Bone Pyres

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Bone Pyres
Bone Pyres
30 Icon skill energycost.png 8 Icon skill cooldown.png

No Target
Backfire Chance

Destroys every skeleton in the arena, sending bone shards that deal 12 Piercing and 10 Unholy Damage with 40% Armor Penetration to all adjacent enemies.

Creates aether fires in place of destroyed skeletons for 8 turns. While the character is adjacent to an aether fire, it burns 5% of their Max Energy each turn.

Aether fires can't be extinguished with water, but they can be stamped out by walking over them. Doing so deals 5 Fire, 5 Unholy, 5 Sacred, and 5 Arcane Damage with 100% Armor Penetration.

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