From the Cradle to the Grave

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Task Steps Description Reward
From the Cradle to the Grave

Checkbox.png Reach the Burial Cave
Checkbox.png Explore the Burial Cave
Checkbox.png Defeat the Manticore
Checkbox.png Take the Bone Cradle
Checkbox.png Bring the Bone Cradle to L'Owcrey

L'Owcrey, the occultist from the Rotten Willow Inn, promised me a sizable reward if I head to the Burial Cave and retrieve an ancient artifact - the Bone Cradle. While I'm there, he wants me to investigate the fate of his acquaintance, a mage named Venemist, who was also looking for that relic. 4000 Crowns.png

Tanat's Skull.


This task is offered by L'Owcrey only once the player has reached Level 14 or above.


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