Cleansing Chalice

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Cleansing Chalice
Pain Change:
-0.01% (2880 t)
Intoxication Change:
-0.01% (2880 t)

Drinking from the chalice replenishes 10% Max Energy and removes all negative Physical and Magical effects.

Each removed effect reduces Fatigue by 1%.

Before being lost during the Crimson Plague outbreak, this ancient relic had been used in healing rituals of the High Hieron. According to rumors, it was stolen by an unknown monk, and any attempts at tracking him down proved to be unsuccessful.

Cleansing Chalice
Before being lost during the Crimson Plague outbreak, this ancient relic had been used in healing rituals of the High Hieron. According to rumors, it was stolen by an unknown monk, and any attempts at tracking him down proved to be unsuccessful.

The Cleansing Chalice is an Artifact.

  • Empty Cleansing Chalice only shows text "Can be filled with water". Filling it with water displays the properties listed here.

Acquired From

See Also

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