Leosthenes' Bracers

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Tier 2
Leosthenes' Bracers
unique light gloves
1 Protection
Physical Resistance: +6%
Nature Resistance: +5%
Magic Resistance: +5%
Bleed Resistance: +5%
Fumble Chance: -1%
Backfire Chance: -1%
Skills Energy Cost: -5%
Spells Energy Cost: -5%
Durability: 70/70

One of the many rules of the Gymnasium forbade removing these heavy and uncomfortable bracers anywhere but the baths - Leosthenes has grown so accustomed to their presence that he now sees them as just another part of his body.

Leosthenes' Bracers
One of the many rules of the Gymnasium forbade removing these heavy and uncomfortable bracers anywhere but the baths - Leosthenes has grown so accustomed to their presence that he now sees them as just another part of his body.

Acquired From

  • Hold ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)
  • Ol' Tott ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)
  • Bert ( Hatred Resentment Neutral Benevolence Amity Respect)

See also

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