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Enchantments are a form of magic that can appear on items, modifying the item's base name and providing extra properties.

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== 附魔 ==
== Enchanting ==
所有'''{{c|普通}}'''物品都可以使用[[Enchantment Scroll/zh|附魔卷轴]]附魔。行囊里的物品和已装备的物品都可以附魔。附魔通常会产生'''{{c|稀有}}'''物品,这类物品具备一条随机加成,各类加成的数值固定。如果物品本身已有附魔,对其使用附魔卷轴会令其附魔属性刷新,移除旧的附魔,添加新的附魔。<br>'''{{c|独一无二}}'''物品不能附魔,<br>'''{{c|诅咒}}'''物品和'''{{c|罕见}}'''物品无法通过附魔得到,只有[[NPCs#Enemies|敌人]][[Containers/zh|容器]]会掉落。
All '''{{c|Common}}''' can be enchanted using an [[Enchantment Scroll]]. You can enchant both items in your inventory and equipped items. Enchanting always produces an '''{{c|Uncommon}}''' item with a single bonus selected randomly from a list of possible bonuses. The values are fixed. Using Enchantment Scroll on an enchanted item will "reroll" the item, removing any previous enchantments and applying a new one.<br>'''{{c|Unique}}''' items cannot be enchanted.<br>'''{{c|Cursed}}''' and '''{{c|Rare}}''' items cannot be obtained from using the Enchantment Scroll, they can be only found as a drop from [[NPCs#Enemies|Enemies]] or [[Containers]], or by visiting the [[Witch]].

== Enchanted Items ==
Enchanted Items are always based on a '''{{W|Common}}''' version of an item. They will always have the same basic properties ([[Footman Sword]] and a {{c|Rare|Rare Footman Sword}} both have 24 Slashing Damage, +3% [[Accuracy]], +2% [[Block Chance]], etc.) and the Enchanted Item will have additional bonuses. The amount of bonus properties depends on the [[Item Rarity]]: '''{{c|Uncommon}}''' has one, '''{{c|Rare}}''' has two and '''{{c|Cursed}}''' may have one or two + one bonus based on the Curse type.

== 附魔物品 ==
These item types can have Enchanted versions:
所有附魔物品的属性基底均为对应物品的'''{{W|普通}}'''版本,两个版本的基础属性始终相同(比如[[Footman Sword/zh|步兵配剑]]和{{c|Rare|罕见步兵配剑}}均为24点劈砍伤害、[[Accuracy/zh|准度]]+3%、[[Block Chance/zh|格挡几率]]+2%等),只是附魔版本会有额外的加成。加成属性的数量与[[Item Rarity/zh|物品稀有程度有关]]:'''{{c|稀有}}'''物品有一条加成、'''{{c|罕见}}'''物品两条、'''{{c|诅咒}}'''物品三条(一条取决于诅咒类别)。
* [[Weapons]] (except [[Ammo]] and [[Quivers]])
* [[Armor]] (except Backpack)
* [[Jewelry]]

* [[Weapons/zh|兵器]]([[Ammo/zh|箭矢]]与[[Quivers/zh|箭筒]]除外)
* [[Armor/zh|防具]](背包除外)
* [[Jewelry/zh|首饰]]
=== 附魔列表 ===
<div style="margin:auto;text-align:center;">下方列表包含游戏现有的所有附魔:</div>

