Local Map

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Local Map served as the world map of Stoneshard in the Early Access before patch It has been replaced by the Global Map.

World Generation

When a New game is created, the local map is randomly generated. The Local Map is split into tiles, where each tile represents a separate game map for the player to explore. The Local Map has a fixed size of 17x10 tiles. Every tile/location is the same size. Currently the player character cannot move past the boundaries of the Local Map. At the start of the game, player received the Map item, which could be used to display the Local Map depicting the nearby area.

This Map item is no longer obtainable after patch

Local map

The local map will always contain hidden Points of Interest which need to be explored by the player. All other locations are known to the player, such as the Settlements and their surrounding tiles like the Mill or Winery, or the Abbey of the Holy Revelation. Location of these tiles is randomized, but they follow a loose pattern - for example Osbrook is always on the western side of the map, while Mannshire is always on the southeastern side and the Abbey is always in the north/northeastern side. Dungeons are generated semi-randomly - for example, your first (easiest) dungeon will never be on the far side of the map. Forests and Fields are generated randomly and the roads are placed connecting Towns and Dungeons.


All Biomes can also spawn with a road.

Towns & Surroundings


  • Abbey of the Holy Revelation (location of the Prologue)
  • Bastion
  • Catacombs
  • Crypt

See Also