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<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}}
<noinclude>Page for selecting the correct skill tree data.
Selects from:
</noinclude><includeonly>{{#switch: {{{1}}}
<!-- Beasts skill data -->
<!-- Beasts skill data -->
    <!-- BEASTS SKILLS-->

|Animated Servant = Summona dois esqueletos dos montes de ossos mais próximos ao personagem. <br><br>Os esqueletos persistem por {{w|24}} turnos, então se desfazem, repondo {{pos|4%}} de Vida Máxima e {{C|Energia|8%}} de Energia Máxima ao Mantícora.
|Animated Servant = Summona dois esqueletos dos montes de ossos mais próximos ao personagem. <br><br>Os esqueletos persistem por {{w|24}} turnos, então se desfazem, repondo {{pos|4%}} de Vida Máxima e {{C|Energia|8%}} de Energia Máxima ao Mantícora.
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<!-- Brigands skill data -->
<!-- Brigands skill data -->
    <!-- BRIGANDS SKILLS -->
|Coordinated Advance = Para cada aliado dentro do campo de visão, concede {{pos|+7.5%}} de Dano de Arma e {{pos|+5%}} de Chance de Crítico tanto para eles quanto para o Renegado. Usar Habilidades reduz os Cooldowns Ativos do Renegado e de seus aliados em {{w|1}} turno.
|Coordinated Advance = Para cada aliado dentro do campo de visão, concede {{pos|+7.5%}} de Dano de Arma e {{pos|+5%}} de Chance de Crítico tanto para eles quanto para o Renegado. Usar Habilidades reduz os Cooldowns Ativos do Renegado e de seus aliados em {{w|1}} turno.
|Dead or Alive = Aplica o alvo com um efeito que persiste até a morte do Mestre de Pagamentos. <br><br> Ao atacar o alvo afetado, todos os Brigands com o Mestre de Pagamentos em sua Visão ganham: <br><br> {{pos|+10%}} Precisão <br>{{pos|+15%}} Penetração de Armadura <br>{{pos|+20%}} Dano em Partes do Corpo
|Dead or Alive = Aplica o alvo com um efeito que persiste até a morte do Mestre de Pagamentos. <br><br> Ao atacar o alvo afetado, todos os Brigands com o Mestre de Pagamentos em sua Visão ganham: <br><br> {{pos|+10%}} Precisão <br>{{pos|+15%}} Penetração de Armadura <br>{{pos|+20%}} Dano em Partes do Corpo
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<!-- Undead skill data -->
<!-- Undead skill data -->
    <!-- UNDEAD SKILLS -->
|Abominable Vitality = {{w|É apenas um arranhão!}} Ao receber dano letal, o Inquieto tem {{W|75%}} de chance de {{W|evitar a morte}}, {{pos|totalmente}} Repondo sua Vida enquanto {{neg|perde}} sua parte do corpo mais danificada.
|Abominable Vitality = {{w|É apenas um arranhão!}} Ao receber dano letal, o Inquieto tem {{W|75%}} de chance de {{W|evitar a morte}}, {{pos|totalmente}} Repondo sua Vida enquanto {{neg|perde}} sua parte do corpo mais danificada.

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|Wraith Summoning = Invoca um {{W|Wraith}} no tile alvo. O poder do {{W|Wraith}} depende do número de pilhas de {{pos|"Stolen Essence"}}.<br><br>Usar a habilidade remove {{pos|"Stolen Essence"}}.
|Wraith Summoning = Invoca um {{W|Wraith}} no tile alvo. O poder do {{W|Wraith}} depende do número de pilhas de {{pos|"Stolen Essence"}}.<br><br>Usar a habilidade remove {{pos|"Stolen Essence"}}.

