Troll Hunt

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Revision as of 22:36, 28 October 2022 by Dunebug (talk | contribs) (Fixed dead-link.)
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Task Steps Description Reward
Troll Hunt Checkbox.png Head to the Signal Tower
Checkbox.png Kill the Ancient Troll
Checkbox.png Claim Your Reward
Weber vir Lecri, the Mannshire governor, offers a reward for the head of an ancient troll, a dangerous monster that made a lair out of the nearby signal tower.

Most of the Mannshire garrison perished during a desperate attempt to liberate the tower - if the news of it reaches Brynn, Weber is done for.

Right now his only hope is that I somehow manage to kill the beast on my own. The chances are slim, but I'm feeling lucky.

4000 Crowns.png
1000 Reputation
Jousting Cloak


This task is offered by Governor Weber in Mannshire once the player has reached level 10.

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