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(Created page with "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}} |Fire Barrage = Translated Fire Barrage |#default = 没有翻译}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{Doc}}Category:ZH Language templates</noinclude>")
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<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}}
|Fire Barrage = Translated Fire Barrage
|Backstab = 背后偷袭
|Fire Barrage = 连发火球
|Bolt of Darkness = 黑暗能量
|Examine Surroundings = 探查
|Dazing Strikes = 眩晕重击
|Moment of Retribution = 以牙还牙
|Blaze = 烈火
|Excess Heat = 余热
|Finish Off = 终结一击
|Deadly Trick = 斗转星移
|Heroic Charge = 英勇冲锋
|Raise Shield = 举盾
|Fragmentation = 分身
|Charge = 前冲
|Knockback = 击退
|Lacerate = 放血
|Life Leech = 吸血
|Rend Flesh = 皮开肉绽
|Necrophage = 食尸
|Crippling Shot = 致残一箭
|Mark of the Feast = 在劫难逃
|Teleport = 瞬间移动
|Rain of Arrows = 箭雨
|Curse of Weakness = 虚弱诅咒
|Sacrificial Blood = 血祭
|Vampiric Rune = 吸血符文
|Sigil of Darkness = 黑暗符印
|Summon Blood Golem = 召唤赤血魔像
|Flesh Explosion = 血肉横飞
|Dark Ritual = 黑暗仪式
|Blood Oath = 血誓
|Crimson Banner = 绯红旌旗
|Ring of Fire = 火环
|Incineration = 焚烬
|Melting Ray = 熔岩之火
|Magma Rain = 岩浆之雨
|Inferno = 炎狱
|Feed the Flames = 饲焰
|Flame Saturation = 烈焰回神
|Scorch = 炙焰
|Safe Distance = 安全距离
|Baptism by Fire = 灼焰浸洗
|Pyromania = 与火共舞
|Cleaving Strike = 横扫
|Keeping Distance = 保持距离
|Onrush = 冲前一击
|Fencer's Stance = 刀剑站姿
|Blade Maintenance = 爱刀如命
|Gloat = 扬刀立威
|Endurance Training = 耐力训练
|Honed Edge = 削铁如泥
|Runic Boulder = 符文巨石
|Stone Armor = 石甲
|Petrification = 石化
|Stone Spikes = 石刺
|Boulder Toss = 投石
|Earthquake = 地动山摇
|Overflowing Power = 法力满溢
|Rune of Binding = 燔祭符文
|Rune of Enfeeblement = 虚弱符文
|Rune of Sustention = 延续符文
|Rune of Absorption = 吸收符文
|Rune of Destabilization = 振荡符文
|Rune of Fortifying = 强化符文
|Rune of Cycle = 轮转符文
|Shield Bash = 盾击
|Defensive Stance = 防御站姿
|Breakthrough = 突围
|Retaliation = 盾牌反击
|Last Bastion = 鱼死网破
|Embodiment of Resilience = 顽抗
|Cut Through = 狠劈
|Mutilating Lunge = 先下手为强
|Massacre = 大开杀戒
|Execution = 斩首
|Tormenting Swings = 血刃
|Ferocity = 悍斧
|Reprisal = 血债血偿
|No Mercy = 痛下杀手
|Onslaught = 猛攻
|Armor Break = 破甲
|Hammer and Anvil = 锤与铁砧
|Moment of Weakness = 趁虚而上
|Respite = 喘息
|Concussion = 当头一锤
|Feint Swing = 虚晃一剑
|Feast of Steel = 刀剑无情
|Parry = 招架
|Arc Cleave = 猛扫
|Recklessness = 无所畏惧
|Courage = 胆气逼人
|Fight to the Death = 死战
|Taste of Victory = 一鼓作气
|Revanche = 伺机以动
|Double Lunge = 双刃贯耳
|Gaping Wound = 破伤
|Painful Stabs = 辣手利刃
|Coup de Grace = 恩赐解脱
|Quick Hands = 快手如风
|From the Shadows = 暗中奇袭
|Counterattack Mastery = 反击高手
|Weakening Jabs = 虚弱猛刺
|Danse Macabre = 死亡之舞
|Hail of Blows = 乱杖
|Step Aside! = 让开!
