Sic! (Condition)

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Sic! is a Physical condition applied after an ennemy uses the skill Sic!.

  • The effect stacks up to 4 times.
  • The potion version grants the bonuses listed here for up to 15 turns. After Dodging or taking damage, you gain one additional stack of the effect.
  • The skill version grants +100% Dodge Chance for one turn. If the player dodges attacks during this turn, this condition will stay active for +2 turns per dodged attack, but will no longer grant +100% Dodge Chance, only the listed bonuses. Stack of the effect is gained each turn the character doesn't Block or Dodge. Maximum duration that can be gained from dodging is 15.


Dogs deal +50% Damage when attacking targets under this effect.

Sic! (Condition)