Oaken Barrel Brewery

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The Brewery is East of Osbrook, across the river.

Lying across the river to the east of Osbrook, The Oaken barrel brewery is an early objective of the main questline. After clearing the brewery of brigands or helping the brewery, it becomes a fast-travel point once the cart service is unlocked. If Kromm is spared, he becomes a merchant selling cheap Barrels of Beer that can be sold at a profit to Inns and Taverns, as well as some cheap food and beverage items.


If the Brewery was attacked for Odar during the Fate of the Brewery Quest, then the description will be:

After the brigands were eliminated, the brewery is once again protected by Osbrook guards, although it will be awhile before it starts producing anything again...

However, if you worked with Kromm and cleared the nearby Lone Farmstead of brigands during the Fate of the Brewery Quest, then the description will be:

The Osbrook Elder's treachery turned against him - his plot was discovered in time, and the Oaken Barrel Brewery remained under its lawful owners' control.