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|Mighty Kick = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Mighty Kick = Causa {{W|10 Crushing Damage}} com {{W|120%}} de Precisão, {{W|100%}} de Chance de Imobilização e {{W|80%}} de Chance de Knockback.<br><br>O dano causado depende da Proteção das {{W|botas}} equipadas.<br><br>Ao atingir o alvo, aplica-o com {{Neg|-30%}} de Poder de Bloqueio Máximo, {{Neg|-20%}} de Resistência ao Controle, {{Neg|-20%}} de Resistência ao Movimento e {{neg|-15%}} de Esquiva de Crítico por {{W|4}} turnos.<br><br>O efeito se acumula até {{W|2}} vezes.
|Description = Causa {{W|10 Crushing Damage}} com {{W|120%}} de Precisão, {{W|100%}} de Chance de Imobilização e {{W|80%}} de Chance de Knockback.<br><br>O dano causado depende da Proteção das {{W|botas}} equipadas.<br><br>Ao atingir o alvo, aplica-o com {{Neg|-30%}} de Poder de Bloqueio Máximo, {{Neg|-20%}} de Resistência ao Controle, {{Neg|-20%}} de Resistência ao Movimento e {{neg|-15%}} de Esquiva de Crítico por {{W|4}} turnos.<br><br>O efeito se acumula até {{W|2}} vezes.
<!--Electromancy skill data-->
|Jolt = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Deals {{c|Shock|6 Shock Damage}} to the target with {{W|35%}} chance to Knock it back and {{W|70%}} chance to apply {{Neg|"Resonance"}} for {{W|8}} turns: <br><br>{{Neg|-20%}} Shock Resistance <br>{{Neg|-7.5%}} Move Resistance <br>{{Neg|-5%}} Control Resistance <br> {{Neg|+10%}} Cooldowns Duration
|#default = }}
|Impulse = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Deals {{c|Shock|10 Shock Damage}} to all adjacent targets with {{W|40%}} chance to Knock them back. If the spell fails to inflict Knockback, it applies {{W|Stagger}} for {{W|1}} turn. <br><br>Has {{W|85%}} chance to apply affected targets with {{Neg|"Impulse"}} for {{W|8}} turns: <br><br>{{Neg|-25%}} Shock Resistance <br>{{Neg|-15%}} Move Resistance <br>{{Neg|-10%}} Control Resistance <br>{{Neg|+20%}} Cooldowns Duration <br>Each turn deals {{c|Shock|2 Shock Damage}} with {{W|15%}} chance to inflict Knockback. <br><br>Targets affected by {{Neg|"Impulse"}} count as {{c|Shock|Resonating}}, and the effect´s duration is prolonged by additional applications of {{Neg|"Resonance"}}.
|#default = }}
|Short Circuit = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Deals {{c|Shock|6 Shock Damage}} to all {{c|Shock|Resonating}} targets within Vision. The damage increases by {{Pos|25%}} for each {{c|Shock|Resonating}} target within Vision.<br><br>Has {{W|40%}} chance to {{W|Daze}} affected targets.<br><br>If {{c|Shock|Resonating}} targets are adjacent, the damage to them is {{Pos|doubled}}.
|Formuladesc=Deals {{c|Shock|((6 * (1 + (Electromantic Power / 100)) * Magic Power) / 100) Shock Damage}} to all {{c|Shock|Resonating}} targets within Vision. The damage increases by {{Pos|25%}} for each {{c|Shock|Resonating}} target within Vision.<br><br>Has {{W|(50 * ((Magic Power + Electromantic Power) / 100))%}} chance to {{W|Daze}} affected targets.<br><br>If {{c|Shock|Resonating}} targets are adjacent, the damage to them is {{Pos|doubled}}.
|#default = }}
|Static Field = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Applies all {{c|Shock|Resonating}} targets within Vision with the effect of {{Neg|"Static Field"}} for {{W|5}} turns.<br>Each turn the static field's area of effect:<br><br>Has {{W|10%}} chance to apply immobilization.<br>Deals {{c|Shock|2 Shock Damage}} to the effect's main target and everyone adjacent to it, except the caster, applying them with {{Neg|-4%}} Shock Resistance for {{W|10}} turns (This effect stacks up to {{W|5}} times). {{W|Immobilized}} targets receive double damage.
|#default = }}
|Ball Lightning = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Summons a ball lightning on a targeted tile for {{W|4}} turns. The duration increases by {{W|1}} turns for each {{c|Shock|Resonating}} enemy within Vision.<br><br>Each turn, the ball lightning does the following in a {{W|2}} tile radius:<br><br>Deals {{c|Shock|3 Shock Damage}}<br>Has {{W|15%}} chance to {{W|Pull}} towards itself<br><br>The ball lightning deals {{Pos|25%}} more damage to adjacent targets.<br>Being Knocked back or Pulled into the ball lightning deals {{Pos|200%}} of its damage.
|#default = }}
|Chain Lightning = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Deals {{c|Shock|12 Shock Damage}} to the target, then jumps to a closest {{c|Shock|Resonating}} target within {{W|8}} tiles, prolonging the duration of its {{Neg|"Resonance"}} by {{Pos|3}} turns.<br><br>Has {{W|60%}} chance to apply {{W|Stagger}}, and reduces the ability tree's active Cooldowns by {{Pos|2}} turns for each affected target.<br><br>The lightning can strike each individual target only once per cast.
|#default = }}
|Tempest = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Summons a lightning to strike the target, then summons additional lightnings to strike {{W|2}} more enemies within Vision, prioritizing the ones affected by {{c|Shock|Resonance}}.<br><br>Deals {{c|Shock|10 Shock Damage}} and removes {{Neg|"Resonance"}}, with {{W|20%}} chance Stunning the target. The damage and Stun chance increase by {{Pos|5%}} for each remaining turn of the removed {{Neg|"Resonance"}}.<br><br>For each {{W|Stun}} applied by this spell, summons an additional lightning to strike a random target within Vision.<br><br>Instantly kills enemies at or below {{Neg|20%}} Max Health if their current Health is equal to or lower than {{W|50}}.
|#default = }}
|Residual Charge = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Grants {{Pos|+5%}} Weapon Damage. Casting the ability tree's spells grants melee attacks {{Pos|+15%}} Weapon Damage, dealt as {{c|Shock|Shock}}, for {{W|6}} turns. <br><br>For each Ability Point invested into Electromancy, these empowered attacks apply their target with {{Neg|-0.5%}} Shock Resistance for 6 turns.<br><br>Natural lightning strikes occuring within Vision grant the character {{Pos|+10%}} Electromantic Power for {{W|240}} turns.
|#default = }}
|Potential Difference = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Grants {{Pos|"Impulse"}} a {{W|25%}} chance to deal {{Pos|double}} damage each time it inflicts Knockback, with {{W|50%}} chance {{W|Immobilizing}} the target.
|#default = }}
|Unlimited Power = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Grants {{Pos|+0.1%}} Magic Power for each {{Pos|remaining}} percent of Max Energy and {{Pos|+0.1%}} Energy Restoration for each {{Neg|missing}} percent.
|#default = }}
|Conductivity = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Each enemy affected by {{Neg|"Static Field"}} or staying in its area of effect has their Energy burnt for {{W|35%}} of the {{c|Shock|Shock Damage}} they receive from it.<br><br>Replenishes the caster's Energy for the same amount.
|#default = }}
|Chain Reaction = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Casting this ability tree's spells applies all affected targets with {{Neg|-5%}} Shock Resistance for {{W|8}} turns per each {{c|Shock|Resonating}} target within Vision.
|#default = }}
|Resonance Cascade = {{#switch: {{{2}}}
|Description=Casting this ability tree´s spells has {{W|20%}} chance to apply a random target within Vision with {{W|3}} turns of {{Neg|"Resonance"}} if it isn't already affected by it.<br><br>If there are no such targets, has 20% chance to affect a random {{c|Shock|Resonating}} target within Vision, prolonging the duration of its {{Neg|"Resonance"}} or {{Neg|"Impulse"}} by {{W|3}} turns.
|#default = }}
|Recharge = Each {{c|Shock|Resonating}} target within Vision grants {{Pos|+3%}} Energy Restoration.<br><br>Killing enemies with this ability tree's spells grants {{Pos|-5%}} Spells Energy Cost and {{Pos|-7.5%}} Cooldowns Duration for {{W|8}} turns per each {{c|Shock|Resonating}} target within Vision.

|#default = Descrição ou Tradução inexistente.}}</includeonly><noinclude>[[Category:PT-BR Language templates]]</noinclude>
|#default = Não há Tradução}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{Doc}}[[Category:PT-BR Language templates]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 06:22, 27 February 2025

Page for selecting the correct skill tree data.

Selects from:

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