Warfare Treatise IV

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Warfare Treatise IV/Tooltip


Shadows of Maaf. A Reminder to the Commanders in Service of His Majesty


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Other than horse archers and the ever-present threat of ambushes, the Maafian Empire has prepared yet another nasty surprise for us. Akin to venomous beasts which crawl into tents of careless soldiers, Maafian assassins prey on careless commanders.

Locals call these thugs Shadows, the name perfectly reflecting their dastardly nature. Just like shadows they stalk their targets - high-ranking military leaders and garrison commanders.

Shadows strike only upon gathering full information about their target's routine. Unlike common spies and assassins who are fond of poisons and crossbows, Maafian Shadows always get close and personal.

More often than not they disguise themselves as commoners or merchants in order to attack in the middle of a busy street. Once they get close to their victim, they kill it with a single well-placed strike and then disappear in the resulting commotion. The only protection against such tactics is a sizable escort and the utmost vigilance.

Even if discovered in time, Shadows remain extremely dangerous. They charge towards their target, attempting to fight their way through the guards quickly disposing of the unwary in a whirlwind of steel and magic. Even when mortally wounded, they sometimes manage to reach their mark and, upon murdering it, proceed sowing death among the remaining retinue...

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See also