Wandering Traders

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Fair at night
Fair at night

Wandering Traders are merchants that are exclusives in Settlement with Fair. Wandering Traders will exchange the normal traders or market that are available in the settlement, while craftsmen like smith, woodwork, tailor, herbalist, priest, and innkeeper will still be open for business. Wandering Traders are consist of food seller, general merchant, minstrel, and a jester. Only food seller and merchant has ability to trade with the mercenary.


Fair food seller's trade
Fair food seller's trade

As far as what Wandering Traders sell, they mostly sell unique (?) items and sometimes non Aldor items, like Jacinth, Fjall, Skadian, or Nistrian items that usually you can buy from outsider merchant in Brynn.

Food Seller

Fair merchant's trade
Fair merchant's trade


Interesting Facts

  • The minstrel plays several different tunes, including even "Greensleeves".
  • Wandering Traders feel very uncomfortable in the half-ruined Denbrie. The Fair in this village is not as lavish as usual.

See Also