Captain Greatsword

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Tier 5
Captain Greatsword
Common Two-handed Sword
34 Slashing Damage

Armor Penetration: +25%
Bleed Chance: +24%
Crit Chance: +6%
Fumble Chance: +10%
Skills Energy Cost: +35%
Durability: 160/160

For a mercenary warband's captain, a greatsword isn't just a weapon but a proof of their rank and combat experience. And if they need to spend some extra gold to make it stand out, then so be it.

Captain Greatsword
For a mercenary warband's captain, a greatsword isn't just a weapon but a proof of their rank and combat experience. And if they need to spend some extra gold to make it stand out, then so be it.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also