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Dungeons in Stoneshard are the lair of the enemy. Containing various monsters from Animals like Rats and Bats to Brigands, Proselytes and even the Undead, these areas are the most dangerous (and also most interesting) places to explore.

Dungeon Basics

Dungeons are tied to Contracts offered by the village Elders or the city Quartermaster. Contract dungeons are always connected to their respective village or city via a road. Their position is randomly generated in every playthrough, although they should always generate in the vicinity of a village or city (ie. Brynn dungeon won't be closer to Mannshire than Brynn). The dialogue about a contract will always mention the Dungeon's name. Dungeon names are randomly assigned from a list of names, and they stay fixed for the rest of your playthrough. This is useful for checking the dungeon respawn. The Elder/Quartermaster dialogue option will also display the dungeon's Danger level.

An exception is the distant dungeon, an optional type of Dungeon. This type of Dungeon doesn't come with a Contract and is not connected to the village or city by a road. Their position is also randomly generated. Players can find them by exploring the map or through hearing about it in a Rumour.

Difficulty & Danger Level

The dungeon difficulty is a hidden value that affects which enemies spawn as its inhabitants and the loot that can be found. Currently, the only way to get any reading on the dungeon difficulty is to check the Danger Level displayed on the Global Map. When you mouseover a dungeon on the map, you can see its name and the Danger level. The Danger level is based on your character level.

  • Example of Dungeon Danger Level
  • Currently, the possible danger levels are:

    • - Very High
    • - High
    • - Medium
    • - Easy

    A low level character will see more dungeons with High and Very High danger and might face impossible battles if you decide to enter. Similarly, a high level character might see dungeons only as Medium or Easy Danger Level. Keep in mind that the Danger level doesn't take your gear into account. A low level character with very good items might find even High Danger dungeons somewhat easy.

    Contract dungeons difficulty follows the game progression - contract dungeons near Osbrook will be easier than contract dungeons near Mannshire, which will be easier than contract dungeons near Brynn. Distant dungeons don't follow this rule - an optional dungeon near Osbrook can be as deadly as a Brynn contract dungeon or more.

    Dungeon Respawn

    Dungeons will remain in their current state until you complete or fail the respective Contract. After completing/failing a Contract, the associated Dungeon will close down, and any loot or enemies left inside will be lost forever. You can safely deposit any loot right outside the dungeon. Distant dungeons will remain open until you open the chest in the boss room. Opening the boss room chest will trigger their closure and respawn timer.

    If you didn't accept a Contract, cleared its associated dungeon, then sold (or otherwise disposed of) the quest item, the dungeon will currently NOT respawn. You will have to accept the Contract, wait until the timer runs out, and incur the reputation loss for failing a Contract (despite knowing the quest item is no longer available) in order to have the dungeon respawn.

    Closed dungeons will respawn automatically after 4 in-game days. For Contract dungeons, you can check the respawn with the Elder or Quartermaster - when the Dungeon respawns, they will once again offer a Contract for it.

    Dungeon Types

    The dungeon type is decided at the start of a New Game. There are three main dungeon types.

    • Bastion
    • Crypt
    • Catacombs

    Their entrance, tileset, inhabitants and contents are strictly tied to the selected dungeon type. You won't find Bandits and food supplies in a Crypt, similarly you won't find Skeletons and Sarcophagi in a Bastion.

    Dungeon Layout

    Any dungeon can have between 1-2 floors. Dungeons in Stoneshard use pre-made tilesets to construct each floor, but their configuration is randomly generated. A new dungeon is constructed each reset cycle, therefore if you cleared a Bastion once, the same Bastion on the same spot will look different next week. You might find the same-looking hallway, but you will find it in a different place.

    Dungeon tilesets can vary from small storage rooms to big open hallways. Different rooms are connected either by open space or by doors. All doors are randomly generated as locked or unlocked, and all rooms are always filled with randomly selected decorative objects and loot Containers. The selection of objects and containers is also specific to the Dungeon type.

    The mechanics of layout generation are currently unknown.

    Secret Rooms

    Any dungeon type can also generate with a Secret Room. Secret Rooms are special rooms that are not connected to other dungeon tilesets by normal means, and cannot be discovered with Vision alone. Instead, the player must passively detect the Secret Room, either by walking past it or by using the Examine Surroundings basic skill. There is a 5% chance to generate a Secret Room per dungeon floor.

