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Sarcophagi Bookshelves Carts Coffins Chests Corpses Crates
Sarcophagus 1.png Bookshelf 0.png Cart 3.png Coffin.png Chest.png Corpse 0.png Crate 0.png
Hero Sarcophagus Cupboards Graves Nightstands Racks Barrels Shelves
Sarcophagus Hero.png Cupboard 0.png Grave Digged 7.png Nightstand 1.png Rack 2.png Barrel 0.png Shelf 1.png
Vases Wardrobes Bags
Vase 3.png Wardrobe.png Backpack.png
  • Since patch 0.9+ there is now a chance, that openable containers in t4-t5 dungeons will have a unique item in it, including armors, weapons and jewelry. The chances are high enough to get an extra unique item from a dungeon in addition to one in the boss chest.

Page last edited during patch: