Runic Boulder

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Runic Boulder
Runic Boulder
20 Icon skill energycost.png 2 Icon skill cooldown.png

Target Tile
Backfire Chance

Modified by: Magic Power, Geomantic Power, Bonus Range
Raises a runic boulder in a targeted tile. Deals 4 Arcane Damage to all adjacent enemies with 70% chance to inflict Knockback.

Each runic boulder within Vision grants the caster a stack of Runic Empowerment:

+5% Magic Power
+10% Geomantic Power
-7.5% Abilities Energy Cost
-7.5% Damage Taken
3 Energy per turn

Boulders crumble when outside the caster's Vision or when the caster runs out of energy.

The maximum number of summoned boulders: 3
Raises a runic boulder in a targeted tile. Deals ((4 * (1 + (Geomantic Power / 100)) * Magic Power) / 100) Arcane Damage to all adjacent enemies with ((70 * (Magic Power + Geomantic Power)) / 100)% chance to inflict Knockback.

Each runic boulder within Vision grants the caster a stack of Runic Empowerment:

+5% Magic Power
+10% Geomantic Power
-7.5% Abilities Energy Cost
-7.5% Damage Taken
3 Energy per turn

Boulders crumble when outside the caster's Vision or when the caster runs out of energy.

The maximum number of summoned boulders: 3

Passive bonus:
+2.5% Geomantic Power
-1% Power of other Magic Schools

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  • Runic Boulders block Vision for both the player and the enemy. This can have various uses.
  • If a newly created Runic Boulder blocks your Vision of another Runic Boulder, the Runic Boulder that's no longer in your vision will crumble on the next turn.
  • Runic Boulder spell can crit. Critical hit increases Arcane Damage and Knockback Chance.

Runic Boulder HP: (MP+GP)*0,3

Runic Boulder resistances:

Slashing +33%
Piercing +50%
Blunt    +20%
Rending  +33%
Fire     +50%
Shock    +50%
Poison   +200%
Frost    +75%
Caustic  +50%
Unholy   +100%
Sacred   +100%
Psionic  +200%
