Magic Mastery Treatise I

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Magic Mastery Treatise I/Tooltip


Persistent burn blisters, acid-corroded skin, scabby, crusty ulcers - a novice mage can be spotted from a mile away. There aren't that many ways to amend the situation: some drop the study of magic entirely, others decide to stick with the most simple of spells, and everyone else begins familiarizing themselves with this treatise.


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...Whether you practice magic under careful guidance of your mentor or summon spells on the battlefield, your main priority as a mage is to ensure your own safety. And no, I'm not talking about staying out of your opponent's reach and avoiding close combat. The main danger you will face is Backfire, the inevitable contact with your own overflowing magical energy.

The art of spellcasting can be roughly compared to fencing: in both cases, your skill with a weapon is much more important than a weapon itself, and any wrong move might cost you your life. But when it comes to magic, there's one crucial difference: arcane energies are a double-edged sword, and you have to tightly wrap your fingers around the blade to swing it around.

Indeed, once you master proper breathing, learn how to clearly pronounce magical formulas, and become capable of immaculately performing all the required gestures, the threat of Backfire will not be as looming. But what about beginner mages? What can they do to avoid getting maimed after a single mistake? The answer lies in Seals, special techniques that make it much easier to safely control the flow of energies.

Even the most basic of Seals are invaluable to any practitioner of magic: not only they improve concentration and provide shielding from Backfired spells, but they can also be used to dissipate whirls of previously built-up Aether. This is exactly why I strongly recommend the study of Seals to anyone who's just making their first unsteady steps down the path of magic regardless of their preferred School or chosen Circle...

See also