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(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|Swords Treatise I = 单手刀剑文献一
|Swords Treatise I = 单手刀剑文献一
|Swords Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:阿尔德文人孔斯坦佐
|Swords Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:阿尔德文人孔斯坦佐
|Swords Treatise I BookName = 《刀剑宝典》
|Swords Treatise I BookName = 刀剑宝典
|Swords Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干刀剑招式:
|Swords Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干刀剑招式:
|Swords Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 横扫
|Swords Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 横扫
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|Swords Treatise II = 单手刀剑文献二
|Swords Treatise II = 单手刀剑文献二
|Swords Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:米尔万·佛·德布
|Swords Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:米尔万·佛·德布
|Swords Treatise II BookName = 《阿尔德文刀剑宝典》
|Swords Treatise II BookName = 阿尔德文刀剑宝典
|Swords Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干刀剑招式:
|Swords Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干刀剑招式:
|Swords Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 刀剑站姿
|Swords Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 刀剑站姿
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|Swords Treatise III = 单手刀剑文献三
|Swords Treatise III = 单手刀剑文献三
|Swords Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:海恩里希·瑞尔治
|Swords Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:海恩里希·瑞尔治
|Swords Treatise III BookName = 《阿尔德文猎巫人海恩里希·瑞尔治手记》
|Swords Treatise III BookName = 阿尔德文猎巫人海恩里希·瑞尔治手记
|Swords Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干刀剑招式:
|Swords Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干刀剑招式:
|Swords Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 冲前一击
|Swords Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 冲前一击
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|Axes Treatise I = 单手斧技文献一
|Axes Treatise I = 单手斧技文献一
|Axes Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:根特沃·德·诺德
|Axes Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:根特沃·德·诺德
|Axes Treatise I BookName = 《雇佣骑士爵士根特沃·德·诺德文回忆录》
|Axes Treatise I BookName = 雇佣骑士爵士根特沃·德·诺德文回忆录
|Axes Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干斧技:
|Axes Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干斧技:
|Axes Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 先下手为强
|Axes Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 先下手为强
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|Axes Treatise II = 单手斧技文献二
|Axes Treatise II = 单手斧技文献二
|Axes Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:约斯特维恩人托尔万
|Axes Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:约斯特维恩人托尔万
|Axes Treatise II BookName = 《矮人之国弗约四一〇年的永冬一》
|Axes Treatise II BookName = 矮人之国弗约四一〇年的永冬(一)
|Axes Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干斧技:
|Axes Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干斧技:
|Axes Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 大开杀戒
|Axes Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 大开杀戒
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|Axes Treatise III = 单手斧技文献三
|Axes Treatise III = 单手斧技文献三
|Axes Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:比兰·伍斯
|Axes Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:比兰·伍斯
|Axes Treatise III BookName = 《四一七年曼郡夏会民谣集》
|Axes Treatise III BookName = 四一七年曼郡夏会民谣集
|Axes Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干斧技:
|Axes Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干斧技:
|Axes Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 斩首
|Axes Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 斩首
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|Maces Treatise I = 单手锤、棒文献一
|Maces Treatise I = 单手锤、棒文献一
|Maces Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:伊德里奇·约格
|Maces Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:伊德里奇·约格
|Maces Treatise I BookName = 《文艺商人伊德里奇·约格兵器藏品新版全集》
|Maces Treatise I BookName = 文艺商人伊德里奇·约格兵器藏品新版全集
|Maces Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习单手锤、棒的若干招式:
|Maces Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习单手锤、棒的若干招式:
|Maces Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 破甲
|Maces Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 破甲
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|Maces Treatise II = 单手锤、棒文献二
|Maces Treatise II = 单手锤、棒文献二
|Maces Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:丹布里人乌纳
|Maces Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:丹布里人乌纳
|Maces Treatise II BookName = 《尼斯特拉风土考一》
|Maces Treatise II BookName = 尼斯特拉风土考(一)
