Ceremonial Halberd

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Tier 5
Ceremonial Halberd
Common Spear
31 Slashing Damage

Armor Penetration: +35%
Armor Damage: +26%
Bodypart Damage: +35%
Bleed Chance: +12%
Stagger Chance: +22%
Crit Chance: +10%
Crit Efficiency: +15%
Fumble Chance: +12%
Skills Energy Cost: +40%
Durability: 165/165

The famed Brynnian weaponsmith, Etien Morel, crafted many masterpieces in his lifetime, and this elaborate halberd is one of them. Tragically, his life was cut short when he perished during the siege of Brynn, burning alive along with his workshop.

Ceremonial Halberd
The famed Brynnian weaponsmith, Etien Morel, crafted many masterpieces in his lifetime, and this elaborate halberd is one of them. Tragically, his life was cut short when he perished during the siege of Brynn, burning alive along with his workshop.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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