Default wiki navigation template, codenamed "mother of all navboxes". Shows expanded relevant section and autocollapses the rest.
Default - Autocollapsing Navbox
Shows everything collapsed since this documentation isn't a page in the navbox. If on a page from the navbox, for example Traits, only the relevant subnavbox gets expanded (or the whole thing if there's no sub navbox).
Page last edited during patch:
show Stoneshard Wiki |
| Character | |  | | Combat & Survival | | | Exploration | | | Gear | | | Consumables | | | Weapon Abilities | | | Utility Abilities | | | Sorcery Abilities | |
Same navigation, but the Navbox is always expanded.
Page last edited during patch:
Stoneshard Wiki |
| Character | |  | | Combat & Survival | | | Exploration | | | Gear | | | Consumables | | | Weapon Abilities | | | Utility Abilities | | | Sorcery Abilities | |
Multiple navboxes
Navigation is always collapsed and 1st parameter is placed above this navbox. Intended to use with another navbox.
{{Navigation|{{Skill navbox}}}}
Page last edited during patch:
show Stoneshard Wiki |
| Character | |  | | Combat & Survival | | | Exploration | | | Gear | | | Consumables | | | Weapon Abilities | | | Utility Abilities | | | Sorcery Abilities | |