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|Satiety = 满足
|Satiety = 满足
|Hunger = 饥饿
|Hunger = 饥饿
|Terrible Hunger =
|Terrible Hunger = 非常饥饿
|Starvation =
|Starvation = 饥饿难耐
|Second Wind =  
|Second Wind = 元气恢复
|Acid Bath
|Acid Bath = 酸浴
|Agony = 痛苦难耐
|Bad Trip
|Bad Trip = 心神不宁
|Bleeding = 出血
|Blind = 盲目
|Sturdy = 矫健
|Clumsy = 行动僵硬
|Confusion = 恍惚
|Battle Rage
|Battle Rage = 战怒
|Dehydration = 口渴
|Wet = 潮湿
|Drunk = 醉酒
|Elusiveness = 灵敏
|Furious = 暴怒
|Exceptional Precision
|Exceptional Precision = 精准过人
|Terrible Hunger
|Terrible Hunger = 非常饥饿
|Frail = 脆弱
|Vigorous = 精神焕发
|Frozen = 冻僵
|Pain = 疼痛
|Strong Pain
|Strong Pain = 剧痛
|Nausea = 呕吐
|Netted = 束手束脚
|Burning = 着火
|Sacrificial Blood
|Sacrificial Blood = 血祭
|Satiety = 满足
|Light Hunger
|Light Hunger = 略微饥饿
|Petrification = 石化
|Poisoning = 中毒
|Possession = 中邪
|Rapid Restoration
|Rapid Restoration = 迅速恢复
|Pain Shock
|Pain Shock = 疼痛休克
|Sleep = 睡觉
|Starvation = 饥饿难耐
|Stone Skin
|Stone Skin = 石肤
|Stun = 硬直
|Thirst = 口渴
|Instability = 行动不稳
|Weakness = 虚弱
|Receptive = 好奇
|True Sight
|True Sight = 火眼金睛
|Life Drain
|Life Drain = 吸血
|Energy Drain
|Energy Drain = 吸取精力
|Clear Vision
|Clear Vision = 眼观八方
|Light Dehydration
|Light Dehydration = 轻微口渴
|Dehydration = 口渴
|Deadly Dehydration
|Deadly Dehydration = 极度口渴
|Mild Hand Injury
|Mild Hand Injury = 手部轻伤
|Hand Injury
|Hand Injury = 手部中度受伤
|Severe Hand Injury
|Severe Hand Injury = 手部重伤
|Mild Leg Injury
|Mild Leg Injury = 腿部轻伤
|Leg Injury
|Leg Injury = 腿部中度受伤
|Severe Leg Injury
|Severe Leg Injury = 腿部重伤
|Mild Head Injury
|Mild Head Injury = 头部轻伤
|Head Injury
|Head Injury = 头部中度受伤
|Severe Head Injury
|Severe Head Injury = 头部重伤
|Mild Torso Injury
|Mild Torso Injury = 躯干轻伤
|Torso Injury
|Torso Injury = 躯干中度受伤
|Severe Torso Injury
|Severe Torso Injury = 躯干重伤
|Light Intoxication
|Light Intoxication = 轻度迷醉
|Intoxication = 迷醉
|Intoxication = 迷醉
|Severe Intoxication
|Severe Intoxication = 中度迷醉
|Fatal Intoxication
|Fatal Intoxication = 迷醉濒死
|Against The Odds
|Against The Odds = 力挽狂澜
|Leech Therapy
|Leech Therapy = 水蛭疗法
|Immobilization = 移动受限
|Coma = 昏迷
|Cursed = 诅咒
|Mild Hand Injury (Stabilized)
|Mild Hand Injury (Stabilized) = 手部轻伤(伤情稳定)
|Hand Injury (Stabilized)
|Hand Injury (Stabilized) = 手部中度受伤(伤情稳定)
|Severe Hand Injury (Stabilized)
|Severe Hand Injury (Stabilized) = 手部重伤(伤情稳定)
|Mild Leg Injury (Stabilized)
|Mild Leg Injury (Stabilized) = 腿部轻伤(伤情稳定)
|Leg Injury (Stabilized)
|Leg Injury (Stabilized) = 腿部中度受伤(伤情稳定)
