Seal of Shackles

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Seal of Shackles
Seal of Shackles
32 Icon skill energycost.png 32 Icon skill cooldown.png

Target Object
Backfire Chance

Modified by: Willpower, Bonus Range
Applies the target with "Seal of Shackles" for 6 turns:

-50% Energy Restoration
+100% Abilities Energy Cost
+100% Cooldown Duration
+25% Fumble Chance
+25% Backfire Chance
Using abilities deals Arcane Damage equal to 25% of the Energy spent.
Applies the target with "Seal of Shackles" for 6 turns:

-50% Energy Restoration
+100% Abilities Energy Cost
+100% Cooldown Duration
+25% Fumble Chance
+25% Backfire Chance
Using abilities deals Arcane Damage equal to ?% of the Energy spent.

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