|Unwavering Stance = 不动不摇
|Peacemaker = 和为贵
|Destabilizing Hits = 踉跄杖
|Now or Never = 机不可失
|Triumph = 胜利
|Battle Trance = 与杖同在
|Taking Aim = 瞄准
|Distracting Shot = 转移注意
|Long Shot = 远射
|Suppression = 压制
|Piercing Shot = 穿身箭
|Headshot = 直射首级
|Hunter's Mark = 猎人印记
|Constant Practice = 熟能生巧
|Precision = 精准
|Thrift = 节俭
|Spot Weakness = 直奔要害
|Anticipation = 先发制人
|Shoot to Kill = 射杀
|Upper Hand = 占据上风
|Seize the Initiative = 掌握主动
|Defensive Tactic = 防御战术
|Offensive Tactic = 攻击战术
|War Cry = 战吼
|Finisher = 最后一击
|Thirst for Battle = 奋力一搏
|Against the Odds = 力挽狂澜
|Setup = 准备就绪
|Armor Crusher = 裂甲
|Intimidation = 震慑
|Right on Target = 正中目标
|Opportune Moment = 把握时机
|Stance Training = 站姿训练
|Final Push = 搏命
|Mighty Kick = 猛踹
|Leg Sweep = 扫腿
|Sudden Lunge = 冲撞
|Dash = 突进
|Elusiveness = 灵敏
|Adrenaline Rush = 热血澎湃
|Sprint Training = 冲刺训练
|Inner Reserves = 深藏不露
|Peak Performance = 巅峰状态
|Not This Time = 命不该绝
|Disengage = 脱身
|No Time to Linger = 事不宜迟
|Push the Falling = 愈战愈勇
|Flurry of Strikes = 暴风疾雨
|Enough for Everyone = 人人有份
|Deflect = 挡避
|Whirlwind = 旋风
|Concentration = 全神贯注
|Dual Wielding Training = 双持训练
|Berserk Tradition = 狂暴传统
|Dying Fervor = 视死如归
|More Blood! = 再来!
|Unstoppable = 势不可当
|Nail Down = 尖矛
|Impaling Lunge = 突刺
|Maneuver = 灵活机动
|Determination = 寸土必争
|Pikeman Stance = 枪兵站姿
|Stay Back! = 不要过来!
|Precise Hits = 精准一击
|One at a Time! = 逐个击破
|No Retreat = 绝不后退
|Wounding Spearhead = 枪锐矛利
|Bestial Charge = 狂冲
|Jump Away = 后撤
|Phantom Bats = 幽灵蝙蝠
|Wild Swipe = 重扫
|Corpse Devourment = 吞尸
|Blood Puddle = 沸血
|Blood Clot = 血块
|Summon the Restless = 唤尸
|Unholy Ritual = 邪术仪式
|Bloodthirst = 嗜血
|Blood Craze = 血狂
|Willing Sacrifice = 自我奉献
|Chain Strike = 锁链重抽
|Lash Blessing = 鞭挞
|Immolation = 自焚
|Driven by Pain = 伤而愈勇
|Baleful Scream = 哀号
|Berserker Frenzy = 战狂
|Vow of the Feat = 冷静过人
|Sharp Eye = 眼力惊人
|Magical Erudition = 魔法学养
|Artifact Knowledge = 见多识广
|To Each Their Own = 各得其所
|Curse = 诅咒
|Resurrection = 起死还魂
|Unholy Blessing = 邪术庇佑
|Snake Stealth = 蛇伏
|Rock Toss = 投掷巨石
|Deafening Roar = 震天怒吼
|Shockwave = 冲击波
|Troll Regeneration = 巨魔自动恢复
|Claw Swipe = 爪击横扫
|Abominable Vitality = 死而不僵
|Death Touch = 死亡之触
|Soul Sacrifice = 魂祭
|Binding Sigil = 有难同当
|Grab 'Em! = 咬住!
|Loud Barking = 怒吠
|Sic! = 给我上!
