Leosthenes the Agemon is one of the playable characters in the Adventure Mode.
Leosthenes of Nistra. Trained from childhood to serve as an Agemon, a bodyguard to the Great Despot, Leosthenes knows better than anyone that traditional warfare and magic are far from mutually exclusive.
Leosthenes is one of three characters that are introduced in Stoneshard - Character Pack DLC
Race - Human (Nistrian)
Despite sharing a common culture, humans of Aldor are now more divided than ever. A multitude of political conflicts between the kingdom's estates has plunged the country into a prolonged civil war, barely contained by a shaky truce.
The personal guard of the Great Despot, ruler of Nistra, is known as the Agemones. They are prepared for services from young age: suitable boys are sought across the country and sent to the Gymnasium, where they are trained to excel in physical prowess, combat, and magical arts.
One such boy was Leosthenes, sold for a bottle of wine by his perpetually drunk cobbler father. Thrilled by the chance to escape the heavy-handed abuse and the sight of his mother's tears, Leosthenes soon realized that his new mentors were no kinder than his parents - and their blows hurt far worse. The years of harsh discipline that followed only deepened his resentment toward his teachers, the Despot, and the Agemon way of life.
The simmering rebellion came to a head during the oath of allegiance when, in front of the assembled court, Leosthenes refused to kneel before the Despot. For such insolence, his mentor was executed on the spot, and Leosthenes himself was thrown into a dungeon - his blatant defiance had earned him a far graver fate.
By stroke of great luck, the guards had too much to drink during that evening's festivities. Leosthenes managed to seize the keys to his cell, steal a horse, and flee the Capital. Pursued by the Despot's men all the way to the border, he finally found refuge in Aldor. Here, a new life awaited him, one free of compliance with senseless rules...
Unique Trait
Might and Magic
Grants +1.5% Magic Power for each Ability Point invested into Weaponry trees.
Grants +1.5% Weapon Damage for each Ability Point invested into Sorcery trees.
Grants +2% Experience Gain, +2 Max Health, and +2 Max Energy for each Ability Point invested into Utility trees (the abilities learned by default don't count)
Starting equipment
Starting inventory
- Nistrian Flame Flask
- Vivifying Essence (1/2 uses)
- Healing Salve (x2)
- Cheese
- Bread
- Waterskin
- Purse
- Crowns (x250)