|Maces Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习单手锤、棒的若干招式:
|Maces Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习单手锤、棒的若干招式:
|Maces Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 锤与铁砧
|Maces Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 锤与铁砧
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|Maces Treatise III = 单手锤、棒文献三
|Maces Treatise III = 单手锤、棒文献三
|Maces Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:丹布里人乌纳
|Maces Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:丹布里人乌纳
|Maces Treatise III BookName = 《尼斯特拉风土考二》
|Maces Treatise III BookName = 尼斯特拉风土考(二)
|Maces Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习单手锤、棒的若干招式:
|Maces Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习单手锤、棒的若干招式:
|Maces Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 终结一击
|Maces Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 终结一击
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|Daggers Treatise I = 匕首文献一
|Daggers Treatise I = 匕首文献一
|Daggers Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:喀特
|Daggers Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:喀特
|Daggers Treatise I BookName = 《白衣叛徒》
|Daggers Treatise I BookName = 白衣叛徒
|Daggers Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干匕首招式:
|Daggers Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干匕首招式:
|Daggers Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 双刃贯耳
|Daggers Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 双刃贯耳
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|Daggers Treatise II = 匕首文献二
|Daggers Treatise II = 匕首文献二
|Daggers Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:以笔为刀
|Daggers Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:以笔为刀
|Daggers Treatise II BookName = 《土匪文弗雷德历险记暨爱与罪之警示录》
|Daggers Treatise II BookName = 土匪文弗雷德历险记暨爱与罪之警示录
|Daggers Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干匕首招式:
|Daggers Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干匕首招式:
|Daggers Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 辣手利刃
|Daggers Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 辣手利刃
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|Daggers Treatise III = 匕首文献三
|Daggers Treatise III = 匕首文献三
|Daggers Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:佚名
|Daggers Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:佚名
|Daggers Treatise III BookName = 《菲林男爵的事迹与历险》
|Daggers Treatise III BookName = 菲林男爵的事迹与历险
|Daggers Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干匕首招式:
|Daggers Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干匕首招式:
|Daggers Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 恩赐解脱
|Daggers Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 恩赐解脱
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|Pyromantic Treatise I = 炎系法术文献一
|Pyromantic Treatise I = 炎系法术文献一
|Pyromantic Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:心地善良的人
|Pyromantic Treatise I BookName = 资深法师带你入门炎系法术
|Pyromantic Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干炎系法术:
|Pyromantic Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 连发火球
|Pyromantic Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 火环
|Pyromantic Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 灼焰浸洗
|Pyromantic Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 烈焰回神
|Pyromantic Treatise I Description = 这本指南特别易懂,作者是一位无名法师,非常适合炎系法术的初学者阅读。
|Pyromantic Treatise II = 炎系法术文献二
|Pyromantic Treatise II = 炎系法术文献二
|Pyromantic Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:陶·戴比尔
|Pyromantic Treatise II BookName = 吐火蜥蜴详解
|Pyromantic Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干炎系法术:
|Pyromantic Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 烈火
|Pyromantic Treatise II ActiveSkill2 = 岩浆之雨
|Pyromantic Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 炙焰
|Pyromantic Treatise II PassiveSkill2 = 饲焰
|Pyromantic Treatise II Description = 这本研究专著翔实记录了红锆列国多种神奇动物的特质和习性。后半本书的章节含有多篇解说和指南,读者可以借助这些指导效仿火蜥吐火。
|Pyromantic Treatise III = 炎系法术文献三
|Pyromantic Treatise III = 炎系法术文献三
|Pyromantic Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:曼恩人涅尔曼
|Pyromantic Treatise III BookName = 火之精华即燃素的奥秘
|Pyromantic Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干炎系法术:
|Pyromantic Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 熔岩之火
|Pyromantic Treatise III ActiveSkill2 = 焚烬
|Pyromantic Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 安全距离
|Pyromantic Treatise III Description = 这本巨著写满了复杂的炼金公式,炎系法术或许需要修炼到一定的程度,才能从这本书里学到很多东西。
|Pyromantic Treatise IV = 炎系法术文献四
|Pyromantic Treatise IV = 炎系法术文献四
|Pyromantic Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:约华·阿努
|Pyromantic Treatise IV BookName = 吉贝商人口中的永焰教
