Knightly Flanged Mace

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Tier 5
Knightly Flanged Mace
Common Mace
28 Crushing Damage

Armor Penetration: +30%
Daze Chance: +20%
Stun Chance: +15%
Knockback Chance: +15%
Counter Chance: +6%
Skills Energy Cost: +20%
Durability: 170/170

This flanged mace was forged by someone with a creative mindset. Thankfully, the unusual shapes chosen for its head and handle don't retract from the weapon's deadliness or ease of use.

Knightly Flanged Mace
This flanged mace was forged by someone with a creative mindset. Thankfully, the unusual shapes chosen for its head and handle don't retract from the weapon's deadliness or ease of use.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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