Curse of Agony

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Curse of Agony
Curse of Agony
13 Icon skill energycost.png 13 Icon skill cooldown.png

Target Object
Backfire Chance

Applies target with "Curse of Agony" for 13 turns:

+1% Pain Change
-6% Weapon Damage
-9% Magic Power
-9% Fortitude
-9% Unholy Resistance

The penalties change dynamically depending on the target's current Pain.

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Curse of Agony is primarily a Secret Cults (Undead) enemy spell, but the Apostate of the Secret Cults (Proselytes) can cast it as well.

It is cast by Ghast, Accursed Ghast, Ancient Ghast, and the aforementioned Apostate.

Immunity to the curse is provided by the Casket with St Wald Relics artifact if it is in your inventory.