|Pyromantic Treatise IV LearnText = 可以学习若干炎系法术:
|Pyromantic Treatise IV ActiveSkill1 = 炎狱
|Pyromantic Treatise IV ActiveSkill2 = 余热
|Pyromantic Treatise IV PassiveSkill1 = 与火共舞
|Pyromantic Treatise IV Description = 作者是一位知名的旅行家,记述了有关苦行拜火教派的见闻。书中详细介绍了他们的部分仪式,看起来似乎很有意思。
|Geomantic Treatise I = 地系法术文献一
|Geomantic Treatise I = 地系法术文献一
|Geomantic Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:布林人约兰
|Geomantic Treatise I BookName = 比耶斯特游记
|Geomantic Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干地系法术:
|Geomantic Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 符文巨石
|Geomantic Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 石甲
|Geomantic Treatise I Description = 这本一百年前的日志记录潦草,作者是布林大学的语言学教授,可能是大学语法课程最有意思的阅读材料。
|Geomantic Treatise II = 地系法术文献二
|Geomantic Treatise II = 地系法术文献二
|Geomantic Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:布勒斯法师
|Geomantic Treatise II BookName = 地系法术讲座讲义
|Geomantic Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干地系法术:
|Geomantic Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 石刺
|Geomantic Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 延续符文
|Geomantic Treatise II PassiveSkill2 = 强化符文
|Geomantic Treatise II PassiveSkill3 = 虚弱符文
|Geomantic Treatise II Description = 布勒斯法师是著名的地系法师,也是学院的讲师。他讲课深入浅出,这一点对于学院的讲师而言颇为难得,他也因此而为人所知。
|Geomantic Treatise III = 地系法术文献三
|Geomantic Treatise III = 地系法术文献三
|Geomantic Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:佚名
|Geomantic Treatise III BookName = 阿尔德文城志选集
|Geomantic Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干地系法术:
|Geomantic Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 地动山摇
|Geomantic Treatise III ActiveSkill2 = 石化
|Geomantic Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 燔祭符文
|Geomantic Treatise III PassiveSkill2 = 轮转符文
|Geomantic Treatise III Description = 阿尔德文城志节选,记述了尼斯特拉人一个半世纪之前的一次攻城。这是奥尔多历史上首个描述了地系法术的文献记载。
|Geomantic Treatise IV = 地系法术文献四
|Geomantic Treatise IV = 地系法术文献四
|Geomantic Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:瓦依努·伊什万村长
|Geomantic Treatise IV BookName = 地系法术全史
|Geomantic Treatise IV LearnText = 可以学习若干地系法术:
|Geomantic Treatise IV ActiveSkill1 = 法力满溢
|Geomantic Treatise IV ActiveSkill2 = 投石
|Geomantic Treatise IV PassiveSkill1 = 振荡符文
|Geomantic Treatise IV PassiveSkill2 = 吸收符文
|Geomantic Treatise IV Description = 作者是一位没有名气的历史学者,这是他的毕生之作-----他希望汇集当时所有相关资料,探究地术法会的起源。
|Shields Treatise I = 盾技文献一
|Shields Treatise I = 盾技文献一
|Shields Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:延斯·达伦
|Shields Treatise I BookName = 尼斯特拉战争、战争史以及尼斯特拉与奥尔多战争辨异
|Shields Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干盾技:
|Shields Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 举盾
|Shields Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 突围
|Shields Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 以牙还牙
|Shields Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 顽抗
|Shields Treatise I Description = 战争年年不同,军队也代代更变,不过只有一样东西千百年来未曾改变——盾墙。各地军队,要数尼斯特拉军最明白这个道理。
|Shields Treatise II = 盾技文献二
|Shields Treatise II = 盾技文献二
|Shields Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:艾尔瓦罗·维尼加斯
|Shields Treatise II BookName = 决斗书典
|Shields Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干盾技:
|Shields Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 盾击
|Shields Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 鱼死网破
|Shields Treatise II Description = 尽管内战之前,奥尔多就不怎么流行正式的决斗,但是现在基本上已经完全看不到这种情形了。这种风俗已经被人遗忘,只是偶尔还有人会在腰间别上一块决斗拳盾,或有一本积满了灰尘的决斗书典放在衣柜。
|Shields Treatise III = 盾技文献三
|Shields Treatise III = 盾技文献三
|Shields Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:尼卡得斯
|Shields Treatise III BookName = 奥尔多英雄骑士勇者温弗雷德传
|Shields Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干盾技:
|Shields Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 防御站姿
|Shields Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 盾牌反击
|Shields Treatise III Description = 某位名为尼卡得斯的神秘人士写了若干首诗歌。这首写的是奥尔多的传奇战士、真正的骑士-----温弗雷德爵士。

|Daggers Treatise I = 匕首文献一
|Daggers Treatise II = 匕首文献二
|Daggers Treatise III = 匕首文献三
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I = 双手刀剑文献一
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I = 双手刀剑文献一
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:书记员赫德
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I BookName = 钢铁佣兵团的兴衰
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干双手刀剑招式:
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 招架
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 虚晃一剑
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 无所畏惧
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I Description = 钢铁佣兵团的一个传奇故事,作者是佣兵团随行的文士——他是兵团最后仅存的成员。