|Severe Leg Injury (Stabilized)
|Severe Leg Injury (Stabilized) = 腿部重伤(伤情稳定)
|Mild Head Injury (Stabilized)
|Mild Head Injury (Stabilized) = 头部轻伤(伤情稳定)
|Head Injury (Stabilized)
|Head Injury (Stabilized) = 头部中度受伤(伤情稳定)
|Severe Head Injury (Stabilized)
|Severe Head Injury (Stabilized) = 头部重伤(伤情稳定)
|Mild Torso Injury (Stabilized)
|Mild Torso Injury (Stabilized) = 躯干轻伤(伤情稳定)
|Torso Injury (Stabilized)
|Torso Injury (Stabilized) = 躯干中度受伤(伤情稳定)
|Severe Torso Injury (Stabilized)
|Severe Torso Injury (Stabilized) = 躯干重伤(伤情稳定)
|Shield Raised
|Shield Raised = 举盾
|Lightning Enchantment
|Lightning Enchantment = 闪电附魔
|Mark of the Feast
|Mark of the Feast = 在劫难逃
|Lightning Reflexes
|Lightning Reflexes = 眼疾手快
|Crimson Banner
|Crimson Banner = 绯红旌旗
|Blood Vow
|Blood Vow = 血誓
|Unholy Blessing
|Unholy Blessing = 邪术庇佑
|Fencer's Stance
|Fencer's Stance = 剑术站姿
|Stone Armor
|Stone Armor = 石甲
|Runic Empowerment
|Runic Empowerment = 符文强化
|Daze = 眩晕
|Defensive Stance
|Defensive Stance = 防御站姿
|Massacre = 大开杀戒
|Hammer & Anvil
|Hammer & Anvil = 锤与铁砧
|Feast of Steel
|Feast of Steel = 刀剑无情
|Parry = 招架
|Mild Paw Injury
|Mild Paw Injury = 爪子轻伤
|Paw Injury
|Paw Injury = 爪子中度受伤
|Severe Paw Injury
|Severe Paw Injury = 爪子重伤
|Mild Paw Injury (Stabilized)
|Mild Paw Injury (Stabilized) = 爪子轻伤(伤情稳定)
|Paw Injury (Stabilized)
|Paw Injury (Stabilized) = 爪子中度受伤(伤情稳定)
|Severe Paw Injury (Stabilized)
|Severe Paw Injury (Stabilized) = 爪子重伤(伤情稳定)
|Unwavering Stance
|Unwavering Stance = 不动不摇
|Taking Aim
|Taking Aim = 瞄准
|Suppression = 压制
|Painful Stabs
|Painful Stabs = 辣手利刃
|Hunter's Mark
|Hunter's Mark = 猎人印记
|Gaping Wound
|Gaping Wound = 破伤
|Vampiric Blood
|Vampiric Blood = 嗜血
|Blood Craze
|Blood Craze = 血狂
|Willing Sacrifice
|Willing Sacrifice = 自我奉献
|Seized Initiative
|Seized Initiative = 占据主动
|Initiative Loss
|Initiative Loss = 错失主动
|Defensive Tactic
|Defensive Tactic = 防御战术
|Offensive Tactic
|Offensive Tactic = 攻击战术
|Thirst for Battle
|Thirst for Battle = 奋力一搏
|Adrenaline Rush
|Adrenaline Rush = 热血澎湃
|Blessing = 受到庇佑
|Troll Regeneration
|Troll Regeneration = 巨魔自动恢复
|Maneuver = 灵活机动
|Pikeman's Stance
|Pikeman's Stance = 枪矛站姿
|Concentration = 全神贯注
|Enough for Everyone
|Enough for Everyone = 人人有份
|Soul Sacrifice
|Soul Sacrifice = 魂祭
|Binding Sigil
|Binding Sigil = 有难同当
|Sic! = 给我上!

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Revision as of 17:36, 25 January 2021

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