|Net Throw = 撒网
|Dispersal = 神出鬼没
|Grave Chill = 尸寒逼人
|Bone Throw = 骸袭
|Skinning = 剥皮割肉
|Mighty Swing = 无坚不摧
|Unstoppable Force = 所向披靡
|Skull Crusher = 劈头盖顶
|Striker Stance = 大杀四方
|Forceful Slam = 震天撼地
|Keep Them Coming = 穷追猛打
|Unbalance = 东倒西歪
|Bonebreaker = 断骨
|Revel in Battle = 喜武好战
|Severe Concussion = 晕头转向
|Hooking Chop = 勾斧
|Dismember = 大卸八块
|Reign in Blood = 见血为快
|Rampage = 运斤成风
|Make Space = 夺命
|Finish 'Em! = 了结
|Shieldbreaker = 破盾
|Maim and Kill = 残虐
|Tool of Execution = 刑斧
|Fatal Strike = 大斧如风
|Swarm = 蜂拥
|Disturbed Hive = 蜂巢警戒
|Web Spit = 吐丝结网
|Corrosive Blood = 酸血
|Regenerative Carapace = 甲壳自愈
|For Whom The Bell Tolls = 丧钟为谁而鸣
|Unholy Anthems = 渎神曲
|Earthshaking Strike = 撼地重击
|Earthshaking Strike = 撼地重击
|Tongue Pull = 舌拉
|Tongue Push = 舌推
|Tongue Leech = 舌吸血
|Murkwalk = 幽行
|Embrace the Murk = 幽隐
|Murkstrike = 幽袭
|Blood Spit = 啐血
|Blister Burst = 爆脓
|Summon Worm = 唤虫
|Wormfood = 虫食
|Tentacle Arm = 触手
|Neverending Torment = 无尽煎熬
|Blessed in Death = 虽死犹在
|Bestial Rage = 兽怒
|Witness His Might! = 耀武扬威
|Anthems of Bloodshed = 喋血曲
|Feed the Host = 哺主
|One Body = 身手一体
|Blood Scent = 血腥
|Fling Away = 抽打
|Howl = 狼嗥
|Ramming Charge = 突奔
|Pack Sense = 群斗
|Dying Rage = 困兽犹斗
|Rapid Flight = 狂飞
|Peck = 尖喙
|Unbearable Stench = 臭气熏天
|Elusive Predators = 逃之夭夭
|Taste for Flesh = 啖肉
|Voracity = 贪食
|Jolt = 放电
|Impulse = 脉冲
|Static Field = 静态场
|Short Circuit = 短路
|Ball Lightning = 球状闪电
|Chain Lightning = 连锁闪电
|Tempest = 风雷大作
|Residual Charge = 残余电荷
|Potential Difference = 势差
|Unlimited Power = 能量无限
|Conductivity = 传导
|Resonance Cascade = 级联谐振
|Chain Reaction = 连锁反应
|Recharge = 充电
|Seal of Finesse = 精纯法印
|Seal of Power = 增强法印
|Seal of Insight = 明见法印
|Seal of Cleansing = 荡涤法印
|Seal of Shackles = 禁锢法印
|Seal of Reflection = 反动法印
|Precise Movements = 精准妙手
|Dissipation = 散法
|Body and Spirit = 身灵合一
|Lingering Incantations = 魔法萦回
|Thaumaturgy = 超凡神通
|Arcane Lore = 秘识渊博
|Lion Leap = 飞扑
|Primal Aether = 元初以太
|Vengeance of the Dead = 亡灵复仇
|Animated Servant = 仆从复苏
|Bone Pyres = 骨焰
|Deadly Tail = 夺命尾
|Cauterize Wounds = 烧灼创口
|Make a Halt = 稍事休息
|Campfire = 生火
|First Aid = 紧急自救
|Will to Survive = 求生欲
|Pathfinder = 寻踪能手
|Huntmaster = 狩猎高手
|Ever Vigilant = 时刻机警
|Austerity = 艰苦朴素
|Adaptability = 适者生存
|Coordinated Advance = 协同进攻
|Dead or Alive = 活要人死要尸
|Raise the Banner! = 摇旗!

|#default = 没有翻译}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{Doc}}[[Category:ZH Language templates]]</noinclude>
|#default = 没有翻译}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{Doc}}[[Category:ZH Language templates]]</noinclude>

Latest revision as of 18:10, 14 January 2023

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