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II = 双手刀剑文献二
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II = 双手刀剑文献二
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:尼卡得斯
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II BookName = 银铠骑士达洛斯战奥克
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干双手刀剑招式:
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 猛扫
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II ActiveSkill2 = 刀剑无情
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 死战
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II PassiveSkill2 = 伺机以动
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II Description = 尼卡得斯的这个故事讲述了达洛斯爵士的生平,更是为人熟知。达洛斯爵士对待人类慷慨宽容,对待奥克绝无恻隐之心,他的事迹家喻户晓。
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III = 双手刀剑文献三
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III = 双手刀剑文献三
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:流浪汉马瑞克
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III BookName = 伊博霍特疯人艾尔瑞齐爵士
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干双手刀剑招式:
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 英勇冲锋
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 一鼓作气
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III PassiveSkill2 = 胆气逼人
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III Description = 一个警示故事,讲述了一位骑士原本如何高尚而又正直,又如何为了复仇,玷污了自己的名誉和灵魂,磨砺自己的剑技……
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I = 远程兵器文献一
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I = 远程兵器文献一
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:尼达尔·德·佛特
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I BookName = 领主必读:如何治理你的领土和军队
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干远程兵器的招式:
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 瞄准
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 转移注意
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 熟能生巧
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 节俭
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I Description = 尼达尔大人(愿主佑他安息)慷慨豁达,阅历丰富,学识广博,而且颇具常识,奥尔多贵族没有几人能够同时具备这几项优点。
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II = 远程兵器文献二
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II = 远程兵器文献二
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:约华·阿努
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II BookName = 玛弗沙漠与沙丘之秘之历险游记一
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干远程兵器的招式:
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 穿身箭
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II ActiveSkill2 = 压制
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 先发制人
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II PassiveSkill2 = 直奔要害
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II Description = 约华·阿努一生遍历红锆列国各地,许多人都看过他的冒险事迹……
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III = 远程兵器文献三
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III = 远程兵器文献三
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:皇苑守卫金里克
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III BookName = 王国守林护卫重要须知
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干远程兵器的招式:
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 远射
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III ActiveSkill2 = 猎人印记
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 精准
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III Description = 奥尔多的孑遗森林危机四伏,王国为了巡查这种树林最为人迹罕至的深处,就有了民兵组织“护林卫”,其中部分成员负责守护陛下的皇家林苑,后来经过改制,便成了赫赫有名的皇苑守卫。
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV = 远程兵器文献四
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV = 远程兵器文献四
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:约华·阿努
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV BookName = 玛弗沙漠与沙丘之秘之历险游记二
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV LearnText = 可以学习若干远程兵器的招式:
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV ActiveSkill1 = 直射首级
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV PassiveSkill1 = 射杀
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV PassiveSkill2 = 占据上风
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV Description = 约华·阿努的另外一本游记,继续讲述他在神秘之地红锆列国的冒险旅程。更多的游牧民族、更多沙漠和更多异域风俗——难怪书刚出来没有几天,就卖了个精光。
|Staffs Treatise I = 长杖文献一
|Staffs Treatise I = 长杖文献一
|Staffs Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:佚名
|Staffs Treatise I BookName = 约达尔修士欢乐历险记
|Staffs Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干长杖招式:
|Staffs Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 乱杖
|Staffs Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 让开!
