Folio on Jacinth 2-2

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Folio on Jacinth 2-2
Written by Ceremony Master Mashair
"A Reminder to a Dutiful Courtier of the Holy Tiara"

Reading this book grants some Experience.
Even the Ruler of Jacinth, the Most Virtuous of Takiyars, the Inextinguishable Light of Sundanaar, and so on and so forth, considers the ancient custom of addressing him by his full title a tiresome waste of time. Well, that's tradition for you...

Folio on Jacinth 2-2
Even the Ruler of Jacinth, the Most Virtuous of Takiyars, the Inextinguishable Light of Sundanaar, and so on and so forth, considers the ancient custom of addressing him by his full title a tiresome waste of time. Well, that's tradition for you...

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Book content

Anyone close to the Monarch's court shall always remember to address Him by the following titles:

the Great Radiant Jacinth, the Noblest of the Holy Tiara's Gems, the Anointed Al-Murahib, the Blessed Al-Khati, the Guided Al-Nayi, the Most Virtuous of Takiyars, the Ruler of Every People and Tribe, the Absolute Monarch of the South, the North, the East, and the West, the Brilliant Amir of Jibey, the Great Sultan of Ahjat, the Noble Overlord of Mharadjar, the Shah of Shahs of Jarimad, the Inextinguishable Light of Sundanar, the Deathless Despot of Saadir, the Heavenly Priest of Shenfen, the Fearless Warlord of the Ohirian Deserts, the Conqueror of the Golden Cities of Aktum, the Merciful Lord of Botomu Princes, the Wise Overseer of Johara Oasises, the Defender of the Whale Shore, the Scourge of Barcians...

( . . . )

...the Most Cunning among Mortals, the Commander of a Thousand Armies, the Scion of Emperors, the Successor of the Eternal Dynasty, the Phoenix Reborn, the Guardian of the Scarlet Road, the Holder of the Ruby Scepter, the Gracious Redeemer - Arsam XII the Pious.

See Also