Points of Interest

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Revision as of 21:18, 24 October 2022 by Dunebug (talk | contribs) (Double-checked generic PoIs and updated Unique list.)
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Example of some Points of Interest
Rumor has it, something interesting can be found here...

Points of Interest, or POIs, describe interesting locations on the Global Map. POIs are initially hidden from the player by a fog of war, and their location is randomly selected on the whole Global Map, becoming a part of the generated Biomes. POIs can be discovered by visiting their location directly, visiting the neighbouring tiles or hearing about them through Rumours.


Rumours are unverified pieces of information that can be obtained by talking to the townspeople. In every town, randomly selected 2-3 people will offer you Rumours. Rumours can be free, but sometimes the NPCs may demand payment for their information. Some time after you pick up the 2 Rumours in town, new Rumours will spawn. A random NPC will be selected each time. You can keep collecting them and uncovering new POIs this way.

Once you obtain a Rumour, you will see a popup telling you the name of the Rumour, and its supposed location will be marked on the Global Map with a question mark. Sometimes a Rumour can be false information, and you will not find anything at the marked location.


Here is a list of not important Points of Interest which mostly include enemies (Ghoul Den for example) and place to sleep (Camps), they contain nothing more than that and you can skip them in your playthrough.

Just walking by roads you can encounter Shrines and Carts. With Shrines you can receive Blessing and Carts contain loot and sometimes enemies lurking nearby it.

  • Wooden altar
  • Stone shrine
  • Old abandoned cart
  • Broken cart

  • Unique

    This list contains several important Points of Interest. They might have unique NPC, unique loots (such as Witch Hat from the Witch's Hut), unique quest, and special interactions.

    Minor Settlement

    Some Poi can allow fast travelling via service NPCs. While it's not as populated as the regular Settlements, Most will still provide Inn and merchant services

    Examples of some Points of Interest on Map

    See Also

    Page last edited during patch: