Labyrinth Warden Poleaxe

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Tier 5
Labyrinth Warden Poleaxe
Unique Two-handed Axe
28 Slashing Damage
3 Arcane Damage
3 Sacred Damage

Armor Penetration: +33%
Bleed Chance: +33%
Knockback Chance: +24%
Immobilization Chance: +15%
Block Chance: +9%
Block Power: +9
Energy Restoration: +3%
Skills Energy Cost: +33%
Spells Energy Cost: -9%
Magic Power: +9%
Durability: 200/200

The desert east of Hazzun and west of Al-Qaza is veiled in rumors and legends. It is said that at its heart lies the Labyrinth, guarded by faceless, silent warriors. Whatever is kept inside remains a tightly held secret, as no one who entered it has ever returned alive and sane.

Labyrinth Warden Poleaxe
The desert east of Hazzun and west of Al-Qaza is veiled in rumors and legends. It is said that at its heart lies the Labyrinth, guarded by faceless, silent warriors. Whatever is kept inside remains a tightly held secret, as no one who entered it has ever returned alive and sane.

Acquired From

Currently no merchant sells this item.

See also

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