Raven Heater Shield

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Raven Heater Shield
unique medium shield
Move Resistance: +20%
Block Chance: +20%
Block Power: +22
Dodge Chance: -15%
Energy: -8
Energy Restoration: -3%
Fortitude: +10%
Durability: 200/200

The fearsome Raven Gang, which used to be the scourge of the entire realm, suffered their first and final defeat in the battle of the Hangman's Hill. There were almost no survivors: Sir Wolfard's troops immediately hanged those few bandits they had captured, giving the previously nameless hill its moniker.

Raven Heater Shield
The fearsome Raven Gang, which used to be the scourge of the entire realm, suffered their first and final defeat in the battle of the Hangman's Hill. There were almost no survivors: Sir Wolfard's troops immediately hanged those few bandits they had captured, giving the previously nameless hill its moniker.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also