Blademaster Greatsword

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Tier 5
Blademaster Greatsword
Unique Two-handed Sword
34 Slashing Damage

Armor Penetration: +33%
Bleed Chance: +30%
Block Chance: +3%
Crit Chance: +7%
Counter Chance: +3%
Fumble Chance: +13%
Skills Energy Cost: +30%
Durability: 170/170

Swordmasters are paid double wages to fight on the frontline - and they don't need to be asked twice to demonstrate why this expense is well-founded.

Blademaster Greatsword
Swordmasters are paid double wages to fight on the frontline - and they don't need to be asked twice to demonstrate why this expense is well-founded.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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