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Discord on the official Stoneshard: @Kaleb
Feel free to mention me on the wiki channel, if you need help with any of the templates i made.
But i always try to leave good documentation on each one of them.

Quick disclaimer (that you should already know if you intend to contribute to the wiki), this is a community wiki, i don't own any of these templates and anyone can modify them.

Currently contributing with

  • PT-BR Translations
  • Template:CommoditiesRatioTable
  • Template:ContainerTable


PT-BR Translation

Here's a list of all the templates that exist(or not) for other languages:

{{PT-BR Properties}} (75%) [INCOMPLETE & Needs better organization]
{{PT-BR ItemNames}} (95%) [Updated to RtR and organized. Needs some last revision comparing the translations and game names.]
{{PT-BR ItemDescriptions}} (25%) [Swords & Axes DONE]
{{PT-BR ConditionNames}} BASE (05%) [contains condition names]
{{PT-BR ConditionDescriptions}} (05%) [contains condition names]
{{PT-BR ConsumableNames}} (05%) [contains consumable names]
{{PT-BR ConsumableDescriptions}} (00%)
{{PT-BR ValuableNames}} (99%)[DONE + DOCS -> Needs Revision]
{{PT-BR ValuableDescriptions}} (90%) [Needs Revision]
{{PT-BR Treatises}} (100%) [DONE + DOCS]
{{PT-BR WikiNavigation}} (90%) [Needs Revision]
{{PT-BR NPCNames}} (80%) [A couple NPCs missing]
{{PT-BR SkillNames}} (95%) [Needs Revision with game names]
{{PT-BR SkillDescription}} (15%) [Beasts, Brigands, Undead]
{{PT-BR SkillFormulaDescription}} () []
{{PT-BR EnemySkillDescription}} [] *Newly added for {{SkillTable/row}}.

And the Language templates category page, lists templates where translation is applicable. So in theory, anything that uses one of those templates should get translated.
(conditions are what we used to call status effects at some point).


It’s separated in {{CommoditiesRatioTable/head}} & {{CommoditiesRatioTable/row}}.
There is no more need for it, since it’s being used with <Tabber>.

- Remove head & row pages.
- Simplify to a single page {{CommoditiesRatioTable}}.


This template needs modifying for a method to display Treatises, since a container can drop multiple Treatises, without a lot of repetition.
And i also made Container data, for better testing, this needs to either be maintained or implemented as another parameter, probably verifying each item type from a parameter called "Loot", for example, and display them accordingly.
Therefore, this Template, should follow {{Acquired from}} Template updates, for better integration, and less repetition on data & pages with the same things.

- Better method to display Treatises
- Decide to keep or implement somewhere else or to each item, in their own data pages.
- Keep a look at {{Acquired from}}, for better integration of both, since they are correlated.