|Staffs Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 踉跄杖
|Staffs Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 与杖同在
|Staffs Treatise I Description = 约达尔修士开朗、活泼而又精明,是奥尔多家喻户晓的民间故事人物,有关他的故事和传闻成百上千。就算这些传说只是十分之一是真人真事,那么他也能算得上智谋无双了。
|Staffs Treatise II = 长杖文献二
|Staffs Treatise II = 长杖文献二
|Staffs Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:太一
|Staffs Treatise II BookName = 九常:致一之道
|Staffs Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干长杖招式:
|Staffs Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 不动不摇
|Staffs Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 胜利
|Staffs Treatise II PassiveSkill2 = 机不可失
|Staffs Treatise II Description = 这是道教信徒的一篇圣训,道教信徒较少,分布在玛弗帝国的山地之间。他们身手灵敏,英勇无畏,与一般的修士有所不同。
|Staffs Treatise III = 长杖文献三
|Staffs Treatise III = 长杖文献三
|Staffs Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:米尔万修士
|Staffs Treatise III BookName = 诫道徒书
|Staffs Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干长杖招式:
|Staffs Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 和为贵
|Staffs Treatise III Description = 奥尔多的路上现在依然会碰到朝圣的信徒,只是没有从前那么多了。他们的行囊通常装的都是几十冠钱、简简单单的物资、一件干净的衣服和这本书。
|Athletics Treatise I = 肢体活动文献一
|Athletics Treatise I = 肢体活动文献一
|Athletics Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:弗雷德里希·菲尔
|Athletics Treatise I BookName = 东游记(卷一)
|Athletics Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干“肢体活动”能力:
|Athletics Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 猛踹
|Athletics Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 扫腿
|Athletics Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 脱身
|Athletics Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 命不该绝
|Athletics Treatise I Description = 一本回忆录的第一部分,作者是某个没落商业家族的继承者。作者使用了大量笔墨,思考自己在这个世界之中的位置,时不时地也会细腻描述奥尔多很难见到的武术形式。
|Athletics Treatise II = 肢体活动文献二
|Athletics Treatise II = 肢体活动文献二
|Athletics Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:弗雷德里希·菲尔
|Athletics Treatise II BookName = 东游记(卷二)
|Athletics Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干“肢体活动”能力:
|Athletics Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 突进
|Athletics Treatise II ActiveSkill2 = 冲撞
|Athletics Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 愈战愈勇
|Athletics Treatise II PassiveSkill2 = 深藏不露
|Athletics Treatise II Description = 弗雷德里希·菲尔回忆录的第二部分,内容均为断续不连贯的游记,没有太多价值。不过弗雷德里希在这一部分详细给出了一些打斗动作的指导,这些文字十分有益。
|Athletics Treatise III = 肢体活动文献三
|Athletics Treatise III = 肢体活动文献三
|Athletics Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:弗雷德里希·菲尔
|Athletics Treatise III BookName = 东游记(卷三)
|Athletics Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干“肢体活动”能力:
|Athletics Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 灵敏
|Athletics Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 事不宜迟
|Athletics Treatise III Description = 回忆录的第三部分,大量的篇幅均在抨击铺张挥霍和禁魔研究。除此之外,还有相当数量的片段谈及松达纳僧人的修行方法。
|Athletics Treatise IV = 肢体活动文献四
|Athletics Treatise IV = 肢体活动文献四
|Athletics Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:弗雷德里希·菲尔
|Athletics Treatise IV BookName = 东游记(卷四)
|Athletics Treatise IV LearnText = 可以学习若干“肢体活动”能力:
|Athletics Treatise IV ActiveSkill1 = 热血澎湃
|Athletics Treatise IV PassiveSkill1 = 冲刺训练
|Athletics Treatise IV PassiveSkill2 = 巅峰状态
|Athletics Treatise IV Description = 弗雷德里希·菲尔回忆录的第四部分,向往东方的贵族非常爱看这一卷,其他几卷平时也很难看到。
|Combat Mastery Treatise I = 战斗文献一
|Combat Mastery Treatise I = 战斗文献一
|Combat Mastery Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:布莱克·拉尔斯
|Combat Mastery Treatise I BookName = 亲眼见证:“巨魔杀手”的历史、胜利与败北
|Combat Mastery Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干战斗能力:
|Combat Mastery Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 掌握主动
|Combat Mastery Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 战吼
|Combat Mastery Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 把握时机
|Combat Mastery Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 准备就绪
|Combat Mastery Treatise I Description = 这本回忆录的作者是传奇自由佣兵团的退伍军官。这个佣兵团尽管名叫“巨魔杀手”,但是其实并未见过巨魔。
|Combat Mastery Treatise II = 战斗文献二
|Combat Mastery Treatise II = 战斗文献二
|Combat Mastery Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:佚名
|Combat Mastery Treatise II BookName = 兵法
|Combat Mastery Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干战斗能力:
|Combat Mastery Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 攻击战术
|Combat Mastery Treatise II ActiveSkill2 = 防御战术
|Combat Mastery Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 正中目标
|Combat Mastery Treatise II PassiveSkill2 = 震慑
|Combat Mastery Treatise II Description = 《兵法》流传最广的一个版本,各界认为本书著者至少包含多名军队将领、文士和政府官员等十数人。
|Combat Mastery Treatise III = 战斗文献三
|Combat Mastery Treatise III = 战斗文献三
|Combat Mastery Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:司务长加鲁斯
|Combat Mastery Treatise III BookName = 玛弗鬼影:军中将领的梦魇
|Combat Mastery Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干战斗能力:
|Combat Mastery Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 力挽狂澜
|Combat Mastery Treatise III ActiveSkill2 = 最后一击
|Combat Mastery Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 站姿训练
|Combat Mastery Treatise III Description = 本书著于奥尔多与玛弗最近一次的战争期间,然而并未提高军队长官和将领的安全防范意识。
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV = 战斗文献四
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV = 战斗文献四
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:萨勒斯·噶尔得
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV BookName = 专论:弗约缘何无法征服
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV LearnText = 可以学习若干战斗能力:
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV ActiveSkill1 = 奋力一搏
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV PassiveSkill1 = 裂甲
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV PassiveSkill2 = 搏命
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV Description = 布林这位卓有建树的学者希望通过这一详实的研究,解释了奥尔多和斯卡迪亚为何屡屡败在弗约矮人手下。
|Dual Wielding Treatise I = 兵器双持文献一
|Dual Wielding Treatise I = 兵器双持文献一
|Dual Wielding Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:杰达巴·沃特
|Dual Wielding Treatise I BookName = 剑击之术:几点理论思考和实用建议
|Dual Wielding Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干兵器双持能力:
|Dual Wielding Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 暴风疾雨
|Dual Wielding Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 挡避
|Dual Wielding Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 双持训练
|Dual Wielding Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 视死如归
|Dual Wielding Treatise I Description = 米尔万·佛·德布的论著论述全面,鞭辟入里。他毕竟是奥尔多顶尖的剑士,不过他的水平也渐渐开始受到了年岁的影响。
|Dual Wielding Treatise II = 兵器双持文献二
|Dual Wielding Treatise II = 兵器双持文献二
|Dual Wielding Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:米尔万·佛·德布
|Dual Wielding Treatise II BookName = 遥远国度历险:惊心动魄奇闻异录纪实
|Dual Wielding Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干兵器双持能力:
|Dual Wielding Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 人人有份
|Dual Wielding Treatise II ActiveSkill2 = 全神贯注
|Dual Wielding Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 狂暴传统
|Dual Wielding Treatise II Description = 故事集子,由知名寻宝人雷德·瓦尔德万口述,他的朋友记录。他靠着这本集子赚了不少钱,寻宝的收入与之相比,只能算九牛一毛。
|Dual Wielding Treatise III = 兵器双持文献三
|Dual Wielding Treatise III = 兵器双持文献三
|Dual Wielding Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:约华·阿努
|Dual Wielding Treatise III BookName = 玛弗沙漠与沙丘之秘之历险游记三
|Dual Wielding Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干兵器双持能力:
|Dual Wielding Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 旋风
|Dual Wielding Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 势不可当
|Dual Wielding Treatise III PassiveSkill2 = 再来!
