Sturdiness = max hp; 0.2 * max hp;Fortitude; 25;Health Restoration; 1.5;None

|Clear Vision = VSN; 2;Hit Chance; 10;CRT; 5;Bonus Range; 1;None

|Exceptional Precision = Hit Chance; 25;CRT; 10;None

|Stone Skin = Physical Resistance; 20;Damage Received; -10;None

|Rapid Restoration = Health Restoration; 100;None

|Life Drain = Lifesteal; 20;None

|Unholy Blessing = Lifesteal; 13;Manasteal; 13;Damage Returned; 13;None

|Crimson Gift = Cooldown Reduction; -33;Healing Received; 33;max hp; 0.33 * max hp;Damage Received; -33;Weapon Damage; 33;Magic Power; 33;None

|Blood Oath = Lifesteal; 33;Healing Received; 33;Skills Energy Cost; -33;Spells Energy Cost; -33;None

|Vampiric Blood = Lifesteal; 9;Replenishes ~lg~6%~/~ Max Health and ~bl~6%~/~ Max Energy per turn.

|Blood Craze = Weapon Damage; 10 * stage;CRT; 1 * stage;Each successful attack grants an additional stack of the effect (up to ~w~10~/~) and prolongs its duration by ~w~1~/~ turn.

|Binding Sigil = Damage Received; -25;Establishes a magical link between the target and the caster.##The caster transfers ~lg~25%~/~ Damage Taken to the bound target.##The target is granted ~lg~-25%~/~ Damage Taken and ~lg~+20%~/~ Energy Drain in favor of the caster.

|Energy Drain = Manasteal; 20;None

|Al'qud = max mp; 0.25 * max mp;MP Restoration; 25;Skills Energy Cost; -15;Spells Energy Cost; -15;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.

|Abasa = Weapon Damage; 20;CRTD; 30;Armor Piercing; 20;Pain Resistance; 50;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.

|Hornet Honey = Hit Chance; 15;CTA; 15;EVS; 15;CRT; 10;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.

|Nikkaf = VSN; 0.15 * VSN;Received XP; 25;FMB; -10;Fatigue Gain; 50;Sanity Change; 0.1;Hunger Resistance; 75;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.

|Paregoric = Morale Change; 0.25;Pain Change; -0.5;Pain Resistance; 50;Healing Received; 25;Pain Limit; -25;Leads to an unpleasant ~r~Aftermath~/~.

|Stardust = Magic Power; 25;Miscast Chance; -25;Magic Resistance; 15;Bonus Range; 1;Sanity Change; -0.05;None

|Leech Therapy = Toxicity Change; -0.5;Pain Change; 0.2;Healing Received; 25;Bleeding Resistance; -25;None

|//Tantrum// = Weapon Damage; 30 * pain;FMB; -5 * pain;Hit Chance; 15 * pain;/// Relieves all pain when the buff expires.//

|Against The Odds = Damage Received; -50;Bleeding Resistance; 50;Knockback Resistance; 50;Stun Resistance; 50;Prevents Health from dropping below ~lg~10%~/~.##Killing an Equal or more dangerous enemy replenishes ~lg~20%~/~ Max Health and Energy.

|Seal of Power = Magic Power; 20;Weapon Damage; 10;Bonus Range; 1;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.

|Seal of Pyromancy = Fire Damage: 0.15 * scr get damage of weaponis playertarget: targetPyromantic Power; 15;CRT; 5;Miracle Chance; 5;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.

|Seal of Unholiness = Unholy Damage: 0.15 * scr get damage of weapon0: targetMagic Power; 25 * stage;Damage Received; -10 * stage;Casting specialized spells transforms this effect into the Seal of a corresponding Magic School and prolongs the effect's duration by ~lg~5~/~ turns.

|Seal of Finesse = Miscast Chance; -4 * stage;FMB; -3 * stage;Cooldown Reduction; -5 * stage;Backfire Damage; -40;Backfire Damage Change; -5 * stage;Each turn grants ~lg~1~/~ stack of the effect (up to ~lg~4~/~ stacks).#Moving to other tiles decreases the number of stacks by ~r~1~/~.#Moving with ~w~1~/~ stack removes the effect.

|Place of Power = Magic Power; 7.5 * stage;Spells Energy Cost; -5 * stage;Miracle Chance; 5 * stage;MP Restoration; 15 * stage;Each turn grants ~lg~1~/~ stack of the effect (up to ~w~4~/~ stacks) and decreases the number of stacks by ~r~1~/~ for each cast spell.

|Impulse = Shock Resistance; -25;Knockback Resistance; -15;Stun Resistance; -10;Cooldown Reduction; 20;None

|Ensnarement = FMB; 30;Miscast Chance; 30;EVS; -100;PRR; -50;Block Recovery; -0.5 * Block Recovery;CTA; -50;~r~Can't move to other tiles~/~##Skipping a turn ~lg~reduces~/~ the duration of the effect by a few turns (depending on the amount of ~lg~Strength~/~ and ~lg~Agility~/~).