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Page for all Stoneshard NPC Loot data.
Page for all Stoneshard NPC Loot data. '''{{c|-|[TEST]}}'''

Line 6: Line 6:
NPCLoot data is maintained manually (for now).
NPCLoot data is maintained manually (for now).

This template is a standalone from the [[Friendly data]] template and data, which was used to gather some of the data from each NPC, along with the extra data added in their own pages.

==Update Data==

The idea is to define this simple template and later on update it to a more complex one, with more parameters and options, if needed.<br>
The idea here, is to centralize only what the NPCs trade. Buying and selling prices are not needed, as they are already in the determined data pages.<br>
The parameters are as follows:

To adapt to the official [[Category:Icons|Icons]]. The template {{tl|NPCLootTable/row}}, uses the following categories, only for sub-categories:
* Unfortunately, this needs to be changed manually, for every NPC. This is where Friendly NPC and NPCLoot data differ from each other.
* This would require a "complete" rewrite of the NPCs infos, to compell with the game icon categories.

Possible updates could include:
|SubCategories = {{switch:{{#var:IconCategory}}
|Food = Consumables;
|Beverages = Consumables;
|Drinks = Consumables;
|Wateskin = Consumables;
"Loot" = <!--TBD -> Most likely, the difference between Jewelry and Valuables-->;
|Junk = Other;
|Herbs = Medicine;
"Reagents" = <!--TBD -> Most likely, food additives & Ingredients? -->;
|Books & Notes = Scrolls;
|Tools & Traps = Tools;
|Misc = Other;
#default = All}} <!--When icon not found.-->

  Weapons(Swords;Axes;Maces;Daggers;THSwords;THAxes;THMaces;Spears;Ranged Weapons;Shields;Staves);Armor;Jewelry;Artifaccts;Treatises;Loot;Food;Beverages;Potions;Ingredients;Drugs;Medicine;Scrools;Ammunition;Tools;Traps
* I could not think of a better way to do this icon verification, without a proper loop or a better way to handle the data. So i will leave this as is, and change manually, as needed.
* The thing is, manually cchanging this table, requires you to go to the NPC page, and verify the items listed there and their categories, then update the NPCLoot data page, with the correct categories.

You can base it on the "old" NPC page, and list the types of items he sells like this:

This template will integrate with [[Friendly data]] template, which will be used to gather the data needed for each NPC.
If a parameter is empty, for example: '''[[Bert]] does not Sell any Jewelry.'''<br>{{c|+|It can be left empty or omitted completely}}.<br>Here are two examples of NPCLoot data syntax;these two would produce the same result:

==Update Data==
|Bert = {{#switch:{{{2}}}
  |Buys = Armor;Books;Consumables;Drugs;Food;Jewelry;Medicine;Potions;Tools;Weapons;Valuables
  |Sells = Weapons;Armor;Jewelry;Medicine;Valuables;Food;Junk
  |Weapons = Training_Crossbow
  |Armor = Travelling_Shoes
  |Consumables = Bread;Cheese;Morel;Mannshire_Fortified
  |Medicine = Bandage;Healing Salve;Herbal_Extract
  |Tools = Hammer;Pickaxe;Bedroll
|#default = }}</nowiki>

The idea here, is to centralize only what the NPCs trade. Buying and selling prices are not needed, as they are already in the determined data pages.<br>
|Bert = {{#switch:{{{2}}}
You can base it on the old NPC page, and list the types of items he sells like:
  |Buys = Armor;Consumables;Scrolls;Jewelry;Medicine;Potions;Tools;Weapons;Valuables
  |Sells = Weapons;Armor;Consumables;Jewelry;Medicine;Valuables;Junk
  |Weapons = Training_Crossbow
Logic to implement:
  |Armor = Travelling_Shoes
If Trader=1, show template, else "This NPC is not a trader.".
  |Jewelry =
If Sells exists, show it, else "This NPC does not sell anything.".
  |Beverages = Mannshire_Fortified
  |Food = Bread;Cheese;Morel
  |Medicine = Bandage;Healing Salve;Herbal_Extract
  |Tools = Hammer;Pickaxe;Bedroll
|#default = }}</nowiki>

Used by:
Used by:
Line 37: Line 68:
* {{tl|NPCLootTable/end}} template.
* {{tl|NPCLootTable/end}} template.

