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Revision as of 05:55, 6 May 2022 by Albert (talk | contribs)
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The village of Mannshire is only slightly bigger than Osbrook. During the war, the local castle was fought over by The Council and the Grand Magistrate and completely razed to the ground. Grand Magistrate sees Mannshire as an important foothold, which is why several skilled craftsmen were brought from Brynn for the job of reconstruction. A nearby Signal Tower was used to quickly call for more troops in case of emergency, however the Governor now has a hard time dealing with an Ancient Troll that decided to make it his new home. Before the war, Mannshire was well known for wine production.


The Mannshire Fort had seen a lot of brutal action during the war, resulting in almost complete destruction of this once prosperous vineyard village.

Only recently the Grand Magistrate bothered to rebuild it, bringing settlers from other villages to Mannshire.

Places of Interest

  • Carpenter's workshop
  • Chapel
  • Market Square
  • Winery
  • Smithy
  • Castle
  • Ivy and Vine tavern
  • Village hall


In addition to named NPCs above, there are also randomized NPCs:

  • Sergeant
  • Guard

Their names are selected randomly for each playthrough.


  • The well at the market square can be used for drinking and filling up the waterskin


Contracts offered in Mannshire are randomized. See Contracts for more info.

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