Guardsman Crossbow

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Guardsman Crossbow
Unique Crossbow
44 Piercing Damage

Armor Penetration: +65%
Armor Damage: +30%
Knockback Chance: +16%
Stagger Chance: +16%
Accuracy: -25%
Range: 12
Skills Energy Cost: +55%
Spells Energy Cost: +55%
Durability: 500/500

Not too long before his demise, King Etbert ordered to form a unit of crossbow-wielding guardsmen. The most skilled Aldwynn craftsmen were tasked with providing the weaponry, but they managed to make only a few dozen crossbows before the monarch's death.

Guardsman Crossbow
Not too long before his demise, King Etbert ordered to form a unit of crossbow-wielding guardsmen. The most skilled Aldwynn craftsmen were tasked with providing the weaponry, but they managed to make only a few dozen crossbows before the monarch's death.

Acquired From

  • Boss chest from distant tier 4 Dungeons.

See also