|Dual Wielding Treatise III Description = 约华·阿努历时几个月,终于走出沙漠,抵达艾哈雅特,亲眼目睹了精灵的风土民俗,大为惊异。
|Spears Treatise I = 枪矛文献一
|Spears Treatise I = 枪矛文献一
|Spears Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:“神鬼难逃”卡恩
|Spears Treatise I BookName = 赏金老手二十章详谈行业成功秘诀
|Spears Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干枪矛招式:
|Spears Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 尖矛
|Spears Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 突刺
|Spears Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 精准一击
|Spears Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 绝不后退
|Spears Treatise I Description = 赏金猎人这个行当,毋庸置疑,不是什么正经职业,但钱赚得可不少,所以经常有人想进这一行。
|Spears Treatise II = 枪矛文献二
|Spears Treatise II = 枪矛文献二
|Spears Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:贝瑞隆·佛·马尔
|Spears Treatise II BookName = 实论铁证谈军事改革的必要性(卷一)
|Spears Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干枪矛招式:
|Spears Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 寸土必争
|Spears Treatise II ActiveSkill2 = 枪矛站姿
|Spears Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 枪锐矛利
|Spears Treatise II Description = 大乱让各方将领都受到了极大的触动和启发,然而只有城联军颇具战略头脑的将士最为锐意革新。
|Spears Treatise III = 枪矛文献三
|Spears Treatise III = 枪矛文献三
|Spears Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:“刚正不阿”达姆勒斯爵士
|Spears Treatise III BookName = 刀剑与荣耀:扈从指南
|Spears Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干枪矛招式:
|Spears Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 灵活机动
|Spears Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 逐个击破
|Spears Treatise III PassiveSkill2 = 不要过来!
|Spears Treatise III Description = 作者写这本书,主要是希望向骑士提供他们所需的各类建议,同时也让初出茅庐的年轻人找到正确的方向。
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I = 双手斧技文献一
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I = 双手斧技文献一
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:以斯托拉特·阿列寇斯
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I BookName = 奥尔多王国及境内名地历游杂粹
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干双手斧招式:
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 勾斧
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 大卸八块
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 破盾
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I Description = 以斯托拉特·阿列寇斯是尼斯特拉的贵族,奥尔多内战爆发之前,曾在王国各处游历。奥尔多各地的风物并未给他留下深刻的印象,这也是情理之中的事情。
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II = 双手斧技文献二
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II = 双手斧技文献二
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:智者温布兰
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II BookName = 奥克·奥尔多之祸:蛮族历史风俗全考
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干双手斧招式:
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 见血为快
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II ActiveSkill2 = 运斤成风
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 大斧如风
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II PassiveSkill2 = 了结
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II Description = 奥尔多的文学与文献但凡提及奥克,必然只会有仇恨和蔑视。鉴于这个部落的所作所为,奥尔多人理所应当会对他们是这样的态度。
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III = 双手斧技文献三
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III = 双手斧技文献三
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:约斯特维恩人托尔万
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III BookName = 矮人之地弗约四一〇年的永冬(二)
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干双手斧招式:
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 夺命
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 刑斧
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III PassiveSkill2 = 残虐
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III Description = 托尔万日记的第二卷继续讲述了他不可思议的冒险之旅,奥尔多人很少有人有他这样的经历。
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I = 双手锤、棒文献一
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I = 双手锤、棒文献一
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:丹布里人乌纳
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I BookName = 尼斯特拉风土考(二)
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干双手锤、棒招式:
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 无坚不摧
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I ActiveSkill2 = 所向披靡
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 东倒西歪
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 穷追猛打
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I Description = 丹布里的乌纳上辈子肯定是尼斯特拉人,不然他为什么总是赞颂那个国家?
