Template:Armor test/doc

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Template-info.png Documentation

This is armor template created for use together with the Template:Tooltip hover box template to display tooltip with item attributes for armor and jewelry.

Usage: Copy this code to any page where you want to display the item tooltip:

{{{{{1|Tooltip hover box}}}|title={{Armor_test}}}}

You can provide the item name as first parameter, otherwise the pagename is used.

By default, the page is also labelled with a category corresponding to the item type (ie. Venemist's Talisman will receive the Category: Amulet). If you don't want to add this category to a page, add the category parameter:

{{{{{1|Tooltip hover box}}}|title={{Armor_test|Venemist's Talisman|category=no}}}}
Tier 4
Venemist's Talisman
unique amulet
Unholy Resistance: +13%
Magic Power: +9%
Experience Gain: +9%
Vision: +1
Durability: 35/35

Venemist's Talisman

Venemist's Talisman
Tier 4
Jousting Armor
unique heavy chestpiece
21 Protection
Physical Resistance: +30%
Bleed Resistance: +36%
Block Chance: +5%
Block Power: +5
Dodge Chance: -17%
Crit Avoidance: +15%
Damage Taken: -5%
Energy: -18
Energy Restoration: -5%
Durability: 360/360

Jousting Armor

Jousting Armor
Tier 5
Nistrian Noble Cloak
common light cloak
Physical Resistance: +9%
Nature Resistance: +9%
Bleed Resistance: +9%
Crit Avoidance: +9%
Damage Taken: -3%
Durability: 40/40

Nistrian Noble Cloak

Nistrian Noble Cloak
Tier 5
Guardsman Shield
unique heavy shield
Move Resistance: +20%
Control Resistance: +5%
Block Chance: +44%
Block Power: +44
Block Power Recovery: -13%
Counter Chance: +5%
Dodge Chance: -16%
Crit Avoidance: +8%
Energy: -16
Energy Restoration: -3%
Fortitude: +10%
Durability: 350/350

Guardsman Shield

Guardsman Shield
Tier 2
Mahir's Garment
unique light chestpiece
2 Protection
Physical Resistance: +4%
Bleed Resistance: +2%
Energy: +2
Energy Restoration: +1%
Skills Energy Cost: -3%
Spells Energy Cost: -3%
Experience Gain: +5%
Fatigue Resistance: +5%
Durability: 40/40

Mahir's Garment

Mahir's Garment
Tier Data does not exist.
Nonexistant Armor
Durability: /

Nonexistant Armor

Nonexistant Armor