=== List of Enchantments ===

{| class="stoneshard" style="margin: auto; text-align: center;"
{| class="stoneshard" style="margin: auto; text-align: center;"
! colspan="5" | 下列附魔与物品等级有关(物品越好,加成越强)
! colspan="5" | Enchantments based on Item Level (better item = higher bonus)
! 名称前缀
! Affix
! 附魔
! Enchantment
! 物品类别
! Item Type
! 加成
! Bonus
! {{c|诅咒}}加成
! Bonus on {{c|Cursed}} item
! 稳定
! Steady
! [[Block Power/zh|格挡力量]]
! {{cl|Uncommon|Block Power}}
| 兵器、盾牌、
| Weapons, Shields,
Armor, Jewelry
| +(2-XX)
| +(3-6)
| +(4-8)
{| class="stoneshard" style="margin: auto; text-align: center;float:center;"
! colspan="4" |Fixed Enchantments on [[Weapons]]
! 强身
! [[Health/zh|生命]]
| 防具、首饰
!Bonus on {{c|cursed|Cursed}} items
! 活力
! Acidic
! [[Energy/zh|精力]]
! {{cl|Uncommon|Damage#Damage Types|Caustic Damage}}
| 防具、首饰
| {{c|Caustic|+2}}
| {{c|Caustic|+3}}
! 酸性
! Flaming
! [[Damage#Damage Types|腐蚀伤害]]
! {{cl|Uncommon|Damage#Damage Types|Fire Damage}}
| 兵器
| {{c|Fire|+2}}
| {{c|Caustic|+(2-5)}}
| {{c|Fire|+3}}
| {{c|Caustic|+(3-7)}}
! 烈焰
! Chilling
! [[Damage#Damage Types|灼烧伤害]]
! {{cl|Uncommon|Damage#Damage Types|Frost Damage}}
| 兵器
| {{c|Frost|+2}}
| {{c|Fire|+(2-5)}}
| {{c|Frost|+3}}
| {{c|Fire|+(3-7)}}
! 寒冰
! Venomous
! [[Damage#Damage Types|冰冻伤害]]
! {{cl|Uncommon|Damage#Damage Types|Poison Damage}}
| 兵器
| {{c|Poison|+2}}
| {{c|Frost|+(2-5)}}
| {{c|Poison|+3}}
| {{c|Frost|+(3-7)}}
! 剧毒
! Electrified
! [[Damage#Damage Types|中毒伤害]]
! {{cl|Uncommon|Damage#Damage Types|Shock Damage}}
| 兵器
| {{c|Shock|+2}}
| {{c|Poison|+(2-5)}}
| {{c|Shock|+3}}
| {{c|Poison|+(3-7)}}
! 带电
! [[Damage#Damage Types|电击伤害]]
| 兵器
| +3%
| {{c|Shock|+(2-5)}}
| +4%
| {{c|Shock|+(2-7)}}
{| class="stoneshard" style="margin: auto; text-align: center;float:center;"
! colspan="4" |[[Weapons/zh|兵器]]的固定附魔
!{{cl|Uncommon|Armor Damage}}
| +15%
| +20%
!{{cl|Uncommon|Armor Penetration}}
| +5%
| +5%
| +7%
| +7%
![[Armor Damage/zh|护甲伤害]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Bleed Chance}}
| +20%
| +?%
![[Armor Penetration/zh|护甲穿透]]
| +10%
| +10%
| +13%
| +13%
![[Bleed Chance/zh|出血几率]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Block Chance}}
| +8%
| +10%
![[Block Chance/zh|格挡几率]]
| +5%
| +5%
| +7%
| +7%
![[Block Power/zh|格挡力量]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Bodypart Damage}}
| +(8)
| +?
![[Bodypart Damage/zh|肢体伤害]]
| +15%
| +15%
| +33%
| +20
![[Cooldowns Duration/zh|冷却时间]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Cooldowns Duration}}
| -5%
| -7%
| -7%
| -13%
![[Counter Chance/zh|反击几率]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Counter Chance}}
| +5%
| +5%
| +7%
| +7%
![[Crit Chance/zh|暴击几率]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Crit Chance}}
| +5%
| +5%
| +7%
| +7%
![[Crit Efficiency/zh|暴击效果]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Crit Efficiency}}
| +15%
| +10%
| +33%
| +13%
!{{cl|Uncommon|Daze Chance}}
| +10%
| +13%
![[Daze Chance/zh|击晕几率]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Energy Drain}}
| +5%
| +5%
| +7%
| +7%
![[Energy Drain/zh|精力吸取]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Fumble Chance}}
| +8%
| -3%
| -4%
!{{cl|Uncommon|Knockback Chance}}
| +10%
| +10%
| +13%
![[Fumble Chance/zh|失手几率]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Life Drain}}
| -5%
| -7%
![[Knockback Chance/zh|击退几率]]
| +5%
| +5%
| +7%
| +7%
![[Life Drain/zh|生命吸取]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Magic Power}}
| +8%
| +10%
![[Magic Power/zh|法力]]
| +10%
| +10%
| +13%
| +13%
![[Skills Energy Cost/zh|技能精力消耗]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Skills Energy Cost}}
| -5%
| -7%
| -7%
| -13%
![[Spells Energy Cost/zh|法术精力消耗]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Spells Energy Cost}}
