Chervenian Mace

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Tier 5
Chervenian Mace
Common Mace
29 Crushing Damage

Armor Penetration: +25%
Bleed Chance: +20%
Daze Chance: +20%
Stagger Chance: +30%
Crit Efficiency: +26%
Fumble Chance: -7%
Skills Energy Cost: +20%
Durability: 160/160

The Chervenian nobility is small but proud. Centuries of rivalry with the rest of Nistra's aristocracy have driven them to cultivate a unique style in dress and arms, ensuring they always stand out.

Chervenian Mace
The Chervenian nobility is small but proud. Centuries of rivalry with the rest of Nistra's aristocracy have driven them to cultivate a unique style in dress and arms, ensuring they always stand out.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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