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Revision as of 12:36, 8 June 2020

We should do something about bags and containers

First we show Bags as a subpage of Containers, but I think of Containers as game objects - something the player can interact with, but not an item to carry with him. Bags are something you carry around, so they probably shouldn't be part of Containers.

The Purse kind of doesn't fit. As in..it doesn't offer any bag space to fill. And then there are mechanic differences - "Bags contents are available by clicking "Use" from the item's context menu." isn't true for Purses, interacting with Purses doesn't cost turns, etc.

Next, the new Quivers are also bags, but because of the different mechanics for them, we have them on a separate page and together with Weapons. We should decide if we want to stick all items that are labelled as "bags" in the game files together or not. I would prefer to not stick them together due to the differences.

Finally, we already link to this page's contents - Backpack and Purse - directly from the navbox.

So I propose to:

  1. Remove Bags from Containers page and Containers section of navbox
  2. Decide what to do with "bags", and then:
  • Either keep this page, rewrite the page with description sections for different bag types and their respective actions, then create a new section in the navbox for Bags and put Quivers, Purse and Backpack there


  • Delete the Bags page completely and keep the descriptions on the individual Quivers, Purse, Backpack pages as it is now.

Realpsojed (talk) 09:36, 8 June 2020 (UTC)