Weapon data

From Stoneshard wiki
Revision as of 17:45, 16 March 2025 by Psojed (talk | contribs) (update datastring)
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Page for all Stoneshard weapon data.

This data is edited with the parser. If you need to edit this manually, here's the order of values as of Rags to Riches patch.

Tier;ID;Type;Rarity;Material;Durability;Markup;Price;Range;Armor Damage;Armor Penetration;Bodypart Damage;Slashing Damage;Piercing Damage;Crushing Damage;Rending Damage;Fire Damage;Shock Damage;Poison Damage;Caustic Damage;Frost Damage;Arcane Damage;Unholy Damage;Sacred Damage;Psionic Damage;Accuracy;Crit Chance;Crit Efficiency;Block Chance;Block Power;Counter Chance;Fumble Chance;Bleed Chance;Daze Chance;Stun Chance;Knockback Chance;Immobilization Chance;Stagger Chance;Energy;Energy Restoration;Cooldowns Duration;Skill Energy Cost;Spell Energy Cost;Magic Power;Backfire Chance;Miracle Chance;Miracle Potency;Pyromantic Power;Geomantic Power;Venomantic Power;Electromantic Power;Cryomantic Power;Arcanistic Power;Astromantic Power;Psionic Power;Health Restoration;Health Drain;Energy Drain;Bonus Range;Damage Taken;Healing Efficiency;Block Recovery;Fatigue Resistance;Crit Avoidance;Max Health;Balance (???);Tags;Total damage (of all types);Obtainability;Description


You can copy the values above and copy the line (or lines) you want to edit, and import them into a CSV editor, for example [https://edit-csv.net]. Open the Read options and check the "Has Header" checkbox.

You'll get a table format that's easier to read.