| -7%
| -7%
| -13%
![[Stun Chance/zh|硬直几率]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Stun Chance}}
| +3%
| +5%
| +4%
| +7%
![[Weapon Damage/zh|兵器伤害]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Weapon Damage}}
| +10%
| 5%
| +?%
| +7%
{| class="stoneshard" style="margin: auto; text-align: center;float:center;"
{| class="stoneshard" style="margin: auto; text-align: center;float:center;"
! colspan="4" |[[Armor/zh|防具]][[Jewelry/zh|首饰]]的固定附魔
! colspan="4" |Fixed Enchantments on [[Armor]] and [[Jewelry]]
!Bonus on {{c|Cursed}} items
![[Arcane Resistance/zh|秘术抗性]]
| +10%
| +4
| +7?%
| +6
![[Bleed Resistance/zh|出血抗性]]
| +10%
| +4
| +?%
| +6
![[Caustic Resistance/zh|腐蚀抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Health Restoration}}
| +10%
| +4%
| +?%
| +6%
![[Crushing Resistance/zh|钝击抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Energy Restoration}}
| +5%
| +2%
| +7%
| +3%
![[Dodge Chance/zh|闪躲几率]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Dodge Chance}}
|  +3%
|  +3%
|  +4%
|  +4%
![[Energy Restoration/zh|精力自动恢复]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Move Resistance}}
|  +3%
|  +10%
| +6%
| +13%
![[Fire Resistance/zh|灼烧抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Control Resistance}}
|  +10%
|  +10%
| +13%
| +13%
!{{cl|Uncommon|Magic Resistance}}
| +10%
| +13%
!{{cl|Uncommon|Nature Resistance}}
| +10%
| +10%
| +13%
| +13%
![[Frost Resistance/zh|冰冻抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Pain Resistance}}
| +10%
| +10%
| +?%
| +13%
![[Healing Efficiency/zh|治疗效果]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Physical Resistance}}
| +15%
| +5%
| +?%
| +7%
![[Health Restoration/zh|生命自动恢复]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Piercing Resistance}}
| +3%
| +10%
| +?%
| +13%
![[Hunger Resistance/zh|饥饿抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Slashing Resistance}}
| +15%
| +10%
| +20%
| +13%
![[Intoxication Resistance/zh|迷醉抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Rending Resistance}}
| +15%
| +10%
| +?%
| +13%
![[Move Resistance/zh|位移抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Crushing Resistance}}
| +10%
| +10%
| +?%
| +13%
![[Control Resistance/zh|控制抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Unholy Resistance}}
| +10%
| +10%
| +?%
| +13%
![[Block Power/zh|格挡力量]]
| +(6-8)
| +10%
|  +?%
|  +13%
![[Magic Resistance/zh|魔法抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Healing Efficiency}}
| +5%
| +15%
| +7%
| +20%
![[Nature Resistance/zh|自然抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Caustic Resistance}}
| +5%
| -
| +7%
| -
![[Noise Produced/zh|行动声响]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Poison Resistance}}
| -10%
| -
| -13%
| -
![[Pain Resistance/zh|疼痛抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Psionic Resistance}}
| +15%
| -
| +?%
| -
![[Physical Resistance/zh|物理抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Arcane Resistance}}
| +3%
| -
| +4%
| -
![[Piercing Resistance/zh|穿刺抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Fire Resistance}}
| +5%
| -
| +7%
| -
![[Poison Resistance/zh|中毒抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Shock Resistance}}
| +10%
| -
| +20%
| -
![[Psionic Resistance/zh|灵术抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Frost Resistance}}
| +10%
| -
| +?%
| -
![[Rending Resistance/zh|撕裂抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Hunger Resistance}}
| +5%
| -
| +7%
| -
![[Shock Resistance/zh|电击抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Intoxication Resistance}}
| +5%
| -
| +7%
| -
![[Slashing Resistance/zh|劈砍抗性]]
!{{cl|Uncommon|Noise Produced}}
| +5%
| -
| +7%
| -
![[Unholy Resistance/zh|邪术抗性]]
|  +10%
|  +?%


