Crawler Burrow

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Crawler Burrow
Tier 3 Spawner
Crawler Burrow
Health: 120


Head 0
Body 0
Arms 0
Legs 0

Physical 10%
Slashing 10%
Piercing 10%
Crushing -20%
Rending 10%
Nature 20%
Fire -30%
Frost 70%
Shock 20%
Poison 220%
Caustic 20%
Magic 50%
Unholy 50%
Arcane 50%
Sacred 50%
Psionic 50%

Defensive stats
Block Chance 0%
Bleed Res. 300%
Pain Res. 200%
Block Power 0
Control Res. 300%
Fortitude 0%
Dodge Chance -100%
Move Res. 300%
Crit Avoidance 0%

Offensive stats
Crit Chance 0%
Counter Chance 0%
Stun Chance 0%
Knockb. Chance 0%
Life Leech 0%
Vision 0
Crit Efficiency ×1
Bleed Chance 0%
Daze Chance 0%
Immob. Chance 0%
Energy Leech 0%
Bonus Range 0
Accuracy 0%
Fumble Chance 0%
Stagger Chance 10%
Magic Power 100%
Armor Pen. 0%
Bodypart Dmg 0%

STR: 10
AGL: 10
PRC: 10
VIT: 10
WIL: 10

Faction: carnivore
Size: giant
XP: 200

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Crawlers make their burrows in deep woods, where they hunt small wildlife. Other predators do their best to stay away - crawlers' blood and bites are venomous, and their ability to almost instantaneously heal their fragile carapaces turns any encounter with them into a battle of attrition.
Disambig.png This article is about the enemy spawner. For the Point of Interest, see Crawler Burrow (Location).
Crawlers make their burrows in deep woods, where they hunt small wildlife. Other predators do their best to stay away - crawlers' blood and bites are venomous, and their ability to almost instantaneously heal their fragile carapaces turns any encounter with them into a battle of attrition.


Creates Crawlers.

See also

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