
From Stoneshard wiki
Revision as of 04:27, 26 December 2020 by old>Realpsojed (added Skinning)
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Crafting is the act of creating items from ingredients, materials or other items. Crafting is mentioned in the Development roadmap, which names at least three different creating processes - Crafting, Cooking and Alchemy - that will be added in the future updates. There is little information about what crafting systems are going to appear in the final game. However, from the existence of materials like Bolt of Cloth, Iron Bars or Gold Nuggets we can assume that professions like Tailoring, Smelting or Blacksmithing might be added in the game aswell.


Cooking is a process that uses different types of raw Food: raw meat, fish, mushrooms and potatoes, and turns them into cooked versions, improving the bonuses you gain from eating them.

  • A fire source is required to cook - find campfires or fireplaces.
  • For now the cooking process is simplified - right-click on the fire source and select Cook option. A random amount (usually 1-4) of items in your inventory that can be cooked will get cooked, spending one turn.
  • Spoiled food cannot be cooked.
  • Uncooked inedible mushrooms are classified as Ingredients instead.


Skinning is a new Basic Skill that allows you to extract and process meat and skins from killed animals.

  • For now the skinning process is simplified - Skinning only requires you to have at least one Axe, Dagger or Sword in your inventory. When standing near the corpse of an animal, you can use the Skinning skill, spending one turn.
  • Depending on which Damage type killed the animal, you may receive less loot from Skinning.
  • Best loot is skinned when you kill animals with Piercing or Crushing damage.

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