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This Template replicates the logic used for the Template:WeaponTable/row.




It should be used with a 'header', right before it.

Any Valuables added in Valuable Data, can be used with the '/row' template.


For future modifications or debugging, you can add this, after the "ItemDescription" variable (Open Source to verify code):

   Base Image: 


Single Image

Item Inv. Slots Price Gold Icon Description
1×1 50 Gold.png Common folk believe agate to bring good luck. It's often used to make cheap jewelry.

Multiple Images

Item Inv. Slots Price Gold Icon Description
Horse Pelt
Horse Pelt
Horse Pelt
Horse Pelt
Horse Pelt
2×3 60 Gold.png Peasants only kill horses that are hopelessly sick or already half-dead from old age.
Rabbit Pelt
Rabbit Pelt
Rabbit Pelt
1×2 40-50 Gold.png Despite how cautious and skittish rabbits can be, hunting one down isn't that hard. Their pelts are usually used to make clothes.