Offensive Tactic

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Offensive Tactic
Offensive Tactic
18 Icon skill energycost.png 24 Icon skill cooldown.png

No Target

Activates 5 stacks of "Offensive Tactic" for 6 turns (+1 turn for each enemy within Vision):

+2% Crit Chance
+4% Accuracy
-3% Fumble Chance
-4% Skills Energy Cost
-4% Cooldowns Duration

Basic strikes, shots, and using Attack skills reduce the number of stacks (no more than once per turn).

Killing enemies increases the number of stacks by 2 (up to VI).

While "Offensive Tactic" is active, using "Defensive Tactic" doesn't take a turn.

Only one "Tactic" can be active at a time.

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  • Unlocked by reading Warfare Treatise II or by spending 6 Attribute points into Strength, Agility or Perception.