Hunger, Thirst & Intoxication

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The level of your character's Hunger. Increases over time depending on your activity and actions.

When reaching 25%, 50% and 75%, it produces a negative effect.

Hunger is one of the Attributes & Stats of character's Health System. When reaching certain levels, it produces the following negative effects:

Increases overtime depending on activities such as resting.

Hunger Mechanics

Hunger increases by 1 every 100 turns when moving outside of combat or every 200 turns when simply skipping turns.

Hunger cannot be reduced below 0%, but eating food or other consumable that reduces hunger by larger value than character's current hunger level will cause the Satiety condition which prevents Hunger accumulation for its duration. Satiety lasts the longer the larger the difference between these two values, approximately 3.6 turns per each percent, capped at 91. Eating food while sated will cause Nausea. The above applies only to the "Hunger" attribute of a consumable, while Hunger Change applies neither Satiety nor Nausea when the character is already sated.

The rate of starvation increases with activities such as Resting or using skills.


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Thirst is one of the Attributes & Stats of character's Health System. When reaching certain levels, it produces the following negative effects:

Increases overtime depending on activities such as resting.

Thirst Mechanics

Thirst increases by 1 approximately every 50 turns when moving outside of combat and at a twice lower rate when simply skipping turns.

The rate of dehydration increases with activities such as Resting or using skills.


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Intoxication is one of the Attributes & Stats of character's Health System. When reaching certain levels, it produces the following negative effects:

Intoxication Mechanics

Intoxication level passively reducing while you have Immunity higher than 0.

You can increase Intoxication level with: Ether Inhaler, Herbal Extract, all Potions, Soporific Sponge, alcoholic Beverages and more.

You can decrease Intoxication level with: Antidote, Antitoxin, Bloodletting Lancet, Nausea, Potion of Antivenom, Waterskin and more.

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