Armored Combat Treatise III

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Armored Combat Treatise III
Written by Velmen Ann
"How to Dress Your Lord for a Battle on Foot"

Allows you to learn the following Armored Combat abilities:

Battering Ram
Custom Adjustments

Reading this book grants some Experience.
Detailed descriptions of knots, seams, and arming points, hand-drawn schemes for custom armor adjustments... And, most importantly, half the listed instructions can be put to use without the help of a personal squire!

Armored Combat Treatise III


Detailed descriptions of knots, seams, and arming points, hand-drawn schemes for custom armor adjustments... And, most importantly, half the listed instructions can be put to use without the help of a personal squire!


Teaches :

Acquired From

  • Random loot from dungeon bookcases.

Book content

...All laces and straps shall be thoroughly waxed, lest they will stretch or tear in the heat of combat. For the same reason, the doublet must not be tightened too zealously.

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Make certain that knee and elbow joints are well-padded with wool and satin. When this task is complete, you may begin the first steps of attaching the plate harness. Proceed bottom to top, layering pieces one over the other.

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Once you securely tie the sabatons to boots, move onto the greaves: the cuisses shall be laced to the bottom of the doublet, thus allowing the body to support some of their weight. Then comes the gambeson and, depending on your Lord's preference, a mail or a hauberk. One should also pay attention to the correct way of fastening the belt.

What happens next depends on the origins of the cuirass and pauldrons. Aldwynn smiths favor simplicity, their armor requiring the barest minimum of arming points. In sharp contrast, heavy breastplates made in the Nistrian tradition might demand at least half an hour to properly equip...

See also

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