    On a successful detection, the character will say that found something and a Combat Log message "X has found a Secret Room" will be displayed. Only then will the Secret Room become visible and accessible, usually through a crack in the wall.

    Not all dungeons generate with a Secret Room. The mechanics of Secret Room generation are currently unknown.

  • (1) Secret room in the Bastion
  • (2) Secret room in the Catacombs
  • The Bastion

    The reliable stronghold of the past is now slowly decaying, decrepit in in the calloused hands of irresponsible owners-brigands.
    This bastion once provided protection to the surrounding settlements, but now it's just a den of brigands and deserters, who use it as a base for their raids.

    Bastions are old fortifications or broken down towers from the war period, abandoned by the factions who had to divert their resources elsewhere. When deserted, these forts became the ideal hideout for bandits Rebel.pngCutthroat.png and rebels, who use them both as their bases of operations as well as the place to store their valuables and their captives. Humans (and their guard dogs) are the usual inhabitants. The places are commonly filled with beds, cupboards, shelves and storage boxes. Usually there's at least one kitchen with a nearby storage room. You can expect to find supplies like Water, Food, Beverages and some Medicine.

    Bastions usually have several Brigands guarding the entrance, but in rare cases you can find the entrance unguarded.

    Bastion is most likely the first dungeon type that you'll enter in the Adventure mode.


    Difficulty Ennemies Contracts
    Low level Bastion Goon
    Intercepted Reports
    Captive Emissary
    Captured Merchant
    Bandit's Den
    Medium level Bastion Goon
    Rogue Pyromancer
    Captive Emissary
    Captured Merchant
    Alchemy Kit
    High level Bastion TODO

    The Catacombs

    The many ruins of monasteries, abbeys, and chapels is what remains of the time when Aldor was ruled by hierophants rather than kings,

    Over the last few years, most of these places became the center of troubling rumors - locals do their best to avoid them.

    Catacombs are usually basements or underground rooms of abandoned buildings or destroyed churches during the war. Proselytes of the Crimson Covenant Tormentor.pngToller.png often seek them out and turn them into slaughterhouses where they hold unwilling human captives and perform their bloody rituals. If you dare to enter these places, expect to find lots of blood, some torturing machines and a bunch of very angry vampires.


    Difficulty Ennemies Contracts
    Medium level Catacombs Proselyte Harbinger
    Proselyte Hierarch
    Proselyte Immolated
    Proselyte Outcast
    Proselyte Adept
    Proselyte Chosen
    Proselyte Tormentor
    Proselyte Flagellant
    Dungeon Bat
    Giant Rat
    Proselyte Boss
    Forgotten Tome
    High level Catacombs TODO

    The Crypt

    During its pinnacle, the Triple Hand Order built numerous crypts across the entire Aldor to help the souls of the departed join with the Host.

    Although the crypts used to be heavily guarded, they were completely abandoned after the war -something which malicious cults quickly took advantage of...

    Crypts are underground graveyards and tunnels that once perhaps served a different purpose, but now only the restless dead Skeleton Footman.pngAccursed Ghast.png and their masters roam these cold corridors. However, daring adventurers might seek the riches buried in the coffins of wealthy deceased. Crypts are usually filled with sarcophagi and vases with belongings of the dead. However, with the rise of Necromantic magic in Aldor, these Unholy practitioners have entered the Crypts to test their magic powers, raising Skeletons, Zombies, Ghouls and the like to do their bidding. Expect foul stench, battle-ready corpses and perhaps some incorporeal beings if you decide to enter.


    Difficulty Ennemies Contracts
    Medium level Crypt Small Ghoul
    Skeleton Swordsman
    Skeleton Maceman
    Skeleton Spearman
    Skeleton Axeman
    Skeleton Footman
    Skeleton Bowman
    Skeleton Guard
    Skeleton Militiaman
    Skeleton Defender
    Restless Peasant
    Restless Guard
    Giant Rat
    Dungeon Bat
    Stolen Grimoire
    Source of Corruption
    Unholy Ritual
    Mysterious Glow
    Lost Relic
    High level Crypt TODO

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