Latest revision as of 14:31, 19 August 2024

Enchantments are a form of magic that can appear on items, modifying the item's base name and providing extra properties.


All Common can be enchanted using an Enchantment Scroll. You can enchant both items in your inventory and equipped items. Enchanting always produces an Uncommon item with a single bonus selected randomly from a list of possible bonuses. The values are fixed. Using Enchantment Scroll on an enchanted item will "reroll" the item, removing any previous enchantments and applying a new one.
Unique items cannot be enchanted.
Cursed and Rare items cannot be obtained from using the Enchantment Scroll, they can be only found as a drop from Enemies or Containers, or by visiting the Witch.

Enchanted Items

Enchanted Items are always based on a Common version of an item. They will always have the same basic properties (Footman Sword and a Rare Footman Sword both have 24 Slashing Damage, +3% Accuracy, +2% Block Chance, etc.) and the Enchanted Item will have additional bonuses. The amount of bonus properties depends on the Item Rarity: Uncommon has one, Rare has two and Cursed may have one or two + one bonus based on the Curse type.

These item types can have Enchanted versions:

List of Enchantments

Enchantments based on Item Level (better item = higher bonus)
Affix Enchantment Item Type Bonus Bonus on Cursed item
Steady Block Power Weapons, Shields,

Armor, Jewelry

+(3-6) +(4-8)

Fixed Enchantments on Weapons
Affix Enchantment Bonus Bonus on Cursed items
Acidic Caustic Damage +2 +3
Flaming Fire Damage +2 +3
Chilling Frost Damage +2 +3
Venomous Poison Damage +2 +3
Electrified Shock Damage +2 +3
Balanced Accuracy +3% +4%
Crushing Armor Damage +15% +20%
Armor-Piercing Armor Penetration +5% +7%
Barbed Bleed Chance +10% +13%
Steady Block Chance +5% +7%
Crippling Bodypart Damage +15% +20
Nimble Cooldowns Duration -5% -7%
Dueling Counter Chance +5% +7%
Merciless Crit Chance +5% +7%
Slaying Crit Efficiency +10% +13%
Dazing Daze Chance +10% +13%
Leeching Energy Drain +5% +7%
Handy Fumble Chance -3% -4%
Forceful Knockback Chance +10% +13%
Vampiric Life Drain +5% +7%
Charged Magic Power +10% +13%
Effective Skills Energy Cost -5% -7%
Stabilized Spells Energy Cost -5% -7%
Stunning Stun Chance +5% +7%
Deadly Weapon Damage 5% +7%

Fixed Enchantments on Armor and Jewelry
Affix Enchantment Bonus Bonus on Cursed items
Fortifying Health +4 +6
Vigorous Energy +4 +6
Healing Health Restoration +4% +6%
Restorative Energy Restoration +2% +3%
Elusive Dodge Chance +3% +4%
Steady Move Resistance +10% +13%
Steady Control Resistance +10% +13%
Antimagic Magic Resistance +10% +13%
Reliable Nature Resistance +10% +13%
Painkilling Pain Resistance +10% +13%
Impenetrable Physical Resistance +5% +7%
Impenetrable Piercing Resistance +10% +13%
Impenetrable Slashing Resistance +10% +13%
Hunting Rending Resistance +10% +13%
Impact-Resistant Crushing Resistance +10% +13%
Blessed Unholy Resistance +10% +13%
Fearless Fortitude +10% +13%
Metabolic Healing Efficiency +15% +20%
Acidproof Caustic Resistance - -
Antivenom Poison Resistance - -
Antipsionic Psionic Resistance - -
Antimagic Arcane Resistance - -
Fireproof Fire Resistance - -
Grounded Shock Resistance - -
Insulated Frost Resistance - -
Satiating Hunger Resistance - -
Purifying Intoxication Resistance - -
Noiseless Noise Produced - -

Page last edited during patch: