Emir Flail

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Tier 5
Emir Flail
Common Mace
32 Crushing Damage

Armor Penetration: +15%
Bodypart Damage: +30%
Bleed Chance: +12%
Daze Chance: +20%
Stagger Chance: +45%
Accuracy: -8%
Crit Chance: +6%
Crit Efficiency: +20%
Fumble Chance: +12%
Skills Energy Cost: +25%
Durability: 120/120

The apparent unity of Jibey, Ahjat, and other realms of Jacinth is merely a mirage. In reality, each is a patchwork of diverse tribes, khanates, and emirates, with every local "monarch" wielding almost absolute power over their people.

Emir Flail
The apparent unity of Jibey, Ahjat, and other realms of Jacinth is merely a mirage. In reality, each is a patchwork of diverse tribes, khanates, and emirates, with every local "monarch" wielding almost absolute power over their people.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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