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II = 双手锤、棒文献二
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II = 双手锤、棒文献二
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:贝瑞隆·佛·马尔
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II BookName = 实论铁证谈军事改革的必要性(卷二)
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干双手锤、棒招式:
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 震天撼地
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II ActiveSkill2 = 大杀四方
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 断骨
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II Description = 贝瑞隆·佛·马尔过世十分突然,对城联军队造成了巨大的打击——尽管他终前年事已高,但其对于军事的见解深刻独到,鲜有人能与之比肩。
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III = 双手锤、棒文献三
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III = 双手锤、棒文献三
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:维滕巴德·诺恩
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III BookName = 艾哈雅特(又玛弗帝国)故事集
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III LearnText = 可以学习若干双手锤、棒招式:
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III ActiveSkill1 = 劈头盖顶
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III PassiveSkill1 = 晕头转向
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III PassiveSkill2 = 喜武好战
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III Description = 维滕巴德是奥尔多的生意人,曾在艾哈雅特生活过几年。不过,艾国与奥尔多开战,两方邦交断裂之时,维滕巴德已回到了奥尔多。
|Survival Treatise I = 生存能力文献一
|Survival Treatise I = 生存能力文献一
|Survival Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:雷什文的绥拉特
|Survival Treatise I BookName = 奥尔多林间的卫士:护林卫溯源
|Survival Treatise I LearnText = 可以学习若干生存能力:
|Survival Treatise I ActiveSkill1 = 紧急自救
|Survival Treatise I PassiveSkill1 = 适者生存
|Survival Treatise I PassiveSkill2 = 寻踪能手
|Survival Treatise I Description = 雷什文的绥拉特周游奥尔多,听闻了护林卫的诸多事迹,心中大为震撼,专门写了一本书记述护林卫的前世今生,此书或许也是希望他的尼斯特拉同胞也能从中学习到一些东西。
|Survival Treatise II = 生存能力文献二
|Survival Treatise II = 生存能力文献二
|Survival Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:圣庙教士尼斯塔
|Survival Treatise II BookName = 至高圣庙布道词
|Survival Treatise II LearnText = 可以学习若干生存能力:
|Survival Treatise II ActiveSkill1 = 求生欲
|Survival Treatise II PassiveSkill1 = 艰苦朴素
|Survival Treatise II PassiveSkill2 = 时刻机警
|Survival Treatise II PassiveSkill3 = 狩猎高手
|Survival Treatise II Description = 诺斯主义的一大理念就是推崇笑对命运——不论生活遇到怎样的情况,都不要烦恼恐忧。这样的理念,即便不考虑其宗教出处,也十分有益。

|Pyromantic Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:心地善良的人
|Pyromantic Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:陶·戴比尔
|Pyromantic Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:曼恩人涅尔曼
|Pyromantic Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:约华·阿努
|Geomantic Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:布林人约兰
|Geomantic Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:布勒斯法师
|Geomantic Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:佚名
|Geomantic Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:瓦依努·伊什万村长
|Shields Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:延斯·达伦
|Shields Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:艾尔瓦罗·维尼加斯
|Shields Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:尼卡得斯

|Daggers Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:
|Daggers Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:以笔为刀
|Daggers Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:佚名
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:书记员赫德
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:尼卡得斯
|Two-Handed Swords Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:流浪汉马瑞克
|Ranged Weapons Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:尼达尔·德·佛特
|Ranged Weapons Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:约华·阿努
|Ranged Weapons Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:皇苑守卫金里克
|Ranged Weapons Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:约华·阿努
|Staffs Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:佚名
|Staffs Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:太一
|Staffs Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:米尔万修士
|Athletics Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:弗雷德里希·菲尔
|Athletics Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:弗雷德里希·菲尔
|Athletics Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:弗雷德里希·菲尔
|Athletics Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:弗雷德里希·菲尔
|Combat Mastery Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:布莱克·拉尔斯
|Combat Mastery Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:佚名
|Combat Mastery Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:司务长加鲁斯
|Combat Mastery Treatise IV BookAuthor = 作者:萨勒斯·噶尔得
|Dual Wielding Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:杰达巴·沃特
|Dual Wielding Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:米尔万·佛·德布
|Dual Wielding Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:约华·阿努
|Spears Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:“神鬼难逃”卡恩
|Spears Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:贝瑞隆·佛·马尔
|Spears Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:“刚正不阿”达姆勒斯爵士
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:以斯托拉特·阿列寇斯
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:智者温布兰
|Two-Handed Axes Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:约斯特维恩人托尔万
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:丹布里人乌纳
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:贝瑞隆·佛·马尔
|Two-Handed Maces Treatise III BookAuthor = 作者:维滕巴德·诺恩
|Survival Treatise I BookAuthor = 作者:雷什文的绥拉特
|Survival Treatise II BookAuthor = 作者:圣庙教士尼斯塔

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Latest revision as of 18:40, 1 May 2022

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