Aristocrat Warstaff

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Tier 5
Aristocrat Warstaff
Common Staff
24 Crushing Damage

Armor Penetration: +15%
Armor Damage: +10%
Knockback Chance: +25%
Stagger Chance: +25%
Block Chance: +15%
Block Power: +5
Block Power Recovery: +5%
Crit Avoidance: +25%
Skills Energy Cost: +10%
Spells Energy Cost: -5%
Durability: 185/185

Staff duels are a staple of fencers' training, with some fighters growing so confident in their prowess that they don't shy away from bringing the weapon into real combat.

Aristocrat Warstaff
Staff duels are a staple of fencers' training, with some fighters growing so confident in their prowess that they don't shy away from bringing the weapon into real combat.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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