Crafting is the act of creating items from ingredients, materials or other items. In Rags to Riches crafting system is introduced as a basic skill. You can open the Crafting tab by clicking the basic skill "Crafting" or clicking Workbench that are provided in settlements or in your caravan upgrade. The crafting categories are separated to: Basic Actions, Simple, and Advanced. Simple and Basic Actions crafting can be created without Crafting kit/workbench.
To get more info of crafting items, you need to acquire and read Schematas that can be bought from NPCs or can be found in dungeon and Points of Interest.
Basic Actions
- Fodder - Grain and some other types of food and herbs can be transformed into fodder in the crafting menu:
- Herbs = 4 fodders
- Straw = 4 fodders
- Berries = 5 fodders
- Lentils = 5 fodders
- Beet/Carrot = 6 fodders
- Hay = 8 fodders
- Grapes = 8 fodders
- Fruits = 8 fodders
- Throwing Net
- Rope
- Splint
- Bandage
- Bedroll
- Brushwood Bundle
- Smoking Mix
- Stick, Hemp.
- Schemata can be bought from Herbalist/Drug dealer
- Caltrops
- Lockpicks
- Crafting kit/Workbench, Nails, Wire.
- Schemata can be bought from One-Eyed Wigmar.
- Smoke Bomb
- Crafting kit/Workbench, Empty Casing, Bottle of Oil, Herb/Straw, Charcoal Chunk.
- Repair Kit
- Crafting kit/Workbench, Blacksmith Hammer, Blacksmith Tongs, Spool of Thread, Wire.
- Schemata can be found in Desolate Quarry.
- Herbal Extract
- Healing Salve
- Antitoxin
- Crafting kit/Workbench, Bottle of Oil, Agrimony, Horsetail/Rhubarb.
See Also
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