<!-- Proposta de variaveis
<!-- New model:

| Jurg = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
| Buy = Alcohol;Ammo;Armor;Beverages;Food;Ingredients;Jewelry;Junk;Materials;Valuables;Weapons
|NPC1 = {{#switch:{{{2}}}
| Sell = Bows;Crossbows;Staves;Maces;Two-Handed Maces;Ammo;Shields
  |Buys = Weapons;Armor
  |Sells = Potions;Tools
  |Weapons = Sword;Axe;Bow;Training_Crossbow
  |Armor = Helmet;Shield
| Jurg = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
  |Potions = HealthPotion;ManaPotion
| Buy = Alcohol;Ammo;Armor;Beverages;Food;Ingredients;Jewelry;Junk;Materials;Valuables;Weapons
  |Tools = Pickaxe;Hammer
| Weapon = Bows;Crossbows;Staves;Maces;Two-Handed Maces;Ammo;Shields
  |#default = }}
| Armor = Shields
All category icons in alphabetical order:


{{stub}}</noinclude><includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}}
</noinclude><includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}}
----- OSBROOK -----
----- OSBROOK -----
|Ormond = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Ormond = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys = Consumables;Jewelry;Tools;Other<!--Alcohol;Beverages;Food;Jewelry;Tools-->
|Consumables = Sausage;Smoked_Ham;Fatty_Meat;Tough_Meat;Tender_Meat;Sinewy_Meat;Raw_Drumstick
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Jurg = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Jurg = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buy = Alcohol;Ammo;Armor;Beverages;Food;Ingredients;Jewelry;Junk;Materials;Valuables;Weapons
|Buys = Armor;Consumables;Jewelry;Other;Reagents;Tools;Weapons<!--Alcohol;Ammunition;Armor;Beverages;Food;Ingredients;Jewelry;Junk;Materials;Valuables;Weapons-->
|Weapon = Bows;Crossbows;Staves;Maces;Two-Handed Maces;Ammo;Shields
|Sells = Weapons;Armor
|Weapons = Bows;Crossbows;Staves;Maces;Two-Handed_Maces<br>(Wood);Ammunition
|Armor = Shields
|Armor = Shields
|BuysLimitation = "Jurg will pay more [[Crowns]] for wooden items than other merchants."
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Margyt = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Margyt = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buy =
|Buys = Other<!--TBC-->
|Food = Food
|Sells = Consumables
|Consumables = Cheese;Cooked_Carp;Grape;Lentil_Soup;Pancakes;Peasant_Stew;Pinecap;Smoked_Ham;TomatoDark_Ale;Spirit
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Gina = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Gina = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys =
|Sells = Consumables
|Consumables =  
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Frid = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Frid = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys = Consumables;Reagents;Jewelry;Other;Medicine;Potions;Scrolls;Valuables
|Sells=Herbs, Medicine, Scrolls
|Sells = Consumables;Medicine;Scrolls
|Consumables =
|Medicine = Antitoxin;Bandage;Healing Salve;Herbal_Extract;Leeches;Vivifying Essence;Splint;Soporific_Sponge
|Reagents = Agrimony;Bogbean;Burdock;Horsetail;Mindwort;Peppermint;Poppy;Thyme
|Scrolls = Identification_Scroll;Disenchantment_Scroll
|BuysLimitation = "Selling Medicine and drugs to Frid will yield a better price than other merchants."
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Brukk = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Brukk = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys = Consumables;Jewelry;Other
|Sells = Consumables
|Sells=Food, Drinks, Waterskin
|Consumables = Brandy;Dark_Ale;Jug_of_Milk;Mead;Spirit;Waterskin;Bread;Cheese;Cooked_Carp;Cooked_Venison;Dumpling;Garlic;Goat_Cheese;Lentil_Soup;Pancakes;Peasant_Stew;Roasted_Drumstick;Sausage;Smoked_Ham;Tomato;Roasted_Fatty_Meat;Flatbread;Pretzel
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Osbrook Female Innkeeper = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Osbrook Female Innkeeper = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Name=Random Name
|Buys =  
|Sells = Consumables
|Consumables = Waterskin
|Sells=Food, Drinks, Waterskin
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Bert = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Bert = {{#switch:{{{2}}}
|Buys = Armor;Scrolls;Consumables;Jewelry;Loot;Medicine;Other;Potions;Tools;Weapons
|Sells = Weapons;Armor;Jewelry;Medicine;Valuables;Consumables;Other;Scrolls
|Sells=Weapons, Armor, Jewelry, Medicine, Valuables, Food, Junk
|Weapons = Training_Crossbow
|Armor = Travelling_Shoes
|Jewelry = <!--TODO-->
|Books & Notes = <!--TODO -> Use "|Scrolls" instead.-->
|Consumables = Bread;Cheese;Morel;Mannshire_Fortified
|Medicine = Bandage;Healing_Salve;Herbal_Extract
|Valuables = <!--TODO-->
|Scrolls = <!--TODO-->
|Tools = Hammer;Pickaxe;Bedroll
|Potions = <!--TODO-->
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Alan = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Alan = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys =  
|Sells = Consumables
|Consumables =
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Jebar = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Jebar = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys = Armor;Weapons;Tools
|Sells = Armor;Tools;Weapons
|Armor = Shields;Headgear;Chestpieces;Gloves;Belts;Boots
|Sells=Weapons, Lockpicks, Traps
|Weapons = Swords;Maces;Axes;Daggers;Greatswords;Spears
|Consumables = Tools
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Hold = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Hold = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys =
|Sells =
|Armor = Headgear;Gloves;Belts;Chestpieces;Boots
|Weapons = Quivers
|Other = Purse
|BuysLimitation = "Hold will pay more [[Crowns]] for tailored equipment than other merchants."
|#default = }}
|#default = }}
----- MANNSHIRE -----

|Lynd = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Lynd = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys = Other;Tools;Weapons
|Sells = Other;Tools;Weapons
|Tools = Lockpicks;Repair_Kit
|Other = Purse
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Dirk_(NPC) = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Dirk_(NPC) = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys =  
|Sells = Weapons;Armor
|Armor = Shields
|Weapons = Maces;Staves;Shields;Bows;Crossbows;Ammunition
|Sells=Maces, Staves, Shields, Bows, Xbows, Ammunition
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Knud = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Knud = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Occupation=Village Elder
|Buys =  
|Sells = Scrolls
|Scrolls = Maps
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Agna = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Agna = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Occupation=Food Trader
|Buys =
|Sells = Consumables
|Sells=Milk, Cheese
|Consumables = Milk;Cheese
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Gunda = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Gunda = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Occupation=Food Trader
|Buys =
|Sells = Consumables
|Sells=Wine, Grapes
|Consumables = Wine;Grapes
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Weber Vir Lecri = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Weber Vir Lecri = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Sells = Scrolls
|Scrolls = Maps;Tools
|Sells=Maps, Tools
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Selma = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Selma = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys =
|Sells = Consumables
|Sells=Food, Drinks, Waterskin
|Consumables = Bread;Pancakes;Roasted_Fatty_Meat;Roasted_Drumstick;Peasant_Stew;Lentil_Soup;Smoked_Ham;Sausage;Pretzel;Flatbread;Cooked_Carp;Cheese;Brandy;Dark_Ale;Mead;Waterskin
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Arenn = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Arenn = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys =  
|Sells = Consumables
|Sells=Food, Drinks, Waterskin
|Consumables = Bread;Pancakes;Roasted_Fatty_Meat;Roasted_Drumstick;Peasant_Stew;Lentil_Soup;Smoked_Ham;Sausage;Pretzel;Flatbread;Cooked_Carp;Cheese;Brandy;Dark_Ale;Mead;Waterskin
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|Gerlot = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Gerlot = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Buys =
|Sells = Weapons;Armor;Jewelry;Medicine;Valuables;Consumables;Other;Scrolls
|Sells=Weapons, Armor, Jewelry, Medicine, Valuables, Food, Junk
|Armor = Geomancer_Cowl;Geomancer_Mantle;Magistrate_Mail;Mail_Gloves;Joust Shield;Long shield
|Consumables = Dumpling;Mead;Pancakes;Potato;Roasted_Drumstick;Sausage;Dark_Ale;Jug_of_Milk;Mannshire_Fortified;Spirit;Waterskin
|Jewelry = Exquisite_Gold_Ring;Pearl_Necklace;Ruby_Necklace;Silver_Ring;Silver_Amethyst_Ring
|Medicine = Herbal_Extract
|Scrolls = Disenchantment_Scroll;Identification_Scroll;Enchantment_Scroll;Axe_Treatise_I;Dagger_Treatise_I;Pyromantic_Treatise_I;Pyromantic_Treatise_III;Geomantic_Treatise_III;Sword_Treatise_I
|Weapons = Baselard;Felling_Axe;Footman_Mace;Hermit_Staff;Metallic_Staff;Priest_Staff
|#default = }}
|#default = }}

|#default = NPC {{{1}}} does not exist in [[NPCLoot data]].}}</includeonly>
|#default = NPC {{{1}}} does not exist in [[NPCLoot data]].}}</includeonly>

Latest revision as of 23:35, 27 January 2025

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Page for all Stoneshard NPC Loot data. [TEST]


NPCLoot data is maintained manually (for now).

This template is a standalone from the Friendly data template and data, which was used to gather some of the data from each NPC, along with the extra data added in their own pages.

Update Data

The idea here, is to centralize only what the NPCs trade. Buying and selling prices are not needed, as they are already in the determined data pages.

To adapt to the official. The template {{NPCLootTable/row}}, uses the following categories, only for sub-categories:

  • Unfortunately, this needs to be changed manually, for every NPC. This is where Friendly NPC and NPCLoot data differ from each other.
  • This would require a "complete" rewrite of the NPCs infos, to compell with the game icon categories.
|SubCategories = {{switch:{{#var:IconCategory}}
|Food = Consumables;
|Beverages = Consumables;
|Drinks = Consumables;
|Wateskin = Consumables;
"Loot" = <!--TBD -> Most likely, the difference between Jewelry and Valuables-->;
|Junk = Other;
|Herbs = Medicine;
"Reagents" = <!--TBD -> Most likely, food additives & Ingredients? -->;
|Books & Notes = Scrolls;
|Tools & Traps = Tools;
|Misc = Other;
#default = All}} <!--When icon not found.-->

  • I could not think of a better way to do this icon verification, without a proper loop or a better way to handle the data. So i will leave this as is, and change manually, as needed.
  • The thing is, manually cchanging this table, requires you to go to the NPC page, and verify the items listed there and their categories, then update the NPCLoot data page, with the correct categories.

You can base it on the "old" NPC page, and list the types of items he sells like this:

If a parameter is empty, for example: Bert does not Sell any Jewelry.
It can be left empty or omitted completely.
Here are two examples of NPCLoot data syntax;these two would produce the same result:

|Bert = {{#switch:{{{2}}}
  |Buys = Armor;Books;Consumables;Drugs;Food;Jewelry;Medicine;Potions;Tools;Weapons;Valuables
  |Sells = Weapons;Armor;Jewelry;Medicine;Valuables;Food;Junk
  |Weapons = Training_Crossbow
  |Armor = Travelling_Shoes
  |Consumables = Bread;Cheese;Morel;Mannshire_Fortified
  |Medicine = Bandage;Healing Salve;Herbal_Extract
  |Tools = Hammer;Pickaxe;Bedroll
|#default = }}
|Bert = {{#switch:{{{2}}}
  |Buys = Armor;Consumables;Scrolls;Jewelry;Medicine;Potions;Tools;Weapons;Valuables
  |Sells = Weapons;Armor;Consumables;Jewelry;Medicine;Valuables;Junk
  |Weapons = Training_Crossbow
  |Armor = Travelling_Shoes
  |Jewelry = 
  |Beverages = Mannshire_Fortified
  |Food = Bread;Cheese;Morel
  |Medicine = Bandage;Healing Salve;Herbal_Extract
  |Tools = Hammer;Pickaxe;Bedroll
|#default = }}

Used by:

